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1、牛津小学英语6A各单元整理笔记姓名: 1 Unit 1 Public signs 一、词组:1. No smoking(禁止吸烟)/ smoke(吸烟)2. No littering(禁止乱丢杂物)/ litter(乱丢杂物) 3. No parking(禁止停车)/ park(停车)4. Do not touch(禁止触摸)5. Danger(危险) 6. No eating or drinking(禁止吃喝)7. Keep off the grass(不接近草坪)/ keep off(不接近) 8. Be quiet / keep quiet(保持安静)9. his cousin(他的表弟

2、)10. only four years old(仅仅只有四岁)11. a lot of questions(许多问题)12. some public signs(一些公共标志)13. ask ? some questions(问?一些问题)14. mean different things(表示不同的意思)15. stay away from ?(远离?)16. walk on the grass(在草地上行走)17. the sign on the birds cage(鸟笼上的标志)18. make noise(发出吵闹声) 19. know a lot about public sig

3、ns(关于公共标志懂得很多) 20. near the birds cage(在鸟笼附近)21. take a walk(散步)22. see something(看见某物)23. a ten-yuan note(一张十元纸币)24. look around(环顾四周)25. walk to the note(走向那张纸币)26. pick up ?(捡起?)/ pick it up(捡起它)27. a park keeper(一位公园看守者)28. come up to?(向?走上前来)29. point to a sign(指向一个标志)30. say to ?(对?说)31. Cant

4、you see ??(你没看见?吗?) 32. fine ?10(罚款10 元)33. shouldnt =should not(不应该)/ should(应该) always 总是 must 必须 suddenly 突然地 nearby 附近的 quickly 快地 二、句型:1. What does this sign /that sign /it mean? It means you/we shouldnt /should /must ? 2. Can I ? ? No, you cant. You should ? now. 三、语法: 1. mean 的用法。 What does i

5、t mean ?It means ? They mean different things. 2. 情态动词must /should /shouldnt /can 的后面要跟动词原形。 如:It means you shouldnt touch it.3. No 的后面要跟动名词。如:No cycling(禁止骑车).4. interesting 是形容词,作表语时前面要用be 动词。 5. always(总是),应用在一般现在时的句子中。同类词还有usually, often, sometimes. 6. pick up 的用法。 捡起某物:pick up ? 如:pick up her c

6、amera(捡起她的照相机) 捡起它(们):pick it/them up(代词应放中间)7. 介词的固定搭配。 3 in the park on the wall stay away from on the grass on/near the birds cage know a lot about look at on the Internet learn more about at Jinling zoo talk about in the zoo as a model walk to come up to point to say to play ? with ?四、重点:“No smo

7、king”It means you shouldnt smoke here. “No littering”It means you shouldnt litter things here. “No parking”It means you shouldnt park here. “Do not touch”It means you shouldnt touch it. “Danger”It means you must stay away from here. “No eating or drinking”It means you shouldnt eat or drink here. “Ke

8、ep off the grass”It means you shouldnt walk on the grass. It means you should keep off the grass. “Be quiet”It means you shouldnt make noise here. It means you should keep quiet here. Unit 2 Bens birthday一、单词January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 Octob

9、er十月 November十一月 December十二月 二、词组:1. a new student in Bens class(在苯班里的一位新学生)2. live near Ben(住在苯的附近)3. go home together after school(放学后一起回家)4. talk about Bens birthday(谈论苯的生日)5. the 16th of October(十月十六日)6. My birthdays coming soon.(我的生日快要来了。)7. come to my birthday party(来参加我的生日聚会)8. on the 6th of

10、August(在八月六日)9. have a birthday party(举行一个生日聚会)10. as a birthday present(作为一件生日礼物)11. a VCD of Japanese cartoons(一张日本卡通光盘)12. Lets wait and see.(让我们等着瞧吧。)13. a cake with lots of grapes(有许多葡萄的蛋糕)14. a big birthday cake(一个大的生日蛋糕)15. The doorbells ringing.(门铃响了。)16. give Ben some cartoons(给苯一些卡通片)17. t

11、ake off his costume(脱下他的戏装)/ put on (穿上) 18. Happy birthday to you!(祝你生日快乐!)19. blow out the candles(吹灭蜡烛)20. make a birthday card for ? (为?做一张生日贺卡)21. the twelfth day(第十二天)22. a lot of children(许多孩子)23. on the calendar(在日历上)24. talk about their birthdays(谈论他们的生日)25. at Bens birthday party(在苯的生日聚会上)

12、26. on the phone(在电话里)三、句型:1.What day is it today?(询问星期)Its Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday.2. What date is it today?(询问日期) Its the ? of ? .3. Whens your birthday? My birthdays/ Its on the ? of ? . 4. What would you like as a/your birthday present? Id like ?as a/my birthday

13、present. 四、语法:1. 基数词变序数词。1,2,3 特殊记; 加th 从4 起; 8 少t;9 去e; 逢5 逢12,ve 变f; 20 到90,y 要变ie; 若是几十几, 前基后序别忘记。 onefirst/ 1st nineninth/ 9th twosecond/ 2nd tententh/ 10th threethird/ 3rd eleveneleventh/ 11th fourfourth/ 4th twelvetwelfth/ 12th fivefifth/ 5th twentytwentieth/ 20th sixsixth/ 6th twenty-onetwent

14、y-first/21st sevenseventh/ 7th thirtythirtieth/ 30th eighteighth/ 8th fortyfortieth/ 40th 2. 日期表达法。通常是:the 日期(序数词) of 月份;或者,月份+ the 日期(序数词) 如,1 月1 日: the first of January (也可说成January the first) 与介词的固定搭配: (1)在某一个月份,用介词in; 如:in March(在三月),in December(在十二月) (2)具体到某一天,用介词on; 如:on the third of May(在五月三日

15、), on Monday(在星期一) (3)具体到某个时刻,用介词at; 如:at seven oclock(在七点),at nine this morning(在今天早上九点) 3.would like 的用法。I would like? = Id like? = I want? (我想要?) (1)Id like + 名词。(我想要某样东西。) 如:Id like a school bag. (我想要一只书包。) (2)Id like + to + 动词原形/动词词组。(我想要做某事。) 如:Id like to play football. (我想要踢足球。) 一般疑问句:Would y

16、ou like ? ? 特殊疑问句:What would you like ? Id like ?. 4. 同义句。(1) Its time for lunch. = Its time to have lunch. (2) What date is it today? = What is the date today? (3) He is giving Ben some cartoons. = He is giving some cartoons to Ben. (4) When do you go to school? = What time do you go to school? (5)

17、 Id like to go around China. = I want to go around China. (6) I was born(出生于) on the 1st of May. = My birthday is on the 1st of May.Unit 3 It was there 一、词组:1. Sports Day(体育运动日)2. all the students(所有的学生)3. watch the running race(看跑步比赛) 4. take some photos(拍一些照) 5. look for her camera(寻找她的照相机) 6. hel

18、p her(帮助她) 7. in your bag(在你的包里) 8. Let me see.(让我看一看。) 9. a moment ago/just now(刚才) 10. Can I have them, please?(我可以要它们吗?) 11. on the ground(在地上) 12. pick them up for me(帮我把它们捡起来) 13. a running race(一场跑步比赛) 14. an excited boy(一个兴奋的男孩) 15. an exciting game(一场激动人心的比赛) 16. mobile phone(手机)/ mobile pho

19、nes 17. a pair of glasses(一副眼镜)/ two pairs of glasses 6 18. a pair of earphones(一副耳机)/ two pairs of earphones 19. a roll of film(一卷胶卷)/ two rolls of films 20. try to remember(试着记住)/ forget(忘记) 21. behind(在?后面)/in front of(在?前面) 22. diary(日记)/ diaries 23. CD Walkman(光盘随身听) 24. sports meeting(运动会) 25.

20、 wasnt = was not 26. werent = were not 二、句型: 1. Wheres my/your ? Its on/in/near/behind/under the ? It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago. 2. Where are my/your ? Theyre on/in/near/behind/under the ? They arent there now. They were there a moment ago. 三、语法: 1. excited 和exciting 的区别。 excited 意思是

21、“激动的、兴奋的”,一般用来形容人物。 如:All the students are very excited.所有的学生都很兴奋。 exciting 意思是“令人激动的、令人兴奋的”,一般用来形容比赛或事件。 如:Thats an exciting basketball game.那是一场激动人心的篮球比赛。 2.一般过去时。 一般过去时是我们继“现在进行时”、“一般现在时”之后所学的第三种重要的时态。它表示动作或状态在过去时间里已经结束。通常在句子中会出现一些表示过去的时间状语。如:a moment ago, just now, this morning, yesterday, last

22、week/year/night/?, two days ago, three hours ago, ?等。 在一般过去时的句子中,谓语动词要用动词的过去式。本单元主要学习 be 动词的过去式。be 动词的过去式有was 和were 两种形式。 3. was 和were 的用法。 (1) 主语是第一人称单数(I)或第三人称单数(He/She/It)时, be 动词用was. (2) 主语是第二人称(You)或第一、第三人称复数(We/They)时,be 动词用were. 详见下表: 7肯定式 否定式 I was ? I wasnt ? He/She/It was ? He/She/It wasn

23、t ? You/We/They were ? You/We/They werent ? 一般疑问式 简略回答 Were you ? ? Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt. Yes, we were. / No, we werent. Was he/she/it ? ? Yes, he/she/it was. / No, he/she/it wasnt. Were they ? ? Yes, they were. / No, they werent. Unit 5 On the farm 一、词组。 1. National Day(国庆日) 2. the National Da

24、y holiday(国庆假期) 3. last week(上个星期)/ last year(去年) 4. after the holiday(假期后) 5. go to school early(很早上学)/ early - late 6. in the school playground(在学校操场上) 7. before class(上课前)/ before - after 8. watch a film with my parents(和我的父母一起去看电影)/ watched 9. a funny cartoon(一部有趣的卡通片)/ funny(形容词) 10. visit a fa

25、rm with my family(和我的家人一起参观农场)/ visited 11. on the farm(在农场里) 12. water trees(浇树)/ watered 13. pull up carrots(拔胡萝卜)/ pulled up 14. milk cows(挤牛奶)/ milked 15. That was fun!(那是件有趣的事!)/ fun(名词) 16. collect eggs(收集鸡蛋)/ collected 17. fruit trees(果树) 18. pick a lot of oranges(摘许多橘子)/ picked 19. taste the

26、m(品尝它们)/ tasted 20. Wonderful!(太好了!) 21. go to the farm(去农场)/ went 22. at the weekends(在周末) 8 23. watch cartoons(看动画片)/ watched 24. visit the zoo(参观动物园)/ visited 25. listen to music(听音乐)/ listened 26. play football(踢足球)/ played 27. play volleyball(打排球)/ played 28. clean the house(打扫房子)/ cleaned 29.

27、visit Liu Taos grandparents(拜访刘涛的祖父母)/ visited 30. camping trip(野营旅行) 31. at a camp(在一个营地上) 32. walk in the mountains(登山)/ walked 33. cook a lot of food(做许多食物)/ cooked 34. play a lot of games(玩许多游戏)/ played 35. go camping(去野营)/ went 36. plant flowers(种花)/ planted 37. have a good time(玩得很高兴)/ had 二、语

28、法。 1一般过去时,表示动作或状态在过去时间里已经结束。通常在句子中会出现一些表示过去的时间状语。如:a moment ago, just now, this morning, yesterday, last week/year/night/?, two days ago, three hours ago, ?等。 在一般过去时的句子中,谓语动词要用动词的过去式。第三单元中主要学习了 be 动词的过去式,本单元主要学习一些行为动词的过去式。 2动词过去式的形式。 动词过去式的变化可分为规则的和不规则的两大类。 a. 规则动词的过去式,词尾变化有以下三种: 1)一般情况下,直接在词尾加ed. 如

29、:washwashed, looklooked, climbclimbed 2) 以不发音字母e 结尾的,加d. 如:likeliked, dancedanced 3)以辅音字母+y 结尾的,变y 为i 再加ed. 如:studystudied b. 不规则动词的过去式变化没有什么规律。(应注意积累)如: is/amwas, arewere, dodid, have/hashad, gowent, comecame, readread, singsang, makemade, taketook, eatate, drinkdrank, runran, drawdrew, flyflew, gi

30、vegave, drivedrove, buybought, meetmet, stopstopped, carrycarried, putput, writewrote. 3. 规则动词过去式的词尾读音。 1)在清辅音后读/t/ 如:helped, liked, watched. 2) 在浊辅音和元音后读/d/ 如:lived, listened. 3) 在/t/和/d/的后面读/Id/ 如:wanted, planted. 9 4一般过去时的几种句子结构。 1)陈述句: a.肯定句:主语+动词的过去式+其他。 如:I played football with my friends last

31、 Sunday. b.否定句:主语+助动词didnt+动词原形+其他。 如:She didnt go to school yesterday. 2) 一般疑问句:助动词Did+主语+动词原形+其他? 如:Did you read English last night? 3) 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词What+助动词did+主语+动词原形+其他? 如:What did you do last week? 5. There be 句型的过去时态。 1)肯定句:There was/were a/an/some ? 2) 否定句:There wasnt/werent a/an/any ? 3) 一般疑问

32、句: Was/Were there a/an/any ? 回答:Yes, there was/were. / No, there wasnt/werent. Unit 6 Holidays一、词组: 1. New Years Day (元旦) 2. Halloween (万圣节) 3. Easter (复活节) 4. May Day (五一劳动节) 5. Childrens Day (儿童节) 6. National Day (国庆节) 7. Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) 8. Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) 9. Spring Festival (

33、春节) 10. Christmas (圣诞节) 11. Teachers Day (教师节) 12. Christmas is coming. (圣诞节快到了。) 13. get very excited (变得非常兴奋) 14. talk to his students about holidays (和他的学生一起谈论假期) 15. on the 25 th of December (在12 月25 日) 16. come after (在?后面) 17. on New Years Day (在元旦) 18. go to parties/ a party (去参加聚会) 19. have

34、a big lunch (吃一顿丰盛的午餐) 20. at Spring Festival (在春节) 21. visit their relatives and friends (拜访他们的亲戚和朋友) 22. eat lots of delicious food (吃许多美味的食物) 23. of course (当然) 10 24. my favourite holiday (我最喜爱的假期) 25. dress up in costumes (穿上戏装打扮自己) 26. last Halloween (去年万圣节) 27. eat moon cakes (吃月饼) 28. play w

35、ith lanterns (玩灯笼) 29. watch the moon (赏月) 30. on different holidays (在不同的假期) 31. sing and dance (唱歌跳舞) 32. a popular holiday (一个多数人喜爱的假期) 33. spend time with their family and friends (和家人朋友一起度过) 34. meet friends and relatives (和亲戚朋友见面) 35. have a long holiday (有一个长假) 36. watch dragon boat races (看龙

36、舟比赛) 37. eat rice dumplings (吃粽子) 二、句型: Whens ? Its in/on ? What do people usually do at ? They usually ? Did you ? last ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 三、重点: Holidays When? What do people usually do? New Years Day on the 1 st of January have a party, go to parties have a big lunch with family Easter i

37、n April make Easter eggs eat chocolate eggs May Day on the 1 st of May have a long holiday go to parks and beaches Dragon Boat Festival in May or June watch dragon boat races eat rice dumplings Childrens Day on the 1 st of June have parties at school sing and dance National Day on the 1 st of Octobe

38、r have a long holiday meet friends and relatives Mid-Autumn Festival in September or October watch the moon, eat moon cakes play with lanterns Halloween on the 31 st of October make pumpkin lanterns, go to parties wear masks, dress up in costumes Christmas on the 25 th of December spend time with th

39、eir family give presents to each other Spring Festival in January or February visit their relatives and friends eat lots of delicious food 四、语法: 1talk 与介词的搭配。 talk to sb.与某人谈话; talk about sth.谈论某事; talk to sb about sth.与某人谈论某事 如:Ben is talking to Jack about public signs.(本正在和杰克谈论公共标志。) 2介词in/on/at 的

40、区别。 (1)在表示节日的词前,用介词at。如:at Spring Festival. (2)在表示具体某一天的词前,用介词on。如:on New Years Day. (3)在表示某月或某年的词前,用介词in。如:in April, in 2006. 3. 由last 构成的词组。 last 指“刚过去的” ,它可以和其他单词组成许多表示过去的时间状语。如:last year(去年), last week(上周), last month(上个月), last Monday(上星期一), last Spring Festival(去年春节)等。 4watch 与look, see, read

41、等词的区别。 (1)look 是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语。强调有意识地“看” ,着重指动作。 look at 相当于一个及物动词的短语,其后可以跟宾语。多用来强调“看”的动作。 (2)see 是及物动词,后面可以跟宾语。意为“看到,看见” ,强调“看”的结果。 (3)read 多用来指阅读文字,图片等材料。如“看书,看报”等。 (4)watch 多用来指“看电视,看比赛”等。 Unit 7 At Christmas 一、词组: 1. at Christmas/on Christmas Day(在圣诞节) 2. Jims family(吉姆的家人) 3. in his grandparen

42、ts house(在他祖父母的家里) 4. after lunch(午饭后) 5. open their presents(打开他们的礼物) 6. under the Christmas tree(在圣诞树下) 7. so many presents(如此多的礼物) 8. This one is from Grandma.(这一个是奶奶送的。) 9. Open it for me.(为我打开它。) 10. a beautiful wallet(一只漂亮的皮夹子) 11. Youre welcome.(不用谢。) 12. Its so big.(它是那么大。) 13. a teapot and

43、some tea(一个茶壶和一些茶) 14. like drinking tea(喜欢喝茶) 15. Ive got(我得到) 16. Here they are.(它们就在这儿。) 17. Open mine for me.(为我打开我的礼物。) 18. this morning(今天早上) 19. go to the supermarket by bus(乘公共汽车去超市) 20. at the back of the bus(在公共车的后面) 12 21. get off(下车) 22. under the seat(在座位下面) 23. in front of me(在我的前面) 24

44、. the man in front of me(在我前面的那个男人) 25. point to(指向) 26. the woman beside him(在他旁边的那位女士) 27. Nobody answered.(没有人回答。) 28. walk to the driver(走向那个司机) 29. take it to the police station(把它带到警察局) 30. write ones diary(写日记) 31. a sunny day(晴朗的一天) 32. my mothers hairdryer(我妈妈的吹风机) 33. whose calculator(谁的计算

45、器) 34. Christmas present(圣诞礼物) 35. like the colour(喜欢这个颜色) 二、句型: Whose ? is it/are they? Its/Theyre mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs. Who is/are the ? from? Its/Theyre from ? 三、语法: 1物主代词分为两种:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 (1)形容词性物主代词,它不能单独使用,后面必须跟名词。通常在名词前作定语。 如:We are doing our homework.(我们正在做家庭作业。) (2)名词性物主代词,它

46、具有名词的性质,可以单独使用。在句中作主语、宾语或表语。 如:My shirt is black, but yours is white.(我的衬衫是黑色的,但你的是白色的。) (3)名词性物主代词具有“形容词性物主代词+名词”的作用。 如:Whose comb is it? Its hers.(hers=her+comb) 2. 人称代词分为两种:主格和宾格。 (1)主格一般在句中作主语。 如:I am a teacher. You are a student.(我是一名教师,你是一名学生。) (2)宾格在句中作及物动词或介词的宾语。 如:He is showing us his stamp

47、s.(他正在给我们看他的邮票。) 13 This card is for you.(这张贺卡是给你的。) 3so 的用法。 (1)作副词,表示程度。意为“如此,那么”。常用在形容词或副词前。 如:so lovely(如此可爱) so beautiful(如此漂亮) so fast(那么快) (2)作连词。意为“因而,所以”。用来连接并列句。 如:It was late, so we went home.(天晚了,所以我们就回家了。) 人称代词 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them 物主代词 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的 形容词性 my your his her its

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