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1、期末考试剑桥总复习 hero n.英雄 heroine n 女英雄 born v. 出生 bear v.忍受 discover v.发现 discovery n.发现 company travel v. & n 旅行 traveler n 旅行者 climb v.爬 cut v.&n.切,割 cut down 砍到 reporter n.记者 report v.&n 报告 environmental a.环境 environment n 环境 environmentally adv 环境地 support v.&n 支持 supporter n.支持者 try v.& n 试 try

2、 to do 尝试去做 try doing 试着做 stop v.&n.停止 stop to do 停止做 stop doing 停止做 stop sb from doing 阻止某人做 noise n.噪声 noisy a 吵闹的 success n.成功 succeed v.成功 successful a.成功 organize v.组织 organization n.组织 agree v.同意 disagree v.不同意 presentation n.介绍 present v.礼物 amaze v.惊奇 amazing a.惊人的 amazed a.惊讶 serious a.严重的 s

3、eriously adv.认真地 dream v.& n.梦想 decide v.决定 decision n.决策 journey n.旅途 complete v.完成 complete a.完成 completely adv.完全地 except prep 除了 except for 除了 exception n.例外 attack v. & n 攻击 determined a.决心的 determine v.确定 determination n.测定 positive a 积极的 negative a.负面的 positively a.明确的 temperature n.温度 situat

4、ion n.情境 the start of a great friendship 伟大友谊的开始 friend n.C朋友 friendship n.友谊 friendly adj.友好的 in the 1936 Olympic Games 在 1936 奥运会 chance n. C机会 with a chance to do sth 一个做某事的机会 final adj.最后的 final n. C最后 finals n. (pl.)总决赛国(复数) finally adj.最后的 winner n. C赢家 win vt./vi.赢 win n.C赢得 win the gold meda

5、l 赢得金牌 the final of the long jump 跳远的决赛 leader n. C领袖 leadership n. 领导 lead vt. (led)领导 leading adj.领先的 in the stadium 在体育场 a long jumper 一个跳远 competition n.竞争 compete vi.竞争的 competitive adj.竞争的 have some problems 有一些问题 step over 步过 step v.步骤 step n.C步 surprising adj.令人惊讶的 surprised adj. 令人惊讶的 be su

6、rprised at sth 对某事感到惊讶 surprise vt.惊讶的 surprise n. C惊喜 to ones surprise 令人吃惊 in ones next jump 在一个下一跳 the next two jumps 接下来的两跳 jump n.C跳 jump v.跳 jumper n.C跳运动员 excited adj.令人激动的 be excited about sth 对某事激动、兴奋 exciting adj.令人兴奋的 excite vt. (小)激动的 beat vt.击败 beat n. C战胜 be angry with sb.对某人生气 shake h

7、ands with sb.与某人握手 become good friends 成为好朋友 stay friends 的朋友呆在一起 a short time before 一个短的时间 in the Berlin Olympics 在柏林奥运会 the rest of their lives 他们的生活休息 go on holiday 去度假 last night/week/month/year 昨晚/周/月/年 an hour/four days/ten years ago 一个小时、四天、十年前 at the end of在结束 start school 开始上课 begin/start

8、learning English 开始学习英语 arrive at school 到达学校 ice hockey 冰上曲棍球 equipment with wheels 带轮子的设备 equipment n.设备 equip v.装备 water sports 水上运动 the Winter Olympics 冬季奥运会 in a TV programme 在一个电视节目 make a story 编一个故事 go out with sb.和某人一起出去。 argument n. C争论 argue v.辩诉 have an argument (with sb.)有一个说法(与某人。 ) be

9、 right to do sth.做某事是正确的 the message on the mobile phone 手机上的短信 text messaging 短信 in the north of England 在英格兰的北部 get in touch with sb.与某人联系 keep in touch with sb.与某人保持联系 touch n.触摸 touch vt.触 touching adj.感人的 phone/call sb.电话/给某人打电话。 send sb. a text message 给某人。短信 a special kind of written language

10、 一种特殊的书面语言 make messages/language short 发消息/语言 bye for now.现在再见了! some examples of 一些例子 of course 当然了 do school work 做学校的工作 50% of the population50%的人口 population n. 人口 own v.自己的 owner n. C业主 own adj.属于自己的 user n. C用户 useful adj.有用的 useless adj.无用的 be of school age 是上学的年龄 not onlybut (also)不仅但是(也) t

11、here can be problems with sth.可能在某方面有问题 in class 在课堂上 in class time 上课时间 at break 在休息 at lunch time 在午餐时间 take sth. away 拿走某物 ban v.禁止 ban sth. completely 禁止某事完全 stop sb. (from) doing sth.阻止某人(从)做某事 waste time 浪费时间 waste n. 浪费 waste vt.浪费的 waste adj.废弃的 it helps to do sth.它有助于做某事 wait for 等待 on ones

12、 way home 在回家的路上 be able to do sth.能够做某事 bring sth. to sw.把某物去某地 there is no reason to do sth.没有理由做某事 reason n. C理由 reasonable adj.合理的 trouble n. 麻烦 trouble v.麻烦 agree with sb./sth.同意某人/某物” a diary entry 一篇日记 have a good holiday 有一个愉快的假期 some of your photos 你的一些照片 go on the train 去的火车上 go bowling 去打

13、保龄球 It was good fun.这是很有趣的 a computer game/computer games 一个电脑游戏/电脑游戏 not any more 没有任何更多的 a similar email 一个类似的电子邮件 secret adj. 秘密的 secret n.秘密 secretary n. 秘书 profession n. 职业 professional adj. 职业的,专业的 professor n. 教授 extremely adv. 极端地 extreme adj. 极端的 top adj. 顶端的,顶级的 top n.顶端 talent n. 才能,天才 ta

14、lented adj. 有才能的,有天分的 special adj. 特别的 specialize v. 专长于 specialist n. 专家 specially adv. 特别地 perhaps adv. 也许 necessary adj. 必要的 compare v. 比较 comparison n. 比较 luck n. 运气 lucky adj. 幸运的 hard-working adj. 勤奋的 result n. 结果 project n.项目,工程 engine n. 引擎 engineer n. 工程师 attendant n. 侍者,服务员 attend v. 出席,照料

15、 vet n. 兽医 lawyer n. 律师 law n. 法律 pilot n. 飞行员 dentist n. 牙医 programmer n. 程序员 programme n. 程序,节目 sure adj. 确信的 medicine n. 医药,医药学 medical adj. 医学的 company n. 公司 change v./n 改变 ordinary adj. 普通的 electricity n. 电 electric adj. 用电的 electrical adj. 关于电的 electrician n. 电工 outside n. 外面 adj. 外面的 adv 外面地

16、prep. 在外面 film n. 电影 film v. 拍电影 experience n.(u) 经验 experience n.(c) 经历 experienced adj. 有经验的 patient n. 病人 patient adj. 有耐心的 patience n. 耐心 be successful in doing sth. 在。 。 。很成功 succeed in doing sth. 做。 。 。很成功 be different from sth. 与。 。 。不同 difference between A and BA 和 B 的区别 business person 商人 s

17、ports person 运动员 film star 电影明星 have sth. In common 有些共同点 the answer to the question 这个问题的答案 it is necessary to do sth.做。 。 。很必要/be necessary for sth.对。 。 。很必要 comparewith. 与。 。 。比较 have a dream 有梦想 be determined to do sth 决心做。 。 。 the same as 与相同 be similar to 与类似 in fact 事实上 flight attendant 空中乘务员

18、 computer programmer 电脑编程师 make a programme 做一个节目 get good school results 取得学校的好成绩 leave school 毕业 in (the) future 将来、以后 washing machine 洗衣机 at that time 在那时 washwith 用.洗 by hand 用手 use the toilet 用卫生间 on television 在电视上 it is fun 很有趣 change A for/into B 把 A 换成 B in the cold 在寒冷中 in the rain 在雨中 in

19、a band 在乐队里 do a paper round 送报纸 hardly any money 几乎没有钱 save up 储蓄 pocket money 零花钱 save sb. from sth. 从。 。 。中救某人 save (up) 储蓄 take exams 参加考试 in ones job 在某人工作中 pullout 把拔出来 band n. C 乐队 rest n. 剩余部分;其余 awful adj. 糟糕的 scared adj. 害怕的 scare v. 恐吓,受惊吓 dream n. 梦 dream n. 梦想 dream v. 做梦,梦见 dream v. 幻想

20、;梦想 dream adj. 理想的 daydream n. C(通常单数) 白日梦 daydream v. 做白日梦,幻想 inventor n. C发明家,发明者 invent vt. 发明 invention n. 发明创造,发明物 strange adj. 奇怪的 creative adj. 创造性的 create vt. 创造 creation n. 创造,创作 creator n. 创造者 creativity n. 创造力 continue v. 继续 awake adj. 醒着的,清醒的 turn sb./sth. into sb./sth. 使某人(物)变成某人(物) con

21、test n. 竞赛,比赛 contestant n. 参赛者,竞争者 judge n. 裁判 判断,评判 法官 judge v. 断定,判断 judgement n. 判断 audience n. 观众 audition n. 试镜,试场,试演 vote v. 投票,选举 vote n. C 表决,选举 criticise v. 指责,批判 评论 crirical adj. 挑剔的 批判的 record n. 唱片 纪录 record v. 记录 录下 recorder n. 录音机,记录设备 copy n. 副本 copy v. 复制,抄写 remain v. 留下,保存 remainin

22、g adj. 剩余的 viewer n. 观众 come over 过来 a songwriter with the band 乐队的词作家 have lots of things to do 有很多事情要做 some information about 一些信息 Theres still some work to do.还有一些工作要做。 at the last minute 在最后一分钟 plan to do 计划做 fast dance song 快歌热舞 the rest of 其余的 belong to 属于 have sth with sb 与某人有某物 be away from

23、远离 prefer sth 喜欢做某事 come over to 过来 be scared of 害怕的 think of new ideas 认为新的想法 work on an idea 工作的想法 dream up new ideas 想出新点子 at any time 在任何时间 in strange ways 以奇怪的方式 see sb/sth doing 看见某人做 see sb/sth do 看到某人/某事 dream of/about 关于梦的 go into a daydream 去白日梦 continue to do/doing 继续做某事 tell sb. about st

24、h 告诉某人。关于某事 wake up 醒来 be awake 醒着的 be asleep 睡着了 pop group 流行组 in the 1990s 在上世纪 90 年代 turn sb/sth into 把某人/某事 TV talent show 电视选秀节目 win/lose the contest 赢得/输掉比赛 enter the contest 参加比赛 beauty contest 选美比赛 talent contest 选秀比赛 hundreds of contestants 数百名参赛者 be extremely popular with是非常受欢迎的 as a progr

25、amme 作为一个计划 solo singer 独唱歌手 come to audition 来试镜 theres sth left 有某事离开 vote on 投票表决 vote for/against 赞成/反对票 a judge of 法官 judge sb/sth by 判断某人/某事的 criticism of 批评 break a record 打破记录 set a record 创记录的 copy of 复制 sth remains 某物是 TV programmes like Pop Idol 电视节目像流行偶像 be a good way to do sth 是做某事的好方法

26、walk along the beach 沿着海滩散步 in gold letters 在金色的字母 go back up 回去了 Sentence patterns 句型 ask ab to do 问某人做 make sb do 使某人做 My computer doesnt work.我的电脑不能用了。 see sb/sth doing 看见某人做 see sb/sth do 看到某人/某事 stop doing 停止做 go on to do 去做 go on doing 继续做 go on sth 去做某事 notat all 一点也不 Hes happy that.他是快乐的 Loa

27、ds of 许多 One day 某天 Thats amazing.真让人难以置信。 You cant be serious.你不是认真的吧! Do a paper round 送报纸 Hardly any (money)几乎没有 Pocket money 零花钱 Save up 储蓄 享受亲近自然的生活 enjoy life close to nature 去度假 go on holiday 享受完整的自由 enjoy total freedom 租一辆车 hire a car 呆在 Aran 岛的农场上 stay on the farm on the Aran Islands 奢华舒适地度

28、过假期 spend your holidays in comfort and luxury 传统爱尔兰音乐 traditional Irish music 粗狂浪漫的乡村 wild and romantic countryside 规划家庭暑假活动 plan/arrange the family summer holiday 在 Shannon 河上 on the River Shannon 你们打算怎么去那儿? How are you getting there? 周末过得怎样? How was your weekend? 有点贵 a bit expensive 乘渡船去 travel by

29、 ferry 乘飞机去 Aran 岛 fly to the Aran Islands 三天后 in three days time 爱尔兰的首都 the capital of Ireland 全世界 all over the world 完美的度假场所 the perfect place for a holiday 因为所有这些 because of all of these 去划独木舟 go canoeing 传统的爱尔兰音乐 traditional Irish music 看到某人正在做某事 see sb. doing sth. 迷人的博物馆 fascinating museums 舒适的

30、旅馆 comfortable hotels 一个美丽迷人的国家 a charming and beautiful country 欢迎来到爱尔兰 welcome to Ireland 两百万游客 two million tourists 擅长做某事 be good at 给朋友购买纪念品 buy souvenirs for friends 喜欢做某事 like doing 租一块冲浪板 hire a surfboard 花费时间做某事 spend some time (in) doing 多久 how long 和数千其他美国学生一样 like thousands of other Ameri

31、can students 没有父母陪伴 without their parents 作些不同的事情 do something different 跟我们讲讲他的安排 tell us about his arrangements 7 月 23 号那天启程 leave on 23 July 背上背包 put on backpacks 穿越丛林 hike through the jungle 五天的步行旅途后 after this five-day walk 教我们如何做 teach us how to do it 有机会和海豚一起游泳 have a chance to swim with dolp

32、hins 听起来很棒 sound fantastic 为游客提供山地自行车 provide mountain bikes for tourists 盼望着 look forward to 沿着海岸线 along the coast fascinate v.使着迷 fascinating a.迷人的(形容词) fascinated a.着迷的 charm 魅力 charming a. 迷人的(形容词) elegance n.优雅 elegant a.优雅的 elegantly adv. elegantly 的(地) comfort 舒适 comfortable a.舒适的 arrange v.安

33、排 arrangement(n.)布局 tradition n.传统 traditional a.传统的 instruct v.指导 instruction n. 教学 instructor n.(人)教练 Instructive a.有益的 adv.有益地 n.教育 include 包括 including(prep.)包括 incredible 令人难以置信的 incredibly (adv.)令人难以置信地 elegance 优雅 elegant a.优雅的 luxurious a.豪华的 luxury (n.)豪华 adventure 冒险 adventurous a.冒险的 adve

34、nturer(n.) (人)冒险家 charming: very pleasant or attractive tradition: a custom or way of behaving that has continued for a long time in a group of people or a society traditional: being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a particular group of people, that have not changed for a long time fa

35、scinating: extremely interesting and attractive fascinated: very interested arrangement: a plan or preparation that you make so that something can happen adventure : an exciting and sometimes dangerous experience: paradise: a perfect place or situation instructor: a person whose job is to teach some

36、body a practical skill or sport provide: to give something to somebody or make it available for them to use include: to have something or someone as part of something larger or more general hostel: a building that provides cheap accommodation and meals to students, workers or travelers Her friends w

37、ere great comfort to her during that difficult time. They believed her and supported her. The cat lay in the sofa in comfort, sleeping. They family are making arrangements for their holiday. They are surfing the Internet to see where to go and what to prepare for the travel. There will be an elegant

38、 library in the new school. There you can read books in comfortable seats and listen to music. Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet tells a romantic love story, but theres a sad ending. Its a tragedy. 他们正在筹划到爱尔兰的一个农场上过一个舒服的假期。 (arrange to do/make arrangements to do, spend) They are arranging to spend a com

39、fortable holiday on a farm in Ireland. 我牙疼, 要去见牙医。 (be going to) Ive got toothache. Im going to see a dentist. 今天晚上我们要环这个美丽的岛屿走走。(be going to) Were going to walk our way around this beautiful island. 他喜欢在奢华舒适的旅馆里度假。(enjoy doing) He enjoys spending holiday in a comfortable and luxurious hotel. 你打算乘坐什

40、么交通工具到那片荒蛮浪漫的乡村? How are you going to the wild and romantic countryside? He plans to travel in Ireland in a boat. (用 be going to 改为同义句) He is going to travel in Ireland in a boat. They are going to visit their grandparents next weekend. 1)(改为否定句) They arent going to visit their grandparents next wee

41、kend. 2) (改为疑问句, 并作肯定回答) Are they going to visit their grandparents next weekend? Yes, they are. 3)(对划线部分提问) When are they going to visit their grandparents? 3They are going to go on holiday in three days. (对划线部分提问) How soon are they going to go on holiday? 每年有数百万来自世界各地的游客到爱尔兰度假。 Every year millions

42、 of tourists from all over the world go to Ireland to spend their holidays. 因为糟糕的天气,很多学生迟到了。 Because of the terrible weather, many students were late. 有时,幸运的游客会看到 U2 乐队的 Bono 正从街上走过。 Sometimes a lucky tourist sees Bon of U2 walking down the street. 组织者免费提供给游客山地自行车。(provide sth. for sb./provide sb. w

43、ith sth.) Organisers provide free mountain bikes for tourists. 驾驶教练会教你如何做。 Driving instructors will teach you how to do it. 孩子们都盼着六一去远足。 The children are looking forward to go hiking on Childrens Day. 假期你打算每天花多长时间进行体育锻炼? How long are you going to spend (in) doing exercise during the holidays? 外出旅行时你

44、给父母买礼物吗? Do you buy presents for your parents when you are travelling out ? arrangement n.C 安排 arrange 安排 comfort n.舒适的 comfort n.舒适的 comfort v. 舒适 elegant adj. 高雅的 elegance n. 优雅的 elegantly adv. 优雅地 freedom n.自由 free adj.免费的 wild adj.野生的 romantic adj.浪漫的。 go on holiday 去度假 stay on a farm 呆在一个农场 clo

45、se to nature 亲近自然 in comfort and luxury 在舒适和豪华 enjoy total freedom 享受完全的自由 plan their familys holiday 计划他们的家庭的节日 How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样? by ferry 乘渡船 a bit expensive 有点贵 have got toothache 牙疼 next week / Saturday / month / weekend 下周星期六/月/周 in two days time 在两天的时间 the day after tomorrow 后天 n

46、ext July 明年七月 charming adj. 迷人的 charm n. 魅力, fascinating adj. 迷人的。 fascinated adj. 着迷的。 fascinate v.使着迷的。 comfortable adj. 舒适的 。 traditional adj. 传统的。 tradition n.传统的 n. 2 million tourists 2000000 的游客 all over the world 全世界 because of 由于 for young people 年轻人 go windsurfing 去冲浪 see sb. doing 看见某人。做 l

47、isten to traditional Irish music 听爱尔兰传统音乐 hostel n. 旅舍 hire v. 雇佣 be good at 善于 stay in a youth hostel 停留在一个青年旅馆 buy souvenirs 买纪念品 hire a boat 租一条船 paradise n. 仙境 adventure n.冒险, adventurer n 冒险家 n adventurous adj.有冒险精神的。 trail n. 足迹 incredibly adv. 难以置信地 incredible adj.令人难以置信的 adj.。 spectacular ad

48、j. 壮观的。 like thousands of other American students 像其他成千上万的美国学生 during the school holiday 在学校放假期间 have a great time 玩得很高兴 something different 不同的东西 go on an adventure holiday 去冒险的假期 tell about his arrangements 告诉他安排 hike through the jungle 穿过丛林徒步旅行 leave on 23 July 七月 23 日离开 incredibly beautiful 令人难以

49、置信的美丽 on an old native Hawaiian trail 在一个古老的夏威夷土著步道 spectacular beaches 壮观的海滩 instructor n.教练 instruct v. 指导 instruction n.指令 instructive adj. 有启发的。 provide v.提供诉 include v. 包括 including prep. 包括 fascinating 迷人的 this five-day walk 这五天走 I dont know how to surf.我不知道如何冲浪。 look forward to this 期待这 a local Hawaiian family 一个夏威夷当地的家庭 one of Hawaiis volcanoes 一个夏威夷的火山 along the coast 沿着海岸 have a chance to swim with dolphins 有机会与海豚一起游泳 sound fantastic 听起来很不错 couch potatoes 沙发土豆 have to be fit 要适应 a fantastic experience

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