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1、英国威廉王子与凯特婚礼宣誓仪式誓词 Archbishop to Prince William: William Arthur Philip Louis, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to Gods law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other

2、, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live? 坎特伯雷大主教:威廉阿瑟菲利普刘易斯,你是否愿意以她为妻,与她在神圣的婚约中 共同生活,无论是疾病或健康、贫穷或富裕,你也愿意爱她、安慰她、尊敬她、保护她, 并愿意在有生之年对她忠心不变? William: I will. 威廉:我愿意。 Archbishop to Catherine: Catherine Elizabeth, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to

3、 Gods law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live? 大主教:凯瑟琳伊丽莎白,你是否愿意以他为夫,与他在神圣的婚约中共同生活,无论是 疾病或健康、贫穷或富裕,你也愿意爱他、安慰他、尊敬他、保护他,并愿意在有生之年 对他忠心不变? Cather

4、ine: I will. 凯特:我愿意。 The Archbishop: Who giveth this woman to be married to this man? 大主教:请将新娘的手交给新郎。 The Archbishop receives Catherine from her fathers hand. Taking Catherines right hand, Prince William says after the Archbishop: 大主教从凯特父亲之手接过凯特,威廉握着凯特右手,随大主教说: I, William Arthur Philip Louis, take t

5、hee, Catherine Elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to Gods holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth. 我,威廉阿瑟菲利普刘易斯在神圣的婚约中以你,凯瑟琳伊莉萨白作

6、为我的妻子,今 后无论顺境或逆境,无论富有或贫穷,健康或疾病,都彼此相爱、珍惜,直到死亡才能把 我们分开。我向你承诺。 Catherine, taking Prince William by his right hand, says after the Archbishop: 凯特握着威廉右手,随大主教说: I, Catherine Elizabeth, take thee, William Arthur Philip Louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for

7、worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to Gods holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth. 我,凯瑟琳伊丽莎白在神圣的婚约中以你,威廉阿瑟菲利普刘易斯作为我的丈夫,今 后无论顺境或逆境,无论富有或贫穷,健康或疾病,都彼此相爱、珍惜,直到死亡才能把 我们分开。我向你承诺。 The Archbishop blesses the ring: Bless, O L

8、ord, this ring, and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other, and abide in thy peace and favour, and live together in love until their lives end. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 大主教:上帝保佑这枚戒指,保佑赠予戒指的人和接受戒指的人将对彼此忠诚,永远相爱, 直到生命结束。 Prince William takes t

9、he ring and places it upon the fourth finger of Catherines left hand. Prince William says after the Archbishop: With this ring I thee wed; with my body I thee honour; and all my worldly goods with thee I share: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 威廉为凯特戴上戒指:以圣父、圣子、

10、圣灵之名,我将娶你、赐你荣耀,与你分享我的财 富,阿门。 The congregation remains standing as the couple kneels. The Archbishop says: Let us pray. O Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life: send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this man and this woman

11、, whom we bless in thy name; that, living faithfully together, they may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, whereof this ring given and received is a token and pledge; and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws; through Jesus Ch

12、rist our Lord. Amen. 大主教:永恒的上帝、造物者和万物的守卫者,他赐予我们高贵的精神,他享有永恒的生 命,将庇佑这对新人。他们将履行自己的誓言,这枚戒指将作为见证,永居于和平安乐之 中,跟随上帝的旨意。阿门。 The Archbishop joins their right hands together and says: Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder. 大主教将凯特和威廉的手放在一起:愿上帝使之结合的两个人,永远不会被人分开。 The Archbishop addresses the

13、congregation: Forasmuch as William and Catherine have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by joining of hands; I

14、pronounce that they be man and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 大主教:鉴于威廉与凯特已经同意缔结婚姻,并且已经交换誓言和戒指,我现在以圣父、 圣子、圣灵之名,宣布他们正式结为夫妇,阿门。 The Archbishop blesses the couple: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the

15、Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen. 大主教:圣父圣子圣灵将保佑你们,赐你们以恩惠和心灵上的平和,你们将因此度过一生, 并迎接永生的到来。 (Name), today I take you to be my (husb

16、and/wife). Together we will create a home, becoming a part of one another. I vow to help create a life that we can cherish, inspiring your love for me and mine for you. I vow to be honest, caring and truthful, to love you as you are and not as I want you to be, and to grow old by your side as your l

17、ove and best friend. 4. (Name), today I take you for my (wife/husband). I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind, and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

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