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1、Unit 5一Into English1. mold their thinking2. restrain ones impulse3. spread butter4. set the stage5. contaminate the environment6. undergo great suffering7. spray paint8. still the noise9. modify the tone10. work unknown harm11. sink a well12. acquire power13. desert ones friends14. settle the disput

2、e15. delight the eye16. invade that countryInto Chinese1. 邪恶的咒语2. 焦黄枯萎的草木3. 严峻的现实4. 空气污染5. 致命的武器6. 人工合成的材料7. 有创造力的大脑8. 品牌名9. 化学战争10. 事先调查11. 生死搏斗12. 外来物种13. 自然保护区14. 农业的精耕细作二A1.a piece of news/information2.a piece of paper; a slip of paper; a paper/newspaper3.a piece of advice4.a song; a piece of mu

3、sic5.a stone/rock/pebble6.a piece of wood; a log; a board; a plank7.a sweet/candy8.a piece of meat9.a loaf of bread; a piece of bread10.three colas; two black teas; four coffees11.a job; an occupation; a trade; a position12.a means; a way; a tool/an instrument13.a piece of cloth; a piece of clothing

4、; a coat/jacket; a suit 14.a piece /patch/parcel of land15.a piece of furniture; a sofa16.a piece of string17.a lot of fish/cattle and sheep/deer/insects/evidence/garbage/chemicals/pollution/pollutants/grass/weeds/enemies/enemy soldiers. B1. shoes/gloves2. water/wine3. teacups/books4. keys/bananas/f

5、lowers5. beer/milk6. tea/coffee7. cigarettes/wolves8. rice/salt/sand9. grass10. birds/sheep11. stones/melons12. film13. bees14. stones/money15. stars/students16. cattle三ABADC BABAB四1. Building a house is no joking matter. You must check carefully at every step.2. His troops successfully checked the

6、advance of the enemy whose original intention was to make a surprise attack.3. I really wanted to refute his arguments, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion.4. Rachel Carson is famous for devoting all her life to the cause of environmental protection.5. In some ways,

7、we are still ignorant of the potential harm of these dams and reservoirs. They might cause irrevocable changes in the environment.6. These must be a set of checks and balances so that no important policy concerning national interests can be made by one person without the knowledge of the people.7. T

8、o compete successfully we have to adjust to new conditions. These colorful garments, for example, are specially designed. They are intended for the youth market.8. We teachers cannot be excused for our lack of concern for students health.9. He said that he would rather die than be confined to bed al

9、l his life and isolated from the outside world.10. A mass protest swept the country and he was caught in a crossfire from both the right and left.五1. exchanged ; change ; exchanged, changed ; exchange, exchange2. except ; Besides ; beside ; except3. used to, is used to ; am used to ; used to 4. shak

10、ing ; shivering/trembling ; shook/shuddered/trembled/shivered ; shaking/trembling/shuddering六1. spell:一段时间;bill:账单2. bill:法案;score:取得胜利3. bill:纸币4.closed:保守的5. close:不通风的;desert:抛弃6.closed:相近的;score:得分7.close:仔细的;bill:海报直接的;score:宿怨导演;score:许多针对发表评论;desert:沙漠Grammar一

11、a substitute for a predicative that has already been mentioned or implied to avoid repetition 2.used before an adjective, meaning “very”3.pre-determined in a noun phrase4.adjective as predicative used in the structure “such + that-clause”to denote result substitute for what has already been men

12、tioned to avoid repetition6.idiom, meaning “like”7.adjective used in the structure “such+noun phrase+as +to-infinitive” to denote result the “somat” the “sothat”structure10.introducing an adverbial clause of result(二)1.such a windbag hard 3.such fast fami

13、 such8.such that9.such away few tickets二1. given time2. It is not our contention that3. Considering their age4. It is no accident their age5. Considering the difficult circumstances6. Given the opportunity7. It is no accident that 8. Considering the drought in spring and flood in sum

14、mer9. It is not our contention that10. Its probably no accident that四 翻译 我们应该时不时静下来,倾听一下大自然有什么话要对我们说,而不是总将自己的意愿强加于它。如果当初我们这么做了,我深信我们将会以新的角度看待自己狂热的生活。我们甚至会看清这个社会的愚蠢和疯狂,这个世界有一半的人将忙于毁灭另外一半的人,忙着把我们整个星球变成一堆放射性的尘埃。 我多想我能够站在你们面前对你们说,我这一代人对人与自然的关系有所建树并赋予价值;我们曾见过我们居住的地球的壮丽、优美以及威力,并从她那里学到智慧和谦卑。不幸的是,我无颜这么说,因为正是我们这一代人生产出了致命的破坏物质。 然而时间像溪水向前流淌,人类也随其奔向未来。你们这一代人必须与环境和解;你们这一代必须面对种种现实,而不是躲在物质的避风港里,无视现实。你们的责任重大,然而这又是一个光荣的责任。你们将踏入的那个世界将面临人类前所未有的挑战,它将考验人类的成熟程度,及其对自身而非大自然的认知程度。(节选自蕾切尔卡尔森于1962年6月12日在加利福尼亚州克莱尔蒙特市的斯克利普斯学院毕业的典礼上的讲话)

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