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1、 高考英语基础写作单句训练1. 保持生态平衡很重要。 3. 夏天到湖里游泳多有趣呀!4. 我们多兴奋啊!5. 如何处理垃圾是个大问题。6. 他的爱好是晚饭后下棋。7. 我对他的话深感失望。8. 他的演讲鼓舞人心。10. 他认为帮助别人是他的责任。11. 我盼望收到你的回信。13. 请接受我诚挚的歉意,我昨晚没参加宴会。14. 谢谢你在英语上给予我的帮助。15. 我们听到他大声唱歌。16. 我回到家时,发现客人已走了。17. 她的房间总是收拾得井井有条。18. 他总是第一个来,最后一个走。20. 现在讨论的问题必须保密。1. It is important to keep the balance

2、 of nature.3. What fun/How interesting it is to swim in a lake in summer!4. How excited we are!5. How to get rid of rubbish is a big problem.6. What he likes is playing chess after supper.7. I was greatly disappointed at what he had said.8. His speech is encouraging.10. He feels it is his duty to he

3、lp others.11. I am looking forward to hearing from you.13. Will you kindly accept an apology for my not being present at your party last evening?14. Thank you for your great help with my English.15. We heard him singing in a loud voice.16. When I get home, I found the guests gone.17. Her room is alw

4、ays in good order.18. He is always the first to come and the last to leave.20. The problem being discussed here must be kept secret21. 我多么懊悔在林间和田野里浪费那么多时间!22. 她轻轻地走进来,以免吵醒睡觉的孩子。23. 他回到家里,发现老朋友Tom正在等他。24. 海水太冷,不能游泳。25. 我们爬到塔顶,看到一片美景。26. 如果照管得好些,这些树会长得好些。27. 他气喘喘地跑到她面前。28. 老师走进教室,后面跟着几个来访者。29. 女孩一个人坐在

5、那里,陷入深思。30. 鱼必须呆在水里,否则会死。21. How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods and fields!22. She came in quietly so as not to wake the sleeping child.23. He went home only to find his old friend Tom waiting for him.24. The sea was too cold to swim in.25. Climbing to the top of the tower, we saw a wonde

6、rful view.26. Given better attention, the trees would grow even faster.27. He ran up to her breathing heavily.28. The teacher walked into the classroom, followed by some visitors.29. The girl sat alone for some time, lost in thought.30. Fish must stay in water, or they will die.31. 要努力工作,否则不会成功。32.

7、那就是他所住的地方。33. 他失败的原因是他太依赖别人了。34. 站在那儿的高个子是我弟弟。35. 书在桌上,你放在那里的。36. 只有你的话他才可能听。37. 我每次见到她,她都在读书。38. 把它放在原来的地方。39. 无论到哪,雷锋都乐于助人。40. 机会这样好,我们可不能失掉。31. Work as hard as you can, or you will never succeed in life.32. Thats where he lives.33. The reason why he failed is that he depends on others too much.34

8、. The tall man standing over there is my brother.35. The book is on the table, where you left it.36. You are the only person whose advice he might listen to.37. Every time I see her, she is reading.38. Put it where you found it. / Put it where it was.39. Wherever he went, Lei Feng was always ready t

9、o help others.40. Its such a good chance that we mustnt miss it.41. 大声点,以便大家都能听见。42. 他讲得很慢,以便让人人都能听见。43. 只要你努力,就能通过英语考试。44. 不管喜欢与否,你非做不可。45. 他经常受表扬,但从不骄傲。46. 我除了学英语,还学法语。47. 这件事对你我都很重要。48. 他不光给我钱,还给我建议。49. 他不仅是著名诗人,还是著名剧作家。50. 他们去了长城,我也去了。41. Speak louder so that everyone can hear you. Speak louder

10、to make yourself heard.42. He spoke slowly in order that everyone should understand.43. You can pass the English examination so long as you work hard.44. Whether you like it or not, youll have to do it.45. He has often been praised but he is never proud.46. Im learning French as well as English.47.

11、It is important for you as well as for me.48. He gave me money as well as advice.49. He was not only a famous poet but also a well-known play writer.50. They went to the Great Wall and I went as well.51. 过马路之前,他左右看了看。52. 由于不知道走哪条路,他问了警察。53. 她气得说不出话来。54. 他很生气,一言不发就走了。55. 这是你要的书。56. 明天一位美国人要来教我们英语。57.

12、 我是照你说的做的。58. 他尽管年纪小,英语却很好。59. 他那样穿戴是为了引人注意。60. 我不知道发生了什么。答案51. He looked both ways before crossing the road.52. As he didnt know the way, he asked a policeman.53. She was so angry that he could hardly speak.54. He was angry so that he left the room without saying a word.55. This is the book which y

13、ou asked for.56. An American will come tomorrow to teach us English.57. I did as you told me.58. Young as he is, his English is quite good.59. He dresses like that to make himself noticed.60. I dont know what is happening.61. 今天上午我在河边走。62. 我听到一个女人喊救命。63. 我跑过去得知她儿子掉下了河。64. 我没多想就跳下去。65. 我抓住他的手把他拖上岸。66

14、. 几个月前我病了不能上学。67. 我怕被别人落下。68. 班长来帮助我。69. 他为我解释课文中的难点。70. 在他的帮助下,我终于赶上了别人。答案61. This morning while I was walking along the bank of a river.62. I heard a womans cry for help.63. I ran towards her and she told me that her son had fallen into the river.64. Then I had no time to think it over and jumped

15、into the river.65. Finally I caught hold of his hand and carried him to the bank.66. Several months ago, I was ill and I didnt go to school for two weeks.67. I was afraid to fall behind others.68. Our monitor often came to help me.69. He explained the difficult points to me and encouraged me.70. Wit

16、h his help, I caught up with my classmates at last.71. 10月30日凌晨,地处繁华地段的一幢办公楼失火。72. 消防队员立刻赶来灭火。73. 由于风大,火势漫延。74. 大火持续2个小时。75. 这个三层楼房完全毁了。76. 为什么年轻人应努力学习?77. 随着科技的发展,社会变化很快。78. 不学习就赶不上时代的步伐。79. 只有用知识武装自己,才能为国家多出力。80. 知识在工作、生活中起着重要作用。71. On the early morning of October 30, a big fire broke out in an of

17、fice building in a busy street.72. Firemen came immediately and rushed about the building to put out the fire.73. But the wind was blowing hard and the fire was spreading quickly.74. The fire lasted about 2 hours and was finally put out.75. The three-storeyed building was destroyed completely.76. Wh

18、y should young people study hard?77. With the development of science and technology, this world changes more quickly than before.78. If we dont study, we will not be able to keep up with the times.79. Only when we are armed with more knowledge are we able to do more to the nation in the future. (onl

19、y开头,句子倒装)80. Knowledge plays an important part in our work and life.81. 如何为找工作而去面试?82. 首先要穿着整洁。83. 其次要认真准备。84. 也许你没得到这份工作。85. 不要灰心,要找出失败的原因。86. 我父亲是个中年教师。87. 他工作起来像个年轻人一样充满活力。88. 每天晚上他都批改作业、备课、读书。89. 父亲全身心地投入到工作中。90. 这就是我的父亲,我很爱他。答案81. How to interview for a job?82. Firstly, you should dress up neat

20、ly.83. Secondly, you should prepare for it carefully.84. Maybe after the job interview, you cant get the job.85. Dont lose your heart and try to find out the reasons for this failure.86. My father, a middle-aged man, is a middle school teacher.87. But he works like a young man, full of energy.88. Ev

21、ery evening he is busy correcting his students exercise-books, preparing his lessons, and doing some reading.89. Father puts all his heart and soul into his work.90. Such is my father, and I love him very much.91. 一天,Mrs. Smith写信邀请她的一个当医生的朋友来家里吃饭。92. 几天后,她拿着回信却看不懂。93. 她到一家药店去寻求帮助。94. 药剂师看完后给了她一大瓶药。9

22、5. 最后她还是没弄明白她的朋友到底来不来吃饭。96. 我来谈一谈如何学好英语。97. 我经常大声朗读,这样容易记住并形成用英语思考的习惯。98. 我每天收听英语广播,用英语和别人交谈。99. 我的听力和口语进步很快。100. 我坚持用英语写日记,我的写作能力不断提高。答案91. One day, Mrs. Smith wrote a letter to her friend, who was a doctor, inviting him to have dinner with her family.92. A few days later, the doctor wrote back to

23、her, but she was not able to read his writing.93. She went to a chemists shop for help.94. After reading the letter, the chemist gave her a large bottle of medicine.95. Finally Mrs. Smith still had no idea whether her friend would come to have dinner with them or not.96. Now Id like to tell you how

24、I learn English.97. I often read aloud, which helps me to remember them easily and form a good habit of thinking in English.98. I listen to English program every day and communicate/talk with others in English.99. In this way, Ive improved both my hearing and my spoken English.100. I keep a diary in

25、 English and my written English is becoming better and better.101. 电视在日常生活中起着重要作用。102. 一方面,它让我们及时了解国内外所发生的一切。103. 我们可以从电视节目中学到很多知识。104. 另一方面,看电视对健康,尤其对眼睛不好。105. 有些电视节目对孩子有不良影响。101. TV plays an important part in our daily life nowadays.102. On one hand, it provides us news at home and abroad.103. We

26、can learn a lot from TV programs.104. On the other hand, watching TV too much does great harm to our health, especially to our eyes.105. TV programs sometimes have a bad effect on children.106. 我的家乡是一个占地36平方公里,人口20万的小镇。107. 解放前,人们生活很艰苦。108. 20年来,这里发生了巨大的变化。109. 这里建起了公园、商场、影院、医院,还有学校。110. 人们的生活丰富多彩。答

27、案106. My hometown, with a population of 200 thousand and covering an area of 36 square kilometers, is a small town.107. Before liberation, people there lived a hard life.108. Great changes have taken place there in the past 20 years.109. Besides schools, parks, shops, cinemas and hospitals have also

28、 been set up.110. Peoples lives are rich and colourful.111. 随着人口的增长,我们面临越来越多的社会问题。112. 尽管粮食每年丰收,但还有很多人吃不饱。113. 大量公交车投入使用,可还很拥挤。114. 建了很多房子,仍不能满足人们的需求。115. 必须采取措施控制人口增长。答案111. As the population of our country continues to grow, we are facing more and more social problems.112. Though we have good harv

29、est year after year, millions of people are still in hunger.113. Plenty of buses have been put to use, yet they still remain too crowded. 114. Each year thousands of new buildings are built, but they still cant meet the needs of people.115. So measures have to be taken to control the growth of popul

30、ation.116. 明天上午来自北大的王教授将在科技宫作有关污染的报告。117. 如果你感兴趣,请八点前到。118. 科技宫距你住的旅馆不远,可以走着去。119. 出了旅馆左转,走到交通灯处。120. 右转后过两个十字路口就可以看到。答案116. There will be a lecture on pollution given by Professor Wang from Beijing University in the Science Palace tomorrow morning.117. If you are interested in it, please get there

31、before 8 oclock.118. It is not far from your hotel. You can walk there.119. When you go out of the hotel, turn left and walk down the street until you come to a traffic light.120. Take a right turn there, walk two crossings, and you will see it.121. 我高兴地获息你要来这学习。122. 碰巧一位室友刚搬走,你可以和我同住一室。123. 到这后重要的是

32、提高英语水平,因为所有课都用英语讲。124. 我有个实验要做,不能去机场接你。125. 你可以打车来。答案121. Im very glad to learn that you are coming to study here.122. It so happened that my roommate has moved away so you can share it with me if you like.123. The most important thing for you to do when you arrive here is to improve your English, f

33、or all the courses are taught in English.124. Im afraid that I will not be able to meet you at the airport because I have some experiments to do that day.125. It takes an hour to get here by taxi.126. 在过去的五年里,人们的饮食(diet)结构发生了变化。127. 粮食吃得少了而肉奶等高能量的比例(proportion)增加了。128. 过去人们买不起肉奶等,而现在有钱了。129. 现在人们更加注

34、重饮食结构。130. 合理的饮食对人们身体有好处。答案126. In the past five years, there have been changes in peoples diet.127. Grain, as the main food of most Chinese, is now playing a less important role in peoples diet. While the proportion of some high-energy food, such as milk, meat has increased.128. First, in the old d

35、ays, people couldnt afford them. And now they have enough money to buy them.129. Second, people of nowadays pay more attention to the structure of their diet.130. Reasonable diet structure will do good to their health.131. 星期天上午风和日丽,我和父亲来到公园。132. 公园里一切都很美,我们心情愉悦。133. 我们正要拍照却看见一个穿着入时的小姐随手扔东西。134. 我不知

36、道为什么这么多人有这样的坏习惯。135. 如果不改掉这些坏习惯我们的城市将成什么样子?答案131. One Sunday morning, it was fine and the air was fresh. My father and I went to a park.132. Everything in the park was beautiful, so we felt very happy.133. We were about to take some photos when suddenly we saw a well-dressed girl litter.134. I wonde

37、red why so many people had such bad habits.135. What will our city be like if we dont get rid of the bad habits?136. Dongdong虽只有五岁,每天却要学很多东西。137. 父母对他要求严格,希望他将来成名。138. 他要学英语、音乐、美术等。139. 早晨父亲教他英语,上午还要弹钢琴,下午去学画画。140. 他多想自由地玩上一小时啊!答案136. Dongdong is only five years old. And he has already begun to lear

38、n a lot every day.137. His parents are very strict with him, expecting him to become a famous person in the future.138. He is made to learn English, music, art and so on.139. Early in the morning, his father teaches him English. After breakfast he learns to play the piano. In the afternoon, his fath

39、er takes him to an art school, where he learns how to draw pictures.140. How he hopes to play for an hour freely!141. 很高兴收到你的来信,我愿意成为你的笔友。142. 我在北京五中学习,我们学校有1500人。143. 我们学语文、英语、数学、理化等科目。144. 我最喜欢英语,我的业余爱好是收集邮票。145. 我希望能到你们学校参观。答案141. Im very pleased to receive your letter. And Id like very much to b

40、e your pen-friend.142. Im studying at No. 5 Middle School with 1500 students.143. We learn Chinese, English, maths, physics, chemistry and other subjects.144. I like English best. And my hobby is collecting stamps.145. I hope one day I can go and visit your school.146. 我考上大学已两个多月了。147. 我发现英语课与中学有些不同

41、。148. 我的英语老师是英国人,他经常说英语课只允许讲英语。149. 每个人都不得不设法弄明白他讲的内容。150. 我将花更多时间来提高我的英语水平以便取得更大进步。答案146. It has been over two months since I entered the university.147. I find that the English course in the university is somehow different from that in the middle school.148. My teacher is an English man, who often

42、 tells us “In my classes only English is spoken.”149. Everyone has to try his best to catch what he says.150. Ill spend more time improving my English so that I can make great progress.151. 我们学校计划下月举办美国电影节。152. 我写信请你来给作个相关报告。153. 这将有助于我们了解美国电影的发展。154. 一个半小时够吗?155. 请尽快通知我。答案151. Our school is plannin

43、g to hold an American Film Festival next month.152. Im writing to ask you to come and give a talk on American films and filmmaking industry.153. It will help us understand how the industry has developed into big business as it is today.154. Do you think one and a half hours will be enough?155. Pleas

44、e let me know as soon as possible.156. 1月20日下午4:306:00在阶梯教室有个英语讲座。157. 北大李教授将作如何提高英语听力和口语能力的报告。158. 所有英语教师和高中生都要求准时参加。159. 会后在会议厅有英语晚会。160. 欢送各位参加。答案156. There will be an English lecture in the lecture-hall from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. January 20.157. Professor Li, from Beijing University, will give a tal

45、k on how to improve our listening and spoken English.158. All the English teachers and the senior students are required to attend the lecture on time.159. After his talk, an English Evening will be held at the meeting room.160. Everyone is welcome.161. Mrs. Green 1989年9月到我校以来一直认真工作。162. 在教学上既严格又耐心。1

46、63. 她讲课生动有趣。164. 在她的帮助下,我们的英语进步很快,尤其是口语。165. 我们感谢她的出色工作。答案161. Mrs. Green came to our school in September 1989. Since then she has been working very hard.162. She is not only strict but also patient with us in teaching.163. She always makes her classes lively and interesting.164. With her help, we h

47、ave made rapid progress in English, especially in spoken English.165. We all thank her for her excellent teaching.166. 学生会下周六举行英语演讲比赛。167. 目的是提高学生的口语水平。168. 有意参加者下周三前找班长报名。169. 奖励前十名。170. 欢迎大家参加。答案166. The Student Union will hold an English-speaking contest next Saturday.167. It is designed to improve the students spoken English.168. Those who are willing to take part

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