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1、高二英语下期期末模考试卷 第 I 卷(三部分 共 115 分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A19.5 B9.15 C9.18. 答案是 B。 1How much will the woman pay for the books? A$ 2.5. B$ 4.5. C$

2、 7.5. 2What does the man mean? AHe believes the concert hall is crowded. BHe does not want to sit close to the stage. CHe would rather stand than sit. 3Whats the womans attitude towards Marks interest? AShe thinks Mark should do what he wants. BShe thinks Mark should take more interest in their busi

3、ness. CShe wishes Mark could become an artist. 4What can we learn from the conversation? AThe woman is used to going shopping by car now. BThe man has trouble in going shopping on foot. CThe man can walk to the nearest shop. 5What are they talking about? AThe environmental problem. BThe health probl

4、em. CThe educational problem. 第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选项最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读 各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读 两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? AWaitress and customer.

5、BBoss and employee. CMother and son. 7What is the woman doing? AAsking Kevin to turn off the light. BTelling Kevin to see in the dark. CTrying to persuade Kevin to eat carrots. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8Why does the woman want to move out of her present flat? AIt costs her too much. BIts too far from

6、her school. CIts shared by too many roommates. 9What kind of flat is the woman looking for? AOne with furniture near the school. BOne with enough space. COne where she can live alone. 10How is the man going to help the woman? ATo share his own flat with her. BTo seek a flat in the school. CTo visit

7、some flats himself. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 11How does the man feel about the football training? AHard and boring. BExciting and funny. CStrict and long. 12Which is TRUE according to the dialogue? AThe Northern City team will surely win the cup. BThe mans team will surely score at least four goals i

8、n the match. CThe man is sure that their team will win the cup. 13When does the dialogue most probably take place? ADuring the football training. BBefore an important football match. CAfter the man scored a goal. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。 14What can we learn about the couple? AThey are employed in a r

9、estaurant. BThey have a restaurant in the shopping center. CThey own a successful restaurant. 15What is the man considering? ABeing employed by the two men. BOpening a branch in the center. CPassing their management to George and Jane. 16Who are George and Jane? ARelatives. BNeighbors. CSon and daug

10、hter. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17What is Daniel? AHe is a singer. BHe is an actor. CHe is a film producer. 18How many places did Daniel visit in China? ATwo BThree. CFour. 19Which word can be best used to describe Daniel? AUpset. BLucky. CPoor. 20Which of the following is NOT Daniels interest? ALear

11、ning English. BDirecting films. CDrawing pictures. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题,每小 题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. The information he gave us is more important than _ we got ourselves. A. one B. those C. that D. the one 22. Youd better fly somewhere in the west

12、. Then you can _ a hire car and travel aro und. A. take up B. get on C. pick up D. turn on 23. Got your driving license? No. I _ too busy to have enough practice, so I didnt take the driving test last w eek. A. was B. am C. have been D. had been 24. Why do you look sad? There are so many problems _.

13、 A. remaining to settle B. remained settling C. remaining to be settled D. remained to be settled 25.The farm _ we see today is no longer the one _it was ten years ago. A. that; that B. where; that C. where; where D. which; which 26. What has happened here? There was_ accident here about an hour ago

14、_ car hit a tree and _ driver was killed. A. the; A;the B. an; A; the C. an; The; a D. the; The; a 27. Excuse me! _ How can I get to No.1 middle school? A. Yes? B. Thats OK. C. Whats wrong? D. Pardon? 28. Didnt they come to the party last week? Yes. They didnt want to come with us at first, but then

15、 we _ persuade them. A. would B. could C. were able to D. had to 29. Only _ as an interpreter _ how important it is to grasp English. A. when did I work; I realized B. when I worked; I realized C. when did I work; did I realize D. when I worked; did I realize 30. The novel is, I have to say, not a b

16、it interesting. How do you find it? Why! Its _ that I have ever read. A. a less interesting B. a more interesting C. a most interesting D. the most interesting 31. It is necessary that people both young and old in China _ some English to be prepared for the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in 200

17、8. A. learn B. will learn C. must learn D. have learned 32. Mike, what did our monitor say just now? Every boy and every girl as well as teachers who _ to visit the museum _ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning. A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is 33. After _ seemed an e

18、ndless effort, the patient was finally able to carry out _ seemed a perfect normal walk. A. what; what B. that; that C. it; that D. which; it 34. The chief manager has decided to put _ he thinks is energetic, clever, and has go od qualities in the position of the leadership of the company. A. those

19、who B. anyone C. whomever D. whoever 35. Before the final examination, many students have shown _ of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite. A. anxiety B. marks C. signs D. remarks 第二节 完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从 3655 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出

20、最佳选项。 About once a month I have to go to Degford for my work. One day I went into a hotel there to have something to 36 . The waiter 37 my coat and put it in a small room. About an hour later I was 38 to go. The waiter 39 my coat to me. 40 something fell out of the pocket onto the floor. It was a sm

21、all white box. Then I took a good look at the 41 . “Oh, youve Brought someone 42 coat,” I said to the waiter. “It looks very much like mine, 43 it is quite new, and this isnt my box, either.” “Oh, then I 44 someone has taken you coat and left this,” said the waiter, “This kind of thing 45 sometimes.

22、” I opened the box. There was a beautiful gold ring in it. So I went 46 to the police station. “ 47 lost a ring?” I asked. “Yes,” said a policeman. “A young man who came in this morning lost a ring. He lost it in London.” He 48 the young man. A few minutes later, the man arrived. “Yes, this is my ri

23、ng,” he said, “How can I 49 you, sir? You see, I paid a lot of money for this ring and 50 I lost it on the train!” After I told him the 51 of the coat, he said, “You havent been on the train. I havent been in the hotel. So how did my ring 52 in the coat?” “Did 53 sit or stand next to you on the trai

24、n?” asked the policeman. “Yes,” said the young man, “But I dont remember his face.” “You may remember this coat,” said the policeman, “Was it like this one?” “Yes, it was,” said the young man. “But my friend here 54 the thief.” The policeman laughed. “ 55 ,” he said, “The thief on the train stole yo

25、ur ring, and like our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food. Only he didnt take the right coat away with him.” 36. A. do B. buy C. eat D. deal with 37. A. took B. found C. liked D. watched 38. A. anxious B. glad C. invited D. ready 39. A. showed B. returned C. brought D. dressed 40. A

26、. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Obviously D. At once 41. A. ring B. box C. coat D. pocket 42. A. lost B. missed C. new D. elses 43. A. but B. and C. instead D. for 44. A. know B. wonder C. suppose D. find 45. A. appears B. happens C. meets D. changes 46. A. around B. about C. ahead D. over 47. A. Has anyon

27、e B. Has she C. Who D. Have you 48. A. telephoned B. remembered C. wrote to D. knew 49. A. return B. thank C. find D. help 50. A. then B. so C. yet D. however 51. A. story B. price C. model D. size 52. A. come B. put C. set D. be 53. A. he B. the thief C. the waiter D. anyone 54. A. discovered B. is

28、nt C. has caught D. doesnt know 55. A. Im afraid not B. Yes C. No D. Surely 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 天星 教育网 A A Did you know that vegetables can grow in the climates they are not used to? Cool climate vegetables like asparagus (芦笋 ) are now able to be gr

29、own in places as hot as Hawaii. In Hawaii, marine (海的)engineers have been able to actually let you believe such vegetables that they are living in cooler climates. In that way they grow faster and taste better. What these engineers have been using is very simply cold sea water. How did they use it?

30、They place pipes in the soil and cold water flowing through them cools the earth. This causes plant growth and enables gardeners in tropical climates (热带气候 ) to grow crops from cooler climates. Also some of these pipes are exposed to the air and they make the air “wet” and thus water the gardens. Wh

31、at especially makes people happy about this process (过程) is that nothing to the natural conditions is being used. Another new use for cold ocean water is to cool buildings. Engineers believe that for example the entire west coast of the United States could be air-conditioned using seawater. 56. What

32、 does the new system enable the gardeners to do? A. Water the field with seawater. B. Grow asparagus in hot places. C. Grow cool climate vegetables in hot areas. D. Cool the soil. 57. Sea water mentioned in the passage is mainly used to_. A. water the farms B. water the gardens C. cool the air D. ma

33、ke the earth cool 58. What is the report mainly about? A. How to grow vegetables in hot areas. B. How to grow crops in tropical climates. C. How to cool the soil. D. How to use sea water. 59. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. sea water can act as an air-conditioner B. asparagus are only

34、 grown in hot places C. the writer wants to tell us something about scientific advance D. sea water has many advantages B My first performance in front of an audience was coming up soon. I tried as hard as I could to remain calm, but my heart was racing. I stared down at my sweat- covered, shaking h

35、ands. I looked up again at the audience, realizing that these were real people. They were not just my mum and dad, who would say, “Good job!” even if I messed up the entire piece. What if I had the wrong music? What if I played the wrong notes? As it turned out, I was never able to answer these ques

36、tions because the spotlight (聚光灯) was waiting for me. I grasped my hands tightly together, drying off the sweat. Slowly I walked to the mud-brown piano in the center of the room. It contained 88 demanding keys, which were waiting impatiently to be played. I swallowed the golf-ball-sized lump (隆起部分)

37、in my throat and sat down. Slowly, I opened the music. Next, I rested my still shaking hands on the ivory (象牙色的) keys. As my fingers played across the keys, I was becoming more unsure of my preparation for this moment. But the memory of my years of training came flooding back. I knew that I had prac

38、ticed this piece so many times that I could play it backwards if requested. Although at one point I accidentally played two keys instead of the intended one, I continued to move my fingers automatically (自动地). My eyes burned holes into (were fixed on) the pages in front of me. There was no way that

39、I was going to lose my concentration. To keep this to myself, I leaned forward and focused carefully on the music. When l came to the end of the page, a warning went off inside my head: DONT MAKE A MISTAKE WHEN YOU TURN THE PAGE! Needless to say, 1 obeyed myself with all my heart and mind. And, prou

40、d of my “page- turning” feat (技艺), I finished the rest of the piece without making a single mistake. After the final note died away, a celebration went into action inside my head. I had finished. I had mastered the impossible. 60. The author was nervous before the performance because _. A. his or he

41、r mother and father werent present B. the strong spotlight was shining onto the stage C. he or she hadnt mastered the entire piece D. he or she had never performed in public before 61. The underlined phrase “mess up” in Paragraph 3 probably means _. A. put into disorder B. forget about C. stop halfw

42、ay D. do well in 62. The author _. A. didnt make any mistake in the performance B. felt better at the beginning of the performance C. paid all attention to nothing but his / her performance D. lost his / her concentration sometimes during the performance 63. What did the author feel about his / her

43、performance? A. He / She thought it was comfortable and successful. B. He / She thought it was very difficult but successful. C. He / She thought he / she had never made a mistake during the performance. D. He / She thought he / she played through the piece carefully but light-heartedly. C The Giant

44、 Squid In The Deep Ocean Japanese scientists have taken the first photographs of one of the most mysterious creatures in the deep ocean the giant squid( 鱿鱼 ). Until now the only information about the behavior of the creatures which measure up to 18 meters (59 feet) in length has been based on dead o

45、r dying squid washed up on shore or captured in commercial fishing nets. But Tsunemi Kubodera, of the National Science Museum, and Kyoichi Mori of the Ogasawara Whale Watching Association, both in Tokyo have captured the first images of Architeuthis attacking bait(鱼饵 ) 900 meters below the surface i

46、n the cold, dark waters of the North Pacific. “We show the first wild images of a giant squid in its natural environment,” they said in a report in the journal Proceedings B of the Royal Society. Little is known about the creatures because it has been so difficult to locate and study them alive. Lar

47、ge ships and specialist equipment, which is costly, are needed to study deep sea environments. The Japanese scientists found the squid by following sperm whales, the most effective hunters of giant squid, as they gathered to feed between September and December in the deep waters off the coast of the

48、 Ogasawara Islands in the North Pacific. They used a remote long-line camera and depth logging system to capture the giant squid in the ocean depths. The most dramatic character of giant squids is the pair of extremely long tentacles(触角,触 须 ), distinct from the eight shorter arms. The long tentacles make up to two-thirds of the length of the dead specimens((标本,样本) to date. The giant squid appear to be a m

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