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1、第二学期期末测试题(Unit 1526) 语音 A)从 A、B、C 或 D 中送出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的选项 1though Athought Bcaught Ccough Dalthough 2pioneer Aheard Bpair Chear Dfield 3match Achickent BChristmas Cschool Dchemistry 4afraid Amountain Bplayer Csaid Dsays 5please Athis Bwas Cpass Dchips B)在每组中选出一个与其他三个划线部分读音不同的选项 6Acourse Bour Chour D

2、flower 7Aearly Bjourney Cappear Dheard 8Atrick Bfilm Cmilk Dfight 9Aangry Buncle Csand Dblank 10Athink Bsmooth Chealth Dmaths 口语交际选择题 1-Have you slept well? -_ AYes. Thanks. BNo, I didnt CYes, I havent. DNo. I have 2-May I watch TV now, Mummy? -No, you _ because you havent done your homework. Amay n

3、ot Bcant Cmustht Ddont 3-Your English is very good. -_. AMy English is very good. BWell, it is CNo, I have a lot to do DThank you 4-Will you help me with my English? -_. AIts a pleasure BWith pleasure CYoure welcome DIm busy now 5-When shall we meet this evening or tomorrow morning? -I dont mind. _.

4、 AAny time is OK BBoth time is OK CEither is OK DBoth is not OK 词类转换 1Dont be afraid of the hear. It is _ (die). 2The speaker spoke so a lowly that we could understand him _(easy) 3Its _ (rain). I wont go out. 4Its so _ (noise). Please turn down the radio a bit. 5She plays the piano _ (badly) than a

5、ny other student in her class. 6Trees should be _ (plant) in spring. 7There is some _ (difficult) in our work. 8Were _ (interest) in physics. 9The boos went of the office _ (angry). 10He fell _ (sleep) after hard work. 句型转换 1He said, “We dont know when the basketball game will begin?” He said that _

6、 (1) _ (2)know when the basketball game _ (3)begin. 2They heard of the news, and hurried to school. _ (4)they heard of the news, they went to school in _ (5) _ (6). 3He asked me,“Have you seen the film?” He asked me _ (7) _ (8) _ (9)seen the film. 4The box is so heavy that the little boy cant move i

7、t. This is _(10) _ (11) _ (12) box that the little boy cant move it. 5The truck hit the tree very hard, and it fell down. The truck hit the tree _ (13) _ (14) _ (15) it fell down. 6The shoes cost 50 yuan. The _ (16) of the shoes _ (17) 50 yuan. 7She doesnt know where she will get the book. She doesn

8、t know _ (18) _ (19) _(20) the book. 解释词语 1In winter water usually changes into ice. Atakes Bturns Cgets Dgoes 2Theyre going to Britain the following month. Athis Bthat Cnext Dlast 3Would you please ring me up when you come back? Agive me a telephone call Bwake me up Ctake a message for me Dsend me

9、a letter 4Toms father has just returned from America. Acame back Bcome back Cbeen Dgone 5We didnt reach the top because it was too hot. Aarrive at Barrive Cgot Dgot to 单项填空 1The lost girl doesnt know _ to go. Awhat Bwhere Cwhich Dthat 2She said she had heard the news the day _. Alater Bafter Cbefore

10、 Dago 3Thats just the _ size for my mother. Ill take it. Asame Blarge Csmall Dright 4My new house is _ stone. Amade of Bmade in Cmade by Dmade from 5The old woman hurt herself so _ that the policeman took her to a hospital. Abad Bbadly Chard Dhardly 6He got so angry that he could _ a word. Aspeak Bt

11、ell Ctalk Dsay 7- Whats wrong with you? -I dont feel like _. Aeat Bto eat Ceating Date 8How are you feeling now? Im feeling _. Amuch bad Beven badly Cmuch badly Deven worse 9Shall we _ him _ from the school? Aletaway Bwanttake Ckeepaway Dgetgo away 10They can hardly do it by themselves, _ ? Acant th

12、ey Bcan it Ccan they Dcant it 11I wonder _ you are interested in French. Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dif 12Ill give him the key to the room _ I meet him. Asince Bas soon as Cbecause Dunless 13Excuse me, comrades. Is this watch _ ? Ayour Bher Cyours DMr Smith 14Either you or I _ on the football team. Aam Bare

13、 Cis Dwere 15It is a long time _ I saw him. Asince Bbefore Cafter Dwhen 将括号内的动词变为适当形式,必要时加入适当的情态动词 Mike in an Australian boy. He 1 (stay) in Beijing now because his parents work in China. Mike 2 (not, see) snow before. He thinks he 3 (have) his first“White Christmas”in his life. Mike likes to collec

14、t(收集)stamps. He has collected a lot of Chinese stamps since he 4 (come) to China. Mike is studying Chinese now. The Chinese is difficult for him, but he 5 (study) hard. He 6 (learn) about five hundred Chinese words. And he 7 (write) a little Chinese now. Mike is learning to skate(滑冰)on real ice. He

15、has had a lot of falls(摔跤), but the falls make him 8 (learn) faster. Mike said,“I enjoy 9 (live) in China, and I 10 (be) able to learn a lot in China.” 完形填空 Mr Smith lives in the small village, but he works in an office in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes 1 the same way.

16、One morning while he was 2 his newspaper on the train, a man 3 him came up to him. Mr Smith had not met him before. The man said,“ 4 ”to him and then 5 to talk to him. The man said,“Your 6 isnt interesting, is it? You got on the same train at the same at ation at the same time 7 morning and you alwa

17、ys sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.” When Mr Smith 8 this, he put his newspaper down, turned around and 9 to the man angrily,“How do you know all that about me?” “Because Im 10 sitting in the same seat behind you,” the man answered. 1Afamily Bhouse Cvillage Dhome 2Aseeing Blooking C

18、reading Dfinding 3Abefore Bbehind Cbeside Dnext to 4ASorry BThanks CHello DGoodbye 5Arefused Bstopped Cordered Dbegan 6Alife Bwork Coffice Dchild 7Aone Bevery Cthis Dyesterday 8Aheard Blistened Cfound Dfelt 9Aasked Bsaid Ctold Dtalked 10Anever Bhardly Calways Dsometimes 阅读理解 Mark Twain, the famous A

19、merican writer, liked to play jokes on others. But once a joke was played on him. One day Mark Twain was asked to give a talk in a small town. At lunch he met a young man he knew who told him that he had an uncle who never laughed or smiled. The young man told Mark Twain that nobody and nothing coul

20、d possibly make his uncle smile and laugh. “You bring your uncle to my talk tonight,”said Mark Twain“Im sure I can make him laugh.” That evening the young man and his uncle sat in the first row. Mark Twain spoke directly(正好地)at the old man. He told some rather interesting stories, which made everyon

21、e in the hall laugh. But the old man never even smiled. Mark Twain told the most interesting stories he knew. But the old mans face was still a blank. At last Mark Twain stopped. He felt tired and discouraged. (失去信心的) Some days later, Mark Twain told a friend of his about what had happened.“Oh”, sai

22、d his friend,“I know that old man. He has been deaf(聋的)for years.” 1Which of the following sentences is not true? AMark Twain could make everyone laugh except the old man BMark Twain liked to play jokes on others. CNobody ever played a joke on Mark Twain. DOnce a young man played a joke on Mark Twai

23、n. 2The young man Mark Twain met at lunch told him that _. Ahis uncle liked to listen to Mark Twains talk Bhis uncle could not possibly be made to laugh and smile Chis uncle never laughed at people Dnobody and nothing could make his uncle stop laughing or smile 3Mark Twain told the young man _. Ato

24、bring his uncle to lunch Bto ask his uncle to talk there that night Che could make his uncle laugh Dto sit in the first row with his uncle 4Mark Twains stories made everyone in the hall laugh except _. Athe old man Bthe young man CMark Twain himself Da friend of Mark Twains 5Mark Twain could not mak

25、e the old man laugh because _. Athe old man couldnt laugh Bthe old man didnt want to laugh Chis stories were not interesting enough Dthe old man couldnt hear Mark Twains stories 阅读填空。根据短文内容和文中提示的第一个字母,把单词拼 写完整 A good breakfast is i _ (1). You can easily under stand it. By breakfast time you have not

26、 eaten a _ (2) for about twelve hours. Your body needs f _ (3) for m _ (4) activities(活动). One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and f _ (5). On a cold morning a cup of h _ (6) drink is good for your health. You must get up early to have p _ (7) of time to eat breakfast. A good br

27、eakfast h _ (8) you to smile easily. it helps you to be more friendly and also to work b _ (9) and play more happily. Your whole day will be interesting after you have e _ (10) a good breakfast. 补全对话 Shopkeeper-S Ann-A S:What can I_ (1) for you? A:Id _ (2) a sweater. S:Well, which _ (3) do you like? A:I prefer white. S:White? what _ (4) this white _ (5)?A:It looks nice. How _ (6) does it cost?S: Fifty yuan. A:Hmm! Thats _ (7) expensive. Can I _ (8) it on, please? S: _ (9). A:OK. Ill _ (10) it.

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