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1、苏教版六年级上册英语第三单元测试卷 制卷人:Miss Zhang一听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(5分)( ) 1.A. Yes, I did. B. I went to the park. C. They made clothes. ( ) 2.A.I picked some flowers. B. I did my homework. C. I was at home.( ) 3.A. It was great fun. B. Yes, it was. C. Thank you.( ) 4.A. Yes, she is. B. She lived in Shanghai.

2、C. He lived in Beijing.( ) 5. A. New clothes, please. B. I wore a blue T-shirt. C. Theyre beautiful.二听录音,补全对话。(听两遍)(10分) A: Where did you go for the _? B: I went to Beijing and _ my friend. A: What did you do _? B: I went to the _ Palace. I _ _ interesting things. How_ you? A: I went to a _. I _ som

3、e fruits and went _.三单词辨音:写出划线部分发音不同的一个。5分 A B C D( ) 1. fine nine think ten( ) 2. wanted helped cooked laughed ( ) 3. who where why when( ) 4. chat chair teacher school( ) 5. bread great head heavy四 按要求写出下列单词或词组。 6分1. catch(过去式) 2. bring(过去式) (过去式) 4. buy(过去式) .5.his (宾格) 6. fish(复数) .五短语互译1

4、0分1. 拜访我的阿姨 2.故宫2.颐和园 4.参观上海博物馆5.打电话给她 6. 抓一条大鱼7.你的国庆节假期 8.摘一个橘子给我9.have a fashion show excited about 六 单项选择题20分( ) 1.He _ at school yesterday.wasnt C. doesnt C. didnt D. is( )2. He picked some oranges the tree _his mother last week. A. from, to B. of ,for C. from, for D of, of ( )3. _ your mo

5、ther see a film yesterday evening?.A. Are B. Did C. Was D.Is ( )4. He with his sisters often _ apples on the farm.A. pick B. picks C. picked D. picking( )5. I _ you, but you _ at home last night.A. call; werent B. called; arent C. called; werent D. calling,at( ) 6. In the morning, it very hard. We w

6、ere all very wet . A rains B rained C raining D rainy( )7. The king nothing in the street and the boy laughed him.A. wears, at B. wear, to C. wore, at D. wore, to( ) 8. There a pair of shoes under the bed just now.A. is B. was C. are D. were( ) 9.There was rain yesterday.A. heavy B. good C. bad D. b

7、ig( ) 10.Did you go ?A. good B. bad C. well D. nice( ) 11.Where Mike and his father this morning?A. does , go B. did , go C. did,went D. do, went( ) 12. The Easter holiday, the summer holiday , and the Christmas holiday are three holidays in . A. China B. Britain C. American D. Japan( ) 13.-How did

8、you spend your weekends? -I any places . It very hard all day.A. went , rainy B. werent go , rainedB. didnt go , rained D. went , rained( ) 14.-Im thirsty. Do you have drinks? -Yes. What about orange juice?A. any , some B. some , some C. any, any D. some, any( ) 15.-We had a picnic National Day. A.

9、on D.for( )16.Liu Tao Mike about his holiday. A. asking B.ask asking ask( )17.You look so .A. exciting B.interesting C.excited D.excite( )18.Jack often fishing on Sundays .But he kites with Mike last SundaysA. go , fly B.goes ,flies C.went , flew D.goes ,flew( )19.Where Su Yang a

10、nd her cousin yesterday afternoon?A. was B.were C.did )20.I called ,but she wasnt home. A. you B.he C.him D.her七用所给词的适当形式填空。9分1. Who (come) home late yesterday.2. We (not go) (skate)last Sunday.3. She (eat) an apple every day.4. Id like (call)your sister, Helen.5. Where you last night ? I was

11、in Suzhou.(be)6. Listen! The children (listen)to music in the classroom.7. My brother often (fly)kites in the park on Sundays.8. Mike can (pick)many oranges on the farm last week.八改写句子。20分1. I ate some fish (改为否定句)I fish.2.Mike saw many interesting things.(对划线部分提问) Mike ?3.They took a lot of photos

12、in the park(改为一般疑问句) they photos in the park ?4.The boy climbed the hill and went fishing(改为一般现在时)The boy often the hill and .5.He catches a big fish just now.(改为过去式)He _a big fish just now.6.Mike went to the Palace Museum last year.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Mike _last year?7.We ate a lot of food last Sunday.(改

13、为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _ you _a lot of food last Sunday? No, I _.8.My holiday was great fun.(对划线部分提问)_ _ holiday?, is, excited, she, the, about.(连词成句) .10.It was great fun.(改为感叹句) great fun!9 阅读理解10 ABob and Jim worked in the same factory. One day Jim borrowed(借) ten dollars from Bob, but then Jim lef

14、t his work and went to work in another town, so he didnt give back the money. Bob didnt see Jim for a year. Later, he knew from a friend where Jim was. So one day he went there to see him late in the evening. When he got to Jims room, he saw his shoes near the door. “Well, he must be in.” He thought

15、. He knocked at the door. There was no answer. He knocked again and said, “I know you are in, Jim. Your shoes are out here.”判断下列句子是否与短文意思相符, 相符的写“T”, 不相符的写“F” ( ) 1. Bob and Jim worked in the same school.( ) 2. Bob got some money from Jim.( ) 3. Jim didnt give back the money when he went to another

16、town.( ) 4. Jim didnt meet Bob for two years.( ) 5. When Bob knocked at the door, Jim opened. BThe Road family often does housework together at the weekends. Pam often cleans bedrooms. Her father buys groceries (食品杂货) for the next week. Her mum washes the clothes. John, Pams brother, helps to cut gr

17、ass in their garden. The Roads often ride a bike to the park nearby. In the park, they can play basketball and football. They always have a good time there. It is happy when a family works and plays together.根据短文内容选择正确答案( ) 1. How many people are there in the Road family? _ A. Two. B. Three. C. Four

18、. D. Five.( ) 2. The Road family likes to _. A. go on a picnic B. go shopping C. have a rest D. go to the park( ) 3. When the family work together, they feel_.A. tired B. happy C. angry D. sad( ) 4. _ cuts the grass in the garden.A. Father B. Mother C. Pam D. John( ) 5. A good title (标题) for the passage is _.A. A family works and plays together B. Cleaning the rooms C. A big family D. Pam and her parents十写作。 5分根据所给信息,写一篇短文,介绍他们的国庆假期生活。Kate 和她的朋友,去看了一场电影。电影很有趣,是关于monkeys 的。Liu Tao 和家人去了农场,他们放了风筝,摘了苹果,还抓了一些鱼。Mike 去了上海博物馆,看了许多古老的东西,它们很有趣。 . . . . . . . .

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