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1、 形容词的比较级和最高级构成 构成法原级比较级最高级1.单音节词末尾加-er 和-estgreat伟大的greatergreatest2.单音节词如以-e结尾,只加-r和-stbrave勇敢的fine好的braverfinerbravestfinest3.闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须双写该辅音字母,再加-er和-estbig 大的hot 热的biggerhotterbiggesthottest4.少数以-y,-er,-ow, -ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er,和-est(以-y结尾的词,如-y前是辅音字母,则变y为i,再加-er和-est;以-e结尾的词仍只加-r和-st) h

2、appy快乐的clever聪明的narrow狭窄的 able 能 happiercleverer narrowerabler happiestcleverestnarrowest ablest5.其他双音节和多音节词皆在前面加单词more和most difficult 困难的more difficult most difficult 特殊点() 有些单音节词的比较等级常用more和most,如glad,fond,shy,sly(但like只可用more和most)。 I am not more glad than you.我可没像你那样高兴。Uncle Jack was more like a

3、 book of reference to my father.杰克大叔对我父亲来说真是一部参考书。 () 有些单音节词用-er和-est或more和most皆可,如free,clear等。 Im clearer/more clear about it than before.对这事,我比以前更清楚了。 () 有些双音节词用-er和-est或more和most皆可,在当代英语中似有多用more和most的趋势,如:secure,cruel,pretty,lively等。 She looks prettier/more pretty with long hair than with short

4、hair.她留长发比留短发漂亮。The patient seems a little livelier/more lively this morning.这位病人今天早上精神似乎好些了。 () 分词形容词的比较等级一律用more和most。 I felt more tired this morning.今天上午我感觉比较疲倦。Skiing is more exciting than skating.滑雪比滑冰更激动人心。The report is most alarming.这个报告最为扰乱人心。 英语里有些形容词的比较等级的变化是不规则的。 good well better best bad

5、 ill worse worst many much more most little few less least far farther farthest 或 further furthest old older oldest 或 elder eldest late later latest latter last() 形容词前可加less和least,表示“较不”和“最不”。 Short sight is less common among the young students in this country.近视在这个国家的青少年学生中较为少见。The flaw in this sta

6、mp makes it less valuable.这张邮票因为有点瑕疵,不那么值钱。Shes no less active than she used to be.她和以往一样活跃。He has less strength than I have.他的力气比我小。It is less cold than it was yesterday.天气没有昨天那样冷。 比较级表示法(1) “A+谓语+as+形容词原级+as+B”表示A和B同等程度。 eg. Im not as tall as he.我没有他高。 The march of events is as fast as we thought.

7、事情的发展就如我们所料的那样快。 (2) “A+谓语+形容词比较级+than+B”表示A超过B。 eg. The first is better than the second第一个比第二个好。 The doctors fees were higher than we expected.医生的酬金比我们预计的要高。 (3) “the+比较级,the+比较级”表示B随着A的增长程度而平行增长,译为“越越”。 eg. The busier I am,the happier I feel.我越忙,越高兴。 The lazier you are,the poorer you will be.你越懒,就

8、越穷。 The more careful you are,the less mistakes you would make. 你越仔细,出错越少。 The more problems you think about,the cleverer you will become.你考虑的问题越多,你就会越聪明。 (4) “比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”。 eg. As he got older,he became more and more fond of comfort.随着年龄的增长,他越来越喜欢安逸。 The summer is coming,it is getting hotter

9、and hotter.夏天来了,天气越来越热。 Things are getting better and better.情况一天比一天好起来。 (5) A+谓语+倍数+as+形容词原级+as+BA+谓语+倍数+比较级+than+BA+谓语+倍数+the size/height/length/weight of+B eg. There are now five times as many schools in our town as in 1979.我们城里的学校比1979年增加了4倍。 Asia is four times larger than Europe.亚洲比欧洲大3倍。 This

10、desk is twice the size of that one.这张桌子是那张桌子的两倍大。 最高级表示法(1)形容词最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较, 其结构一般是“定冠词the+形容词最高级+表示范围的短语或从句”。 eg. She is the tallest among her classmates.她在她同学之中是最高的。 He is the most honorable of men.他是品行最为高尚的人。 This book is the most difficult that I have ever read.这本书是我所读过的最难读的一本书。 (2) 形容词的最高级也可以

11、用“形容词的比较级+than+any other+单数名词”或“形容词的比较级+than+any of the other+名词的复数”来表示。 eg. That city is larger than any other city in that country.那座城市是该国最大的城市。John is taller than any other boy in the class.约翰比班上其他的男生都高。He is more experienced than any of the other teachers in our school.他是我们学校最有经验的老师。 (3)形容词的最高级作

12、表语,如果没有表示比较的范围或者说不与别的人或物进行比较,形容词的最高级前常常不加冠词。 eg.Pollution is most serious in this area.这个地区的污染最严重。 Vegetables are best when they are fresh.蔬菜新鲜的时候最好。 ()形容词的最高级前如果有物主代词,不再加定冠词。 This is my best coat.这是我最好的大衣。She is doubtless my best friend.她无疑是我最好的朋友。I sent you my best wishes on this happy occasion.在这

13、快乐的时刻我向你致以最好的祝愿。 没有比较级和最高级的形容词 表示“完全”“特别”等意义的形容词。 complete完全的 empty空的entire整个的 excellent优秀的fatal致命的 final最终的full满的 hopeless无望的impossible不可能 perfect完美的relative相对的 total完全的universal全体的 whole整个的 表示“极限”“主次”等的形容词。 basic基本的 chief主要的extreme极端的 first第一的main主要的 major较大的maximum最大的 minimum最小的minor较小的 primary首要

14、的supreme至上的 wonderful极好的 表示“独一无二”的形容词。 mere仅仅 only仅有的single唯一的 unique独特的 表示“强调”的形容词。 favourite最受喜欢的 own自己的simple纯粹的 very正是的 表示“状态”的形容词。 alight着火的 ashamed羞耻的asleep睡着的 awake醒着的blind瞎的 deaf聋的dumb跛的 dead死的 表示“性质”“材料”“国籍”等的形容词。 American美国的 economic经济的false错的 golden金制的illegal非法的 scientific科学的sufficient充足的

15、 true真实的wooden木制的 woolen羊毛的 表示“时间”的形容词。 daily每天的 weekly每周的present目前的 future将来的 表示“几何形状”等的形容词。 circular圆形的 level水平的round圆形的 square四方的straight直的 hollow空的 练习题1(一) 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式: long_ _ wide _ _ fat _ _ heavy_ _ slow _ _ few_ _ brightly_ -_ bably _ _ far_ _ quickly _ _ happy_ -_ unhappy_ (二)用所给词

16、的正确形式填空: 1. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _ (clever). 2. Gold(黄金) is _ (little) useful than iron(铁). 3. My sister is two years _ (old ) than I. 4. Johns parents have four daughters, and she is the _ (young) child. 5. The _ (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones. 6. The short one is by fa

17、r _ expensive of the five. 7. The boy is not so _ (interesting) as his brother. 8. Dick sings _ (well), she sings _(well) than John, but Mary sings_(well) in her class. 9. She will be much _ (happy) in her mew house. 10. This dress is _ that.(twice, asas, expensive) (四)翻译句子: 1 本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book i

18、s _ _ _ that one. 2 你游泳没有你弟弟好。You cant swim _ _ _ your brother. 3 今天比昨天冷的多。It is _ _ today_ it was yesterday. 4 对这个故事我比另一个喜欢的多。This story is _ _ _ than that one. 5 他比我大两岁。He is _ _ _ than I. 6 这个故事不如那个有趣。This story is _ _ _ than that one. 7 她的身体状况一天天好起来。He is getting _ _ _ every day. 8.他对英语越来越感兴趣。He

19、 is becoming _ _ _ _ _ English. 9.他吃的越多,人越胖。The more he eats, the _ he gets. 10.你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。Your question is _ _ _ of two.最佳答案一) 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式: long_longer longest wide wider widest fat _fatter fattest heavy_heavier heaviest slow slower slowest few_fewer fewest brightly_more brightly most

20、brightly -_ bably _more bably most bably far farther farthest quickly _more quickly most quickly happy_happier happiest unhappy_more unhapper most unhappy_ (二)用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _more clever_ (clever). 2. Gold(黄金) is _less_ (little) useful than iron(铁). 3. My sister is

21、 two years _older_ (old ) than I. 4. Johns parents have four daughters, and she is the _youngest_ (young) child. 5. The _cheapest_ (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones. 6. The short one is by far _more_ expensive of the five. 7. The boy is not so _interested_ (interesting) as his brother.

22、8. Dick sings _well_ (well), she sings _better_(well) than John, but Mary sings_best_(well) in her class. 9. She will be much _happier_ (happy) in her mew house. 10. This dress is _twice as more expensive as_ that.(twice, asas, expensive) (四)翻译句子: 1 本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book is _as_ _interesting_ as_ tha

23、t one. 2 你游泳没有你弟弟好。You cant swim _as_ well_as _ your brother. 3 今天比昨天冷的多。It is _much_ colder_ today_than_ it was yesterday. 4 对这个故事我比另一个喜欢的多。This story is _much more interesting_ than that one. 5 他比我大两岁。He is _two years older_ than I. 6 这个故事不如那个有趣。This story is _not_ more_interesting_ _ than that on

24、e. 7 她的身体状况一天天好起来。He is getting _better and better every day. 8.他对英语越来越感兴趣。He is becoming _more and more interested in_ English. 9.他吃的越多,人越胖。The more he eats, the _fatter he gets. 10.你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。Your question is _the_more difficult_ of two. 练习题2I. 形容词比较级练习1.Bobneverdoeshishomework_Mary.Hemakeslot





29、ds_timedoinghomeworkthanXiao Chendoes.A.littleBlessC.fewD.fewer18.IlikedtoplayfootballwhenIwasyoung._.A.SohewasB.SowasheC.SodidheD.SohedidII.用所给词的恰当形式填空。1.Whichis_(big),thesun,themoonortheearth?2.Whichis_(beautiful),theblackcoartortheblueone?3.thismooncakeis_(cheap)ofall.4.Heis_(strong)intheclass.5.

30、Englishis_(widely)spokenintheworld.答案I.1.B2.D3.D4.D5.B6.A7.D8.C9.B10.B11.A12.B13.C14.D15C16.D17.B18.CII.1.thebiggest2.morebeautiful3.thecheapeat4.thestrongest5.themostwidely 练习题3英语语法之形容词比较级和最高级练习题1. This box is_ that one.A. heavy than B. so heavy thanC. heavier as D. as heavy as2 When we speak to pe

31、ople, we should be .A. as polite as possible B. as polite as possiblyC. as politely as possible D. as politely as possibly3 This book is_ that one, but_ than that one.A. as difficult as; expensiveB. as more difficult as; more expensiveC. as difficult as; more expensiveD. more difficult as; as expens

32、ive4 I think the story is not so _ as that one.A. interesting B. interested C. more interesting D. most interesting5 His father began to work_ he was seven years old.A. as old as B. as early as C. since D. while21. I think science is _ than Japanese.A. much important B. important C. much more import

33、ant D. more much important( ) 2 This pencil is_ than that one. longest B. long C. longer D. as long( ) 3 My mother is no _ young.A. shorter B. longer C. little D. few( ) 4 These children are _ this year than they were last year.A. more tall B. more taller C. very taller D. much taller( ) 5 It was ve

34、ry hot yesterday, but it is_ today.A. even hotter B. more hotterC. much more hot D. much hot6. Mrs Black has got_ instead of getting any better.A. more bad B. a little worse C. much badly D. a lot of worse3( ) 1 When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with_ students.A. quite a few B. only

35、 a few C. few D. a few quite2 The house is small for a family of six.A. much too B. too much C. very much D.so3 Through the window we can see nothing but _ buildings.A. tall very many B. very many tall C. very tall many D. many very tall4 -Whats your brother like?-He is_.A. a driver B. very tall C.

36、my friend D. at school5 The jacket was so_ that he decided to buy it. ,A. much B. little C. expensive D. cheapl6 Our classroom is_ larger than theirs.A. more B. quite C. very D. much4( ) 1 The earth is about_ as the moon.A. as fifty time big B. fifty times as big C. as big fifty times D. fifty as ti

37、mes big( ) 2 Your room is mine.A. twice as large than B. twice the size ofC. bigger twice than D. as twice large as( ) 3 Your room is _ than mine.A. three time big B. three times big C. three times bigger D. bigger three times( ) 4 His father is_than his mother. ;A. older four years B. as four years

38、 older C. four years older D. bigger four years5( ) 1 Maths is more popular than_.A. any other subject B. all the subjects C. any subject D. other subject( ) 2 China is larger than _ in Africa (W).A. any other country B. other countries C. the other country J 1%D. any country( ) 3 Tom is stronger th

39、an _ in his class.A. any other boy B. any boys C. any boy D. other boy6( ) 1 When spring comes, it gets_.A. warm and warm B. colder and colder C. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter) 2 By and by, _ students in our class came to like English. A. more and more B. much and much C. many and many D.

40、 less and least) 3 At last he began to cry _.A. hard and hard B. more hard and more hard C. harder and harder D. less hard and less harder) 4 When spring comes the days get _ and nights _.A. short; long B. long; short C. longer; shorter D. shorter; longer71_ I look at the picture, _ I like it.A. The

41、 best; the more B. The more; the lessC. The more; less D. More; the more2 _ he read the book, _ he got in it. A. The more; the more interestingB. The less; the more interesting C. The more; the more interested D. More; more interested 3 _ you come back, _ it will be.A, The quicker; the best B. The s

42、ooner; the better C. Faster; the better D. The sooner; better81 I like_ one of the two books.A. the older B. oldest C. the oldest D. older( )2 Which is_country, China or Japan?A. the large B. the larger C. larger D. largest( ) 3 Of the two cups, he bought .A. the smaller B. the smallest C. small D: smaller9( ) 1 Which do you like _, tea or coffee?A. well B. better C. best D. most(

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