1、销售合同 Sales Contract 合同编号(Contract No.) 甲方 乙方 Party A Party B 地址 地址 Address Address 联系电话 联系电话 传真 Fax 传真 Fax 供需双方根据中华人民共和国合同法及相关法律规定,经友好协商,签订本合同并信守下列条款,共同严格履行: Through friendly negotiation, and under the PRC Contract Law as well as other relevant regulations, Party A and Party B agree to be bound by t
2、he following terms: 1. 产品及服务(单位:元人民币)Product and Services (unit: RMB) 产品编号 (Code) 名称 (Name) 数量 (Quantity) 规格 (Specification) 单价 (Unit Cost) 总金额 (Total Cost) 金额总计(Total): 2. 交货 Delivery Name: 交货时间: (Delivery Time) 交货地点:(Delivery Address) 需方收货人 (Contact for delivery) Number: 3. 验收 Acceptance of Goods
3、3.1. 需方在验收中如发现产品名称、型号规格、数量、质量与本合同规定条件不符, 须在产品到货后 7 日内提出书面异议和处理意见, 如需方未按规定期限提出书面异议的,视为供方所交产品符合合同 规定。 In case of any discrepancies found in either the product name, specification, quantity or quality, Party A should submit, within 7 days of the arrival of any goods, a written report to Party B for con
4、sideration and/or correction, otherwise goods delivered shall be regarded as contract compliant. 4. 结算方式及付款期限 Terms of Payment and Bank Details 付款:(Terms of Payment) 100%CIA 账户信息: (Party B Bank Details) 公司名称: Company name: 账号: Account No: 开户银行: 5. 合同纠纷 Disputes 5.1. 本合同如发生纠纷,双方应本着 协商解决问题的方式处理;若协商不成或
5、不愿协商时,双方均可向其公司注册地的当地法院 进行 起诉。 In the light of any disputes, both parties should seek to negotiate a settlement and/or solution. When no agreement can be reached, they may file a lawsuit to the local court where the company is registered for final resolution. 5.2. 双方未尽事宜应提前 7 日以 书面形式通知对方,并令签署补充协议;协议享
6、有同等法律效力。 If there is anything not mentioned in this contract which needs to be included, a written notice should be sent to the other party, and a supplementary agreement should be signed, which will have equal legal force. 6. 相关违约责 任 Liabilities 6.1. 若出现数量短缺或质量问题,乙方应以赔偿或补货。 Party B shall undertake
7、to replace the products, refund Party A, or reduce the purchase price in accordance with the warranty. 6.2. 甲方逾期付款的,向 乙方支付逾期每日按照货款的千分之五作为违约金。 If Party A fails to pay all monies owed in full, by the agreed times, Party B shall be entitled to accrue 0.5% of the total amount per day as default which wi
8、ll be added to the amount owed. 7. 保修及退货 Warranty and Returns 7.1. 若无正当理由, 货品一经售出不退不 换。 No product sold may be returned or exchanged without a copy of this original sales contract, and without good reason. 7.2. Adept 产品包括 12 个月的零件保修, 12 个月的人工保修,都在从发货装运时计算。 Adepts products include a 12-month warranty
9、 for parts, and a 12-month warranty for labor and travel, both commencing at time of shipment from Adept. 7.3. 产品质量问题不包括以下情况:自然老化、故意损坏、不符合安装要求、使用不当、保养维护不当等。 Party Bs responsibility for defects does not include the consequences of natural wear, physical abuse, lack of observation of any installation
10、instructions, faulty use, guilty maintenance or circumstances for which the Dealer of end consumer has responsibility or risk. 7.4. 若产品在销售时发现有质量问题,供货商免费换货,但供货商有权在对产品和安装环境进行评估后再决定是否符合 换货条件。 In the event that any of Party Bs products are proven to have been defective (such as the appearance of cracks,
11、 fractures or other defects attributable to the intrinsic qualities of the product caused by a manufacturing error) upon delivery , Party B may choose to either replace the defective product free of charge, take back the defective products and credit the Dealer, or give the Dealer a reduction in the
12、 purchase price, which is subject to the Distributors right to examine the products concerned prior to making any decision. 7.5. 若甲方所报质量问题经查实不属乙方责任,乙方有 权要求甲方对因处理该问题而产生的费用进行补偿。 If Party A gives notice of a defect and no defect is found for which Party B is liable, Party B will be entitled to compensa
13、tion from the Dealer for all the costs the Distributor incurs as a result of the original notice. 8. 采购须知 Other 8.1. 乙方向甲方提供 6%增值税专用发票。 Party B shall provide genuine 6% VAT receipts to party A. 8.2. 本次合同的修改及相关通知均采用书面形式。 Any changes made to this contract and notices should be in written form. 8.3. 本次
14、合同自双方签字盖章日起生效。 This contract comes into effect when signed and stamped by both parties. 8.4. 本合同一式两份 甲乙双方各执一份。 This contract is in duplicate; both Party A and Party B shall keep a signed copy. 甲方(Party A) : 乙方(Party B): 授权签署(Signature): 授权签署(Signature): 日期(Date) : 日期(Date) : 公司盖章(Stamp) : 公司盖章(Stamp) :
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