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1、闽教版新版小学六年级英语上期期末检测卷 年班级 座号 姓名 分数 一、正确抄写下列单词短语或句子,并译成汉语。 (注意标点符号与大小写,共 20 分) late pass holiday america a pair of shorts ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. i often exercise in the morning ( ) 2. what did you have for breakfast this morning( ) 3.the earth goes around the sun ( ) 二、单项选择。 (5 分) ( )1.- did you go yes

2、terday? I went to Fuzhou. A. When B. How C. Where ( ) 2. Sally will have a birthday party January 29th. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 3. They didnt have enough food. They were very . A. hungry B. angry C. glad ( ) 4. Does he often go swimming? Yes, . A. he is B. he does C. he doesnt ( ) 5. Vegetables you. A

3、. are good for B. are bad for C. are good at 三、看图,将单词补充完整。 (5 分) pl nt tom t tr sers s p c dy 四、从方框中选择正确的动词填在相应的横线上。 (12 分) have has gets got go went do did 1.Li Hong usually up at six thirty. But this morning she up at seven thirty. 2. Li Hong usually breakfast at 6:45. But yesterday she didnt brea

4、kfast. 3. Hello, kids. Lets some housework. She her homework last night. 4. Hu Ping will to Shanghai tomorrow. Sally to school by bus yesterday. 五、选择方框中正确的短语填空。 (6 分) 1.Wang Tao every morning. 2. Sally usually on Sunday. 3. She will in the winter vacation. 4. He is now. 5. He often . 6. I ofen . 六、从

5、方框内选择与图意相符的句子,将其序号填入相应下的括号内。(8 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 七、从下面方框内选出恰当的问句完成对话,将其序号填入对话框内的横线上。 (8 分) A. Pass me the corn, please. B. The moon goes around the earth. C. We love sports. D. In the Chinese story there is a rabbit on the moon. E. Wang Tao had corn, ice cream and cakes for lunch. waters the fl

6、owers makes his bed do her homework sweeps the floor playing football watches a film 八、从 B 栏中选择 A 栏的相应的答句,把相应的序号写在前面的括号内。 (10 分) A B ( ) 1. What will you do on Sunday? A. No, I didnt. ( ) 2. Did you clean your room last night? B. No, I dont. ( ) 3. Whats your favorite festival? C. Ill go to the park

7、. ( ) 4. When is Thanksgiving? D. Childrens Day. ( ) 5. Do you usually get up early? E. The last Thursday of November. 九、选择方框中的句子补全对话,把相应的序号填在横线上。 (8 分) (一) A:What did you have for lunch today? B: A: Did you have vegetables? B: A: Thats not a good diet. B: Youre right. Thank you! A: (二) A: B: This i

8、s Sally. A. Would you like some soup? B. Whose dirty socks are those? C. Why did you go to bed so late? D. May I speak to Sally, please? B:I think theyre Ben s. A: B: Yes, please. A: A: B: I watched a football game on TV. A. Youre welcome. B. No, I didnt. C. I had a hamburger and some Coke. D. You m

9、ust have vegetables every day. A. Its not good for you. B. When is it? C. Yes, I love sports. D. I watch the Spring Festival Party on TV. A: The Spring Festival is coming. B: A: February 18th. How do you spend it? B: I can play computer games, too. A: You cant play games all day. You must do your ho

10、mework. B: Yes. Are you going to do some sports? A: . You can play basketball with me. 十、选择 in,on,at 填空。 (8 分) 1. the morning 2. fall 3. Tuesday 4. 2015 5. half past six 6. September 9th 7. home 8. January 十一、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用 “F”表示。 (10 分) Hello! My name is Tom. I get up early every day. I u

11、sually go to school on foot. I am not late for school. I like English very much. Im good at English. My favorite food is beef. I didnt do housework in the past. But now I often help my mother do housework at home. I can clean the room and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on weekends(周末)? ( ) 1. Tom gets up late every day. ( ) 2. Tom is not good at English. ( ) 3. Tom likes beef very much. ( ) 4. Tom often does housework at home now. ( ) 5. Tom often plays the piano on Saturdays.

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