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1、Happy English (马上就要等级考试了,一定要加油呀!) Class_ Grade_等级_ 一、根据提示,补充单词。 tall_更高的)short_更矮的 )old_ 年龄更 大的) strong _更强壮的 ) young_ 更年轻的) big更大的_)heavy_更重的) long_ 更长的) thin_更瘦的)small_(体型)更小的 二、连词成句。 1.How,you,are,tall?_,tall,am,I,164,_ 3.are,You,shorter,me,than,_,4,than,me,are,You,taller,_ 5.I,years,11

2、,am,old_ 6.than,you,one,I,am,year,older,_ 7.How,are,heavy,you?_ 8.bigger,stronger,and,you,than,me,are,_ _. 9.159,cm,tall,is,he,_ 10.thinner,shorter,and,I,am,you,than _ 11.big,are,feet,how,your?_ 12.legs,how,long,are,your?_ 13.wear,size,17,I,_ 三、补充单词,谁最快,最准。 Unit 2:have a _ 发烧, have a _喉咙疼 have a _感冒

3、, have a t_thache 牙疼, have a h_dache 头疼, m_tter 事情,麻烦 , s_ 疼的 h_t 疼痛 , n_se 鼻子 t_d 疲劳的,累的 ex_ted 兴奋的 an_y 生气的 , h_ppy 高兴的, b_d 无聊的,烦人的 s_d 忧伤的, 悲伤的, )w_tchw_ed 看, last w_k_d 上一个周末 四、写出下列单词的 ed 形式,不要出错呀! w_sh clo_es_ 洗衣服, get to_到达 cl_n the room_打扫房间了, played football_踢足球了) v _ g_看 望外祖父母了, do homewor

4、k _写作业了 l_n Chinese_学汉语了, sing and dance_ 唱歌和跳舞了, eat good food_吃好吃的食物了, take pictures_ 照相, climb a mountain_爬山, have a lot of fun_ ,buy presents_买礼物, row a boat_ 划船 ,see elephants_ 看大象, go skiing_去滑雪, go ice-skating_去滑冰, go to a park_ 去公园了,go swimming_去 游泳,_ go fishing_ 去钓鱼了, r_d b_ks _读书了, go hiki

5、ng_ 去郊游了 五、连词成句。 1.sick,feel,I,_ 2.feel,you,do,how,_ 3.matter,the,what,is,?_ 4.sore,my,throat,is,_,nose,hurts,_,look,you,happy,_ 7.I,the,math,failed,test._ 8. did ,what,you,do,weekend,on,the,?_,visited,grandparents,I,last,day(21_) _ 10.the,monkey,yellow,is,than,stronger,the,one,brown.

6、 _ 11.tail,is,smaller,his_ 12.hands,than,bigger,my,are,yours._ 13.mine,than,your,hair,is,longer,_ 14.them,did,help,you,room,their,clean?_ 15.last,did,do,you,what,day?_ 16.what,did,he,do,yesterday?_ 17.did,read,books,you,?_ 18.Amy,is,excited_Amy,excited,feels_. 19.going,to,are,we,match,have,a,footbal

7、l,_ 1)last ,what ,you ,do ,did, weekend?_ 2) visit ,grandparents,did,you,your,yesterday_ 3)on,holiday,where,did,you,go,your?_ 4)did,do,there,what,you?_ 5)sang,danced,and,I,my,new,with,friends,_ 6)did,you,how,go,on,holiday,your,there?_ 7)when,did,you,there,go,?_ 8)are,going,where,you,next,weekend?_ 9

8、)with,who,going,are,you,?_ 10)far,is,Kunming,from,Beijing?_ 六、用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1)He _buy) a dictionary next week. 2)Mike _ ( visit) his grandparents last weekend. 3)Did you_ clean) the room last Sunday? 4)Amy _(watch) TV every weekend. 5)Look, they_ (fly) kites now. 七、阅读题: 1、Dear Chen Jie: How are you?

9、 I cant wait to show you my holiday pictures. Last week , my father mother and I came Hangzhou by train. It is a beautiful place. I had so much fun here. I went to the West Lake and rowed a boat. I saw many fish in the lake. I also climbed a mountain. There are colorful flowers, green trees in the m

10、ountain. I took many pictures. Hang Zhou food is tasty. I went to a restaurant and ate good food. Ill be back on Monday . I bought presents for you. Whats it? Guess. Yours Sarah 回答下列问题 1)Where did they go on the holiday?_ 2)What did he do there ?_ _ _ 3) When did they do there?_ 4) How did they go t

11、here? _ 5) Who did she go with? _ 6) When will she be back?_ 7) Did she buy presents for Chenjie?_ 八、翻译小文章: An apple a day keeps the doctor away A: My God! Youre not looking well._ B: Ive felt tried lately. _ A: Im sorry to hear that. Whats the matter?_ B: I dont know._ A: Youd better eat some apples everyday. You see, an apple a day keeps the doctor away._ B: Yes, I will. Its very kind of you. Many thanks._ A: Youre welcome._-_ Notes: 1. lately: 近来,最近。 2. Youd better: 你最好(是在给别人建议时经常使用的语句)

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