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1、-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-2012年12月英语三级模拟预测试卷(一)Part IListening Comprehension【15 minutes】Directions:This part is to test yourfist ening abilityIt consists of 3 sectionsSectionADirections:This section is to testyour amlity to understand short dialoguesThere are 5recorded dialogues in itAfte

2、r each dialogue,there is arecorded questionBoth the dialogues and questions willbe spoken only onceWhen you hear a question,you shoulddecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D given in your test paperThen you should mark the correspondingletteron the Answer Sheet with a sing

3、le line through the center1AAt the downstairsBIn the closetCIn the drawerDIn the living room2A5 PmB12 noonC8 amD9 am3AShe coud not afford to fly to BeijingBIt is more convenient totake a planeCTaking a plane costs morebut saves timeDIt is better to go toBeijing by train4AHefelt betterBHe barely fini

4、shed itCIt was easyDIt was difficult5AHeturned to the monitorBHe turned to the teacherCHe turned to the policemanDHe reported it to the announcerSectionBDirections:This section is to testyour ability to understand short conversationsThereare 2 recorded conver-Sations in itAfter eachconversation,ther

5、e are some recorded questionsBoth theconversations and questions will be spoken two timesWhenyou hear a question,you should decide on the COl-rect answer from the 4 choicesmarked A,B,C and D given inyour test paperThen you should mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line th

6、rough the centerConversation16AHe caught a bad coldBHe hurt himselfCHe had a feverDHe got a headache and cough7ATo drink a lot of water onlyBTo stay in bedCTo go to see the doctorimmediatelyDTo watch the basketball matchConversation28ABecause she is on vacationBBecause she doesnt want t0CBecause she

7、 is workingbusilyDBecause she is studying for exam9AKate is going to go to night school next yearBKate is learning Japanesein night schOO1CKate is a good typistDKate and Jane are learningJapanese in night sch00110AExpensiveBCheapCWorth the moneyDWe dontknow11Why do many people dislikecity life?Becau

8、sethey feel_0f living in the city12For the city people,what are the attractions of the country life?Thequiet,theclean air and the beautiful_13What do some of the citypeople feel when they live longer in the countryside?They_14Why do people from thecountry enjoy visiting the city for a day or an even

9、ing?They cando some_Or go to the theater or a concert15What do many people fromthe country think of city life?The cityis_16She stayed at home duringthe whole summer vacationshe could lookafter her old grandmotherAin caseBnow thatCSO thatDas though17She does not know for herfirst job interviewAwhat s

10、hould she wearBwhat to be woreCwhat to wearDwhat will she wear18He_the train if hehadnt been stuck in trafficiam on the way to the railwav staftonAeouldnt missBwouldnt have missedCmustnt have misseDshouldnt miss19It was not until dark itwas time to return homeAthat he realizedBthat did he realizeCwh

11、en he realizedDwhen did he realize20Some animals well enoughin that countryAhave not protectedBis not being proteetedCare not being protectedDare not protecting21When you read books,you had better make marks you have one stionsAwhereBin whereCat whichDwhich22MrYang,_for his fatmous invention,was inv

12、ited to give a lecture in the technical universityAwas knownBknowingCwas knowingDknown23The population of India ismuch larger than_of SwedenAthatBsuchCwhatDso24After final examination,college students who have left their homes for a long time look forward to_as soon as possibleAbe going homeBgo home

13、Cbe goneDgoing home2The designer himself isnot sure whether this software is appropriate_children under 12years oldAwithBinCforDof261 would like to have mycar(repair) _,since I can not do it myself27He told me that the middle-agedman(wear) _glasses was the new president of Our university28T0 his(dis

14、appoint) _,he didnt pass the exam in spite of his great efforts29She sat next to him atdinner that night and engaged him in a(1ive) _diseussion of jobhunting30Upon graduation fromcollege,she did not(intention) _to go tograduate school;in stead,shejust wanted to get a job to support her poor family31

15、 A theory often involvesan imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could(produce)_.32Susan is themost(experience) _teacher in the sch00133if the doctor(come) _earlierlast night,Nina would be alive today34As the old saying goes:“There is no use(cry) _over spilt milk”35

16、1 would have remainedin(ignore) _if Mathew hadnt explained it to meFor most Americans,the word“poverty”suggestsdestitution:an inability to provide a falnily withnutritious food,clothing,and reasonableshelterBut only a small number of the 35 million36For most Americans。a“poor”man is the person who_Ac

17、an not afford a lot offoodBhas no rich material wealthChas no workDhas no money3 7In the second paragraphthe writer tries to tell us that_Athe poor families often donot Have enough food to eatBthe hunger for the poorfamily is just short-termCnot all the poor fan filiesencounter food-shortageDall the

18、 poor families donot have food to eat38The word“well-off”(thelast sentence of Para3)is close in meaning to_ApoorBhealthyCfastDrich39Which of the following isNOT true about the poor American defined by the American govern_ment?AHe has a cal,air conditionin9,a refrigerator and amicrowaveBHe has two co

19、lortelevisions and cable or satellite TV receptionCHis house is not verycrowdedDHe provides enough moneyto satisfy all the needs for the whole family40We can learn from thepassage that the poor American life_Acan afford all modernproductsBmeans no house for thefamilyCis different in the eyesof the g

20、overnment and the pressDonly belongs to those whodo not have enough food to eat41The first paragraph mainly tells us that_Aonline courses are becoming more important thantraditional coursesBonline courses were different from traditionalcoursesConline courses are becoming more popular incollege educa

21、tionDonline courses are actually not different fromtraditional courses42The study by South DakotaS Board of Regentsshows that_Aonline courses are available at any timeBonline courses are well accepted by on-campusstudentsConline courses should gradually take place oftraditional coursesDonline course

22、s can be more beneficial forcollege students43.At some schools online courses were firstconducted for_Aall the students who choose the coursesBstudents who live on campusCstudents who have no time in taking regularclassesDstudents who live far away from school44Which of the following is NOT true acc

23、ording tothe passage?AColleges may take different policies in onlinecoursesBSome schools allow students to mix online andface-t0-face creditsCStudents choose online courses for differentpurposesD0nline courses are much easier to pass thantraditional course45This passage is mainlyconcerned with_Athe

24、superiority of online courses overtraditional coursesBthe importance of online courses for collegestudentsCthe popularity of online courses with collegestudentsDthe wide coverage of online coursesTo:Robert WilliamsSchoolof ArchitectureAPerception of Roles BLanguage BaITieI-SCLeadershipStyles DCuItur

25、al DiversitvEFeelingsof Cultural Superiority FRecognitionof PerformanceGInterculturalNegotiation HBusiness InformationSources1SocialCustoms JBusiness EthicsKOrganizationof Business Messages LAttitude towardbusinessMApproachesto the Authority NSocialOrganizational PattemsOCorporateCulture PBusiness S

26、tructureExample:(B)语言障碍 (P)企业结构51()商业道德 ()文化多样性52()与权力机构的沟通 ()角色理解53()文化优越感 ()社会组织模式54()对业绩的认可 ()公司文化55()领导风格 ()社会习俗56When did MrSteele write the letter to MrBrown?On_57Why is it impossible togive a definite answer about the prospects of the Dlan?Becauseof the _between the various places in the west

27、ern part of thatcountry58What advice did MrBrown give him?The bestway is to conduct a(n) _59What did he suggestbesides the area saleS sulvev?Tomake_。60Why does he stlggestvisiting those places?It enableshim to know more about_Directions:Thispart,numbered61through 65,is to test your ability to transl

28、ate English On toChineseAfter6 1A new digital techniquehas been developed that can identify whether two works of art are by the sameartistA人们发展完善了一项新的数字技术,以判断是否同一艺术家在做两件艺术工作。B假如由同一艺术家完成两件艺术品,这项识别技术就能发展完善。C一项能够识别两件艺术作品是否出自同一艺术家之手的新数字技术已经被开发出来。D人们开发出了一项新的数字技术,这项数字技术能够判断两件艺术工作是否为同一艺术家所做。62As a general

29、rule,it is better to focus on the content of a presentation as a means ofattracting your audienceS attentionA一般来说,它最好将重心放在讲解的内容E,使之成为吸引观众注意力的方式。B一般的规则是,它最好集中在礼物的内容上,这比吸引观众的注意力更好。C一般的规则是,它最好注重讲解的内容,这意味着可吸引到观众的注意力。D总的说来,最好把重点放在讲解的内容上,借此来吸引观众的注意。63To communicate preciselywhat you want to say,you will f

30、requently need to definekey wordsA无论你想说什么,要做到简明扼要,关键就是要对词进行定义。B只要定义频繁出现的关键词就能准确传达本意。C要准确表达你的本意,就必须不断定义关键词。D要简明扼要地表达本意,就必须不断定义关键词。54The companys cost peakedat US$10 million in June before dropping drastically down to US$3million in OctoberA之前公司成本在10月份为300万美元,现在6月份又回升至1000万美元。B公司成本在6月达到顶峰,即1000万美元,然后急

31、剧下降,到1O月降为300万美元。C公司成本的最高值出现在6月,即1000万美元,然后在10月前狂降至300万美元。D公司6月的成本值为l000万美元,10月的成本值为300万美元。65Osaka(大阪)was JapanS greatest commercial city in ancient times and is thecity with Japan,sbiggest castle(城堡)Modern Osaka is a good place to seeco,mnercial and industrial JaDanThe castle is the mostinteresting

32、 tourist attraction in the cityIt was builtin 1586The easiest way to get to Osaka is on theworld-famous bullet train(新干线)from Tokyo,which travels over 210 kilometers per hourItis said to be the cleanest train in the world你是一家公司的市场部经理王华你的一个客户公司给你部门写信,询问是否能考虑降低你们的产品报价。今天(2006年6月24日)你给该公司的负责人MrDavis写封回

33、信表示理解他们的要求,但是由于原料价格上升使你们的生产成本提高,你们已给出最低报价。同时说明你们的产品比其他供应商的竞争力强,目前已收到很多订单。建议该客户能重新考虑你方的报价并希望尽快得到答复。注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓,写信日期,发信人的签名等基本格式。市场部经理:marketing manager 报价:quotation 生产成本:production costModel Test1Part Listening ComprehensionSection AConversation 1M: Mum, I dont feel well.W: Oh, dear, whats wrong?M

34、: I dont know. (6)I have got a headache and cough, and my back aches too.W: (7)Youd better stay in bed until tomorrow. If you are not better by then,I will take you to see the doctor.M: I feel a little thirsty. Can I have some water?W: Of course, dear. Drink plenty of water and try this medicine thr

35、ee times a day.M: Ok. Can I watch the basketball match on TV, Mum?W: No, you must lie down and have a rest.M: Its quite dull and uncomfortable, Mum.How long shall I stay this way?W: Dont worry, dear. You will be back to normal soon. Questions 6 and 7 are based on the conversation youve just heard.Co

36、nversation 2M: May I come in?W: Yes, of course.M: Hello, Kate. Where is Jane? I want her to type this letter for me.W: Im afraid she cant. (8)She isnt working today. She is studying for the exam.M: The exam? Is she going to school?W: Yes, she is. She is learning Japanese at night school.M: I see. Ar

37、e you going to night school, too?W: No, Im not, not this year. (9)But Im thinking about taking a course next year.M: Thats a good idea. Is that expensive?Anyway its worth the money.Many people who live in cities say that they dislike city life. (11)They say thecity is noisy, dirty and crowded. They

38、are tired of the traffic and the pollution.But not many people living in cities are happy when they have to stay in the country for two or three weeks. (12)They enioy the quiet, the clean air and thebeautifm healthy sum)undings,but they miss the stores and restaurants,the movie theater,the crowd8,an

39、d theexcitement of the cityPeople who live in the country on the other hand(14)enjoy vi8iting the city for a day or an evening to do some shopping or go to the theater or aconcert(15)But they often find the city a rather frightening placeand are usually happy to get back to their quiet, unexciting l

40、ives in the country【段落大意】许多居住在城市的人都说他们不喜欢城市生活。他们觉得城市太吵、太脏、太拥挤。但当他们真的在乡村待上两三周,大部分人又会怀念城市生活。而那些居住在乡村的人虽然喜欢在城市呆上一两天,买买东西,看看电影,但却觉得城市是一个令人恐惧的地方,他们更喜欢那安静、平和的乡村生活。Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage youve just heard11Why do many people dislike city life?【答案】tired【解析】题目询问为什么人们不喜欢城市生活。从“They say the

41、 city is noisy,dirty and crowded They are tired of the traffic and the pollution”(他们说城市太吵、太脏、太拥挤。他们厌倦城市的拥挤交通和污染)可以容易推出留空处应填入“tired”一词。12For the city people,what are the attractions of the country life?【答案】healthy surroundings【解析】题目询问对于城市人来说,乡村生活的诱人之处在哪儿。从“They enjoy the quiet,the clean air and the b

42、eautiful healthy surroundings”(他们喜欢那儿的宁静、干净的空气和美丽健康的环境)可知答案为“healthy surroundings”。13What do Some of the city people feel when they live longer in the countryside?【答案】miss the city【解析】题目询问一些城市人在乡村待久了会有什么感觉。从“but they miss the stores and restaurants,the movie theater, the crowds”(他们想念商店、餐馆、电影院、人群)即可知

43、答案。14Why do people from the country enjoy visiting the city for some time?【答案】shopping【解析】题目询问为什么乡村人喜欢在城市里待上一段时间。从“enjoy visiting the city for a day or an evening to do Some shopping or go to the theater or a concert”(喜欢在那里待上一天或一晚上去购物,去戏院或去参加音乐会)可知答案为“shopping”。15What do many people from the country

44、 think of city life?【答案】frightening【解析】题目询问许多从乡村来的人怎样看待城市生活。从“But they often find the city a rather frightening place”(但他们常常感到城市是一个十分可怕的地方)可知答案为“frightening”。Part StructureSection APart Reading ComprehensionTask 1参考译文划线点评Task 2参考译文划线点评Task 3参考译文划线点评46. Air-conditioning classrooms48. noise problems49. central unit50. the pipe wayTask 451. JD 52. MA53. EN 54.FO 55. CIA-角色理解B-语言障碍C-领导风格D-3t化g样性E-文化优越感F-对业绩的认可G-跨文化谈判H-商业信息来源I-社会习俗J-商业道德K-商业信息的组织L-对商业的态度M-与权力机构的沟通

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