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本文(饮食问题是造成便秘最主要的问题.doc)为本站会员(11****ws)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、饮食问题是造成便秘最主要的问题 饮食问题是造成便秘最主要的问题,饮食习惯、饮食种类的改变、环境变化等因素均可引 起便秘。那么便秘患者如何饮食,该注意些什么呢 便秘饮食原则 1.增加饮食中纤维的摄取量;主食不要过于精细要适当吃些粗粮。 2.每天要吃一定量的蔬菜与水果。多吃芹菜、核桃仁、熟香蕉、核桃、柚子、苹果、葡萄 柚、糙米、胡萝卜、红薯等。 3.可以适量饮茶,或者泡一些中草药做茶饮进行调理保健。 4.每日至少喝 8 杯水,尤其在食用高纤维食品时,更应注意保证饮水。 便秘患者饮食:水 5. 晨起空腹饮一杯淡盐水或蜂蜜水配合腹部按摩或转腰,让水在肠胃振动加强通便作用。 6. 每天加食糠皮、麦麸等,

2、以扩充粪便体积,促进肠蠕动,减少便秘的发生。 7.每晚睡前按摩腹部养成定时排便的习惯。 8.增加 B 族维生素食品的供给,尽量选用天然、未经加工的食品,如粗粮、豆类、酵母等, 以增强肠道的紧张力。 9. 禁食刺激食物:禁止食用酒、浓茶、咖啡、辣椒、咖喱等刺激性食品。 10.早上起床后就喝冷开水。早上起床后喝 23 杯冷开水,即能消除便秘。 11.饭后吃梨,梨虽然很甜,但是它的热量和脂肪含量很低,极适合爱吃甜又怕胖的人食用, 能帮助预防便秘及消化性疾病,可以净化肾脏,清洁肠道,长期便秘的人应多吃梨,并有 助于预防结肠和直肠癌。 12.揉腹部,起床后排空小便,喝凉开水 300500 毫升。站立,两

3、脚与肩同宽,身体放松, 右手掌心放在右下腹部,左手掌心放在右手背上,从下腹部按摩上提至右季肋部,推向左 季肋部,再向下按摩到左下腹部即可。沿顺时针方向反复按摩 3050 遍,按摩时无需压力 过大,只需轻轻按摩即可。 便秘食谱推荐 1、鲜土豆汁 鲜土豆 300 克。去皮切碎,用干净的纱布包好挤汁。饭前服用 12 汤匙,每日 23 次,适 用于习惯性便秘。 2、南杏炖雪梨 南杏仁 15 克,雪梨 150 克,白砂糖 50 克。南杏仁浸泡洗净去皮尖,雪梨削皮切粗件,然 后将南杏仁、雪梨、白砂糖同放入炖盅内,隔水炖 1 小时,待凉喝汤吃梨。宣肺润肠通便 (注:糖尿病患者不宜用)。 3、香蕉粥 大米 5

4、0100 克,香蕉 200 克,蜂蜜适量。大米洗净,放沙锅内煮粥,煮至 600 毫升左右, 将香蕉去除外皮切成小段状,放入粥中,并放入蜂蜜,共同煮成粥,待凉后,空腹食用。 清热润肠通便。 4、菠菜芝麻粥 粳米 100 克,菠菜 200 克,芝麻 50 克。先将粳米洗净放入锅中,煮至米开花时放入菠菜, 再煮沸后放入芝麻、盐、味精,空腹时服用。能润燥通便,养血止血,适用于老年性便秘、 痔疮等。 便秘患者饮食:西梅汁 5、西梅汁 西梅中含有的丰富纤维素、果胶以及自身独有一些微量元素,使得饮用天然的西梅汁,可 以有效促进肠道蠕动,增加排便次数,缓解或预防便秘。 6、醋 米醋 30 毫升(约两大勺),蜂

5、蜜两勺,搅拌 3-5 倍的水,每餐后饮用。醋可以促进排便,但 是直接饮用会伤及胃和十二指肠,所以要稀释后饮用。 便秘严重者可以加大剂量。 7、魔芋+蜂蜜 把魔芋用轧汁机轧出来汁,放到锅里用小火烹制湖状,装到容器里,用凉性的蜂蜜(蜂蜜分 凉性和热性)调制,每天早晨空腹两勺。一定要坚持,可治疗久治不好的便秘。 The problem is caused by eating the main problem constipation The problem is caused by eating the main problem constipation, eating habits, and di

6、et changes, environmental changes and other factors can cause constipation. So how patients with constipation diet, what to pay attention to it Constipation diet principles 1. Increase the intake of dietary fiber; staple not too fine to be appropriate to eat whole grains. 2. day eat a certain amount

7、 of vegetables and fruits. Eat celery, walnuts, ripe bananas, walnuts, grapefruit, apples, grapefruit, brown rice, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc. 3. Can the right amount of tea, some herbs to make tea or bubble conditioning care. 4. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, especially in the consu

8、mption of high-fiber foods, they should be taken to ensure drinking water. Patients with constipation diet: water 5. morning fasting drink a cup of salt water or honey water with abdominal massage or the waist, allowing water to strengthen the laxative effect of vibration in the stomach. 6. day plus

9、 food bran, wheat bran, etc., in order to expand the volume of stool and promote bowel movements and reduce constipation. 7. abdominal massage every night before going to bed to develop regular bowel habits. 8. Increase the supply of B vitamins, food, try to use natural, unprocessed foods such as wh

10、ole grains, legumes, yeast, etc., in order to enhance the tension force of the intestine. 9. fast food stimulation: prohibit the consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee, pepper, curry and other spicy foods. 10. get up in the morning after drinking cold water. The morning after drinking 2 to 3 cups of co

11、ld water, which can eliminate constipation. 11. After dinner pear, pear, although sweet, but its calorie and fat content is very low, very suitable for people who love to eat sweet and Papan consumption, can help prevent constipation and digestive diseases, can purify the kidneys, intestinal cleansi

12、ng Long-term constipation should eat pears, and help prevent colon and colorectal cancer. 12. belly rub, after getting emptying urine, drink 300 to 500 ml of cold water. Stand with your feet shoulder width, the body relax, right palm on the right lower abdomen, the left palm on the back of his right

13、 hand, raised to massage the lower abdomen from right hypochondrium, push the left hypochondrium, then down massage to the lower left abdomen can. Clockwise 30 to 50 times repeatedly massage, massage without pressure, just gently massage. Constipation Recipe Recommendation 1, fresh potato juice 300

14、grams of fresh potatoes. Peeled and chopped, with a clean gauze wrap juicing. 1 to 2 tablespoons before meals, 2 to 3 times a day for habitual constipation. 2, South apricot stew Sydney South almonds 15 grams, Sydney 150 grams, 50 grams of white sugar. Soak almonds, peeled tip of South Sydney Peel a

15、nd cut thick pieces, then south almonds, Sydney, with white sugar into the steaming pot, stew for 1 hour, let cool Chili soup. Xuanfei laxative (Note: diabetics should not use). 3, banana porridge 50 to 100 grams of rice, 200 grams of banana, honey. Wash the rice, put in casserole porridge, cook unt

16、il about 600 ml, the banana peel and cut into small pieces, except to state, into the porridge, and add honey, together congee, let cool, fasting food. Heat laxative. 4, spinach sesame porridge 100 grams of rice, 200 grams of spinach, sesame seeds 50 grams. First wash the rice into the pot, add spin

17、ach and cook until rice flowering time, after then boil into the sesame seeds, salt, monosodium glutamate, an empty stomach. Can moistening catharsis, nourishing and bleeding, apply to elderly constipation, hemorrhoids and so on. Patients with constipation diet: Prune Juice 5, prune juice Prunes con

18、tains abundant cellulose, pectin and some trace elements unique to itself, making natural drinking prune juice, can effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, increased number of bowel movements, relieve or prevent constipation. 6, vinegar Vinegar 30 ml (about two tablespoons), two spoonfuls of hon

19、ey, stirring 3-5 times as much water, meal after drinking. Vinegar can promote bowel movement, but direct drinking will hurt the stomach and duodenum, so after going to dilute drink. Severe constipation can increase the dose. 7, konjac + honey The konjac roll out with a rolling juice machine juice into the pan over low heat to cook the lake- like, loaded into containers, with cool honey (honey sub-cool and heat) modulation, two spoonfuls every morning fasting. Must adhere to, to treat long cure constipation.

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