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1、对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院 2013-2014 学年第一学期 大学英语(二)复习大纲 一、单选题 1. You will _ clean your own boots when you join the army. ( ) A. have B. have to C. must 2. Jane talked about _ Taiwanese schools disciplined students. ( ) A. whichever B. how C. whom 3. Another important difference is _ the students in Taiwan have

2、many school duties. ( ) A. that B. who C. when 4. The principals discussed _ is necessary to be a good student. ( ) A. what B. whether C. that 5. _ and where this happened is still unknown. ( ) A. Which B. That C. When 6. He often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks the rule. ( ) A. having been

3、fined B. being fined C. to be fined D. to have been fined 7. If you want to study English, you should find a _ teacher first. ( ) A. competent B. capable C. able D. skillful 8. He must have been ill, or he _ to the party last night. ( ) A. would have been B. should be C. would be D. had to be 9. _ c

4、omes to the get-together should bring a dish. ( ) A. However B. Whenever C. Wherever D. Whoever 10. _ he first heard of the name of the chemistry specialist. ( ) A. That was from his roommate B. It was his roommate that C. It was from his roommate that D. It was his roommate whom 11. Not that I worr

5、ied about the race, _ I exercised too much last night. ( ) A. but that B. for that C. and that D. in that 12. _ as he was at that time, his book became the best-seller again. ( ) A. Being criticized B. Criticized C. Criticizing D. To be criticized 13. Not that Im unwilling to lend you a hand, _ Im t

6、oo busy for the moment. ( ) A. because B. but that C. but D. however 14. Its too late to go out, _, its going to rain. ( ) A. otherwise B. besides C. however D. therefore 15. People tend to dislike _. ( ) A. at being laughed B. being laughed at C. being laughed D. to be laughed at 16. I dont think y

7、ou have ever heard of him, _? ( ) A. have you B. havent you C. do you D. dont you 17. I dont care whether he is _ the plan or not. ( ) A. in favor of B. on behalf of C. in his favor D. in the interest of 18. We look forward to _ to the opening ceremony. ( ) A. invite B. be invited C. having been inv

8、ited D. being invited 19. He finished his novel in three months, _ was something we had not expected. ( ) A. that B. it C. which D. what 20. I am really busy, otherwise I _ with you. ( ) A. would certainly go B. certainly go C. have certainly gone D. will certainly go 21. Dr. Smith, together with hi

9、s wife, _ to arrive in the evening flight. ( ) A. are B. are going to C. is D. will be 22. If Dorothy had not been badly hurt in a car accident, _ in the last months race. ( ) A. she would participate B. she participated C. she would have participated D. she will have participate 23. We should make

10、our reservations as far _ as possible to get the flight we want. ( ) A. in detail B. in advance C. in reality D. in practice 24. His newly published book won him _ and scholarship. ( ) A. fame B. courage C. faith D. belief 25. _ they have been quarreling for some time and they are not going to stop

11、. ( ) A. Strictly B. Seriously C. Regularly D. Apparently 26. There are many wonderful clothes _ in the window. ( ) A. displayed B. spread C. exposed D. located 27. When a war _, the oil prices are likely to go up. ( ) A. breaks off B. breaks down C. breaks out D. breaks up 28. Not until the match b

12、egan _ at the stadium. ( ) A. should they have arrived B. had they arrived C. did they arrive D. would they have arrived 29. _ difficulty we may come across, we should help one another. ( ) A. However B. Whenever C. Wherever D. Whatever 30. How you look at things in life _ a great influence on your

13、mood. ( ) A. to have B. has C. have D. having 31. The price of the computers has increased _ 10% recently. ( ) A. for B. to C. by D. besides 32. _ comes to our city will be surprised by its great changes. ( ) A. One B. Anyone C. Who D. Whoever 33. The goal of cultural exchange is to _ better underst

14、anding between different nations. ( ) A. offer B. promote C. expand D. raise 34. _, the sick child is sure to recover soon. ( ) A. If carefully look after B. If carefully looked after C. If carefully looks after D. If carefully looking after 35. There is no ticket _ for the performance this evening.

15、 ( ) A. considerable B. preferable C. available D. possible 36. By the end of this year, our new workshop will _. ( ) A. finish B. be finished C. to finish D. have been built 37. This hotel _ $ 40 a night for a single room with bath. ( ) A. demands B. charges C. claims D. prices 38. Having decided t

16、o rent a flat, she _ looking for the advertisements. ( ) A. set out B. set up C. set about D. set down 39. His carelessness _ his failure in the examination. ( ) A. lay in B. resulted from C. led to D. settled down 40. All _ is needed is a good knowledge of the local customs. ( ) A. what B. thing C.

17、 that D. which 41. He bought an insurance _ further losses of fire. ( ) A. into B. against C. for D. on 42. He was hit on the head by a taxi, being knocked _. ( ) A. mindless B. unaware C. unconscious D. brainless 43. We _ our breakfast when the old woman came to the door. ( ) A. just have had B. ha

18、d just had C. just had D. have just had 44. Jane is kind and hard-working. _, she is a good secretary. ( ) A. As a result B. In a word C. By the way D. In the end 45. I will accept the job _ I dont have to travel a lot. ( ) A. as long as B. as far as C. lest D. in case 46. _, she kept on working til

19、l midnight. ( ) A. Although tired was she B. She was tired C. How tired she was D. Tired as she was 47. About two-thirds of the people _the idea of tearing down the factory. ( ) A. is against B. are against C. being against D. against 48. Having no money but _ to know, he left the room in silence. (

20、 ) A. not wanting anyone B. not want to anyone C. wanted no one D. to want no one 49. He likes listening to popular music at home and _ ( ) A. so his brother is B. so has his brother C. so does his brother D. so his brother does 50. Go straight ahead and turn left at the second light, _? ( ) A. can

21、you B. do you C. will you D. dont you 51. _ the heavy rain, he went to the picnic with his friends. ( ) A. Although B. Except C. Despite D. Regarding 52. It is believed that too much _ to the sun is bad for the skin. ( ) A. exposure B. expansion C. exhibition D. extension 53. - I really dont know ho

22、w to thank you enough. - _. ( ) A. No problem B. Think nothing of it C. Not at all D. It doesnt matter 54. Britain has recently had a high level of unemployment and the same is true _ many other countries. ( ) A. at B. from C. of D. to 55. He has made another discovery, _ of great importance to scie

23、nce. ( ) A. which I think it is B. of which I think it is C. which I think is D. I think which is 56. When she heard the news, her hope _ disappointment. ( ) A. got B. turned in C. turned to D. felt 57. The TV sets made by our factory sell best, but 10 years ago no one could have guessed the place i

24、n the market that they _. ( ) A. were having B. were to have C. had had D. had 58. I _ to catch the 2:00 plane, but no such luck. ( ) A. have hoped B. hope C. hoped D. had hoped 59. _ second thoughts Im quite content to stay in the country for the time being. ( ) A. At B. On C. In D. As 60. To enjoy

25、 the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _ travel by air. ( ) A. as B. to C. than D. while 61. In the west, people make _ a rule to send Christmas present to their relatives and friends. ( ) A. this B. that C. it D. the following 62. It took two weeks for Smiths left hand to ge

26、t entirely _. ( ) A. cured B. dedicated C. healed D. mended 63. Staying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in a dormitory for a week. ( ) A. as much twice as B. twice as much as C. as much as twice D. twice more than 64. Scarcely had we settled ourselves in our seats in the theatre _ the curtain went

27、 up. ( ) A. than B. after C. as D. when 65. About three-fourths of the surface of the earth _ covered by the sea. ( ) A. is B. are C. have D. have been 66. When _, the project will provide lots of convenience to the residents of the city. ( ) A. completing B. completed C. complete D. to be completed

28、 67. He thought for a long time but still could not _ a solution. ( ) A. take over B. come up with C. watch over D. get on with 三、完型题 102. Many people find that regular physical activity gives them an unexpected benefit. They sleep better and wake up feeling more _, in part due to increased amounts

29、of deep sleep. Deep sleep may play a role in the body restoring (恢复) itself _ , as opposed to REM (rapid eye movement) or dreaming sleep. Researchers have found that physical exercise, especially _ in the afternoon or early evening, produces more _ early in the night. _ can also help you get a bette

30、r nights sleep in a number of indirect ways. The relaxation and tiredness _ by exercise can improve sleep. Exercise encourages weight loss and also may _ depression. Exercising later in the day can also help delay the _ drop in your bodys temperature. The _ of exercise are especially important for o

31、lder people, _ exercise has been shown to increase the amount of sleep senior adults get in a night and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. But be sure you finish exercising at least 4 hours before bedtimeworking out later than that could leave you too excited to fall asleep easily. 1. ( ) A. c

32、onscious B. peaceful C. effective D. refreshed 2. ( ) A. physically B. mentally C. emotionally D. regularly 3. ( ) A. made B. done C. functioned D. conducted 4. ( ) A. nights sleep B. dreaming sleep C. deep sleep D. REM 5. ( ) A. Exercise B. Dreams C. Researchers D. Doctors 6. ( ) A. recovered B. st

33、rengthened C. caused D. reduced 7. ( ) A. increase B. relieve C. release D. arouse 8. ( ) A. nighttime B. daytime C. dinnertime D. lifetime 9. ( ) A. disadvantages B. benefits C. ways D. plays 10. ( ) A. yet B. if C. when D. since 103. Farmers, as we all know, have been having a hard time of it late

34、ly, and have turned to new ways of earning income from their land. This involves not only planting new kinds of crops, but some _ ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you heard me _! A farmer now holds sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past ye

35、ar over 100 000 people have _ to watch the race. “I was passing the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday,” one punter (赛马经纪人) told me, “and I thought Id have a look. I didnt believe it was serious, to tell you the truth.” According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than b

36、etting on horses. “At proper horse races everyone has already studied the form of the horse _, and there are clear favorites. _ nobody has heard anything about these _! Most people find it difficult to tell one from another in any case.” I stayed to watch the races, and I must admit that I found it

37、quite _. In a usual sheep race, half a dozen sheep race downhill over a course of about half a mile. Food is waiting for them at the other end of the _ just to give them some encouragement, I ought to add! The sheep run surprisingly fast,. _ they have probably not eaten for a while. Anyway, the crow

38、d around me were obviously enjoying their day out at the races, _ by their happy faces and the sense of excitement. 1. ( ) A. common B. strange C. swift D. illegal 2. ( ) A. honestly B. surprisingly C. completely D. correctly 3. ( ) A. looked forward B. brought up C. turned up D. showed off 4. ( ) A

39、. behind time B. in progress C. in advance D. in time 5. ( ) A. But B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise 6. ( ) A. horses B. sheep C. races D. stories 7. ( ) A. exciting B. dangerous C. boring D. peculiar 8. ( ) A. race B. hill C. track D. field 9. ( ) A. if B. so C. yet D. although 10. ( ) A. obse

40、rving B. judging C. considering D. inferring 104. The birthrate is Europe has been in a steady decrease since the 1960s. European countries, realizing crisis is at hand, are providing great encouragement for parents to create more babies in the 21st century. Affairs Ministry concluded last year that

41、, _ cash encouragement, some women just dont want to be _ holding the baby. “What we know is that its good for the _ if men and women share the burden of having children,” says Soren Kindlund, family policy adviser at the Swedish ministry. _ Swedish parents can take their paid leave as they wish, men use a mere 12% of it; 60% of fathers do not ta

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