1、中国教育改革近况及思考Reflections on recent Chinese Higher Education Reform周洪宇教授 Prof. Zhou Hongyu华中师范大学 Central China Normal University长江教育研究院 Changjiang Education Research InstituteUniversity of Tampere, Finland2012-6-8,主要话题 Main topics,一、教育改革正在平稳推进二、围绕教育热点难点推进改革三、教育改革面临攻坚难题四、当前教育改革的思考,A. Progress in educati
2、on reformsB. Hot and difficult issues in educationC. Reform challengesD. Reflections on recent reform,一、教育改革正在平稳推进2011年,是教育改革充满生机与活力的一年425个国家教育体制改革试点全面展开,一些重点领域改革取得积极进展。,A. Progress in education reform2011: a year of full of vigor and vitalityimplementation of 425 reform experiments with positive pr
3、ogress in some key areas.,1、建设现代学校制度 Developing modern education system,发布高等学校章程制定暂行办法、学校教职工代表大会规定研究制定建立中小学家长委员会的指导意见进一步完善学校科学民主管理机制。,Promulgated ”The temporary measures on developing constitutions of Higher Education institutions” & ”Regulations on Staff Representative Conference of Schools”. Prepa
4、ring the guidelines on developing the committee of parents of middle and primary school students.Further improved scientific and democratic management mechanisms in schools.,2、考试招生制度改革Reforms on entrance examination and admission,开展普通本科和高等职业教育分类入学考试试点,去年高职单独录取考生约66万人。 围绕进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育后在当地参加升学考试等问题
5、,开展专题调研和论证。,Reforms on higher education admission: piloting at some bachelor and vocational higher education programmes with 660,000 enrolled students in 2011.Intensive investigation about the immigrant rural workers children participation in entrance examination after receiving the compulsory educa
6、tion.,3、办学体制改革Reforms on governance of education,为支持民办教育发展,对不利于民办教育发展的政策予以清理和纠正。有的省份出台了具体政策措施,破解制约民办教育发展的制度障碍。支持高水平民办学校发展,首次批准5所民办高校开展培养硕士专业学位研究生试点。,Correcting the policies that hamper the development of private (minban) education.Some provinces have launched policy measures to resolve the instituti
7、onal barriers for private education development.Support high level private higher education institutions. 5 private institutions were allowed to provide Masters level education for the first time.,4、教育管理体制改革Reforms on education management,统筹中等和高等职业教育管理加强教育督导问责取消了一批行政审批项目强化省级政府教育统筹权建立部部合作、省部合作新机制逐步推进
8、向地方放权、向学校放权,Coordinating the administration of secondary and tertiary vocational educationStrengthening supervision and accountability in education Simplifying administrative procedures for examination and approvalDelegating more power to provincial government in education planningEstablishing coope
9、ration among ministries as well as between ministries and provincesDecentralising control over education,2011年10月,根据教育规划纲要要求,国家教育体制改革领导小组分10个检查组,奔赴全国各地,全面检查各地情况。“发展有决心,改革有动力,创新有举措”,是检查组根据检查总体情况得出的结论。,The national leading group of education system reform sent 10 teams to different regions of China to
10、 inspect and evaluate the reform situationTheir conclusions:DeterminationMotivationInnovation,二、围绕教育热点难点推进改革教育改革要切实把解决人民群众反映强烈的热点难点问题摆在突出位置,是教育界的共识。 “入园难”、“择校热”等教育民生问题,也是教育改革瞄准重拳频出之地。,B. Hot and difficult issues in educationA consensus in the education sector: Prioritizing the issues and difficultie
11、s strongly expressed by the mass. “Shortage of pre-school capacity”, “Fever on optional schools (school selection)” as the focus of the reforms.,1、大力发展学前教育Strengthening the pre-school education,2010年11月,国务院召开常务会议研究学前教育工作,并下发关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见。这是教育规划纲要颁布后,以国务院名义下发的第一个落实规划纲要的文件,自此,各地以县为单位实施学前教育三年行动计划,大力发
12、展学前教育,学前教育资源显著扩大。,Nov. 2010, the State Council issued ”Several views on current development of pre-school education” as the first implementation plan after the launch of Education 2020Within 3 years: develop pre-school education, increase the resources with county as basic implementation unit.,2、破解“
13、择校热”难题Resolving the ”Selecting schools” problem,“择校”,是许多大中城市义务教育学校最受关注的一个关键词。解决择校问题,根本在于促进义务教育均衡发展。2011年,按照“一省一案”模式,教育部与27个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团,签署了义务教育均衡发展备忘录,构建起中央和地方政府协同推进的机制,明确了义务教育均衡发展的时间表、路线图、任务书。,”Selecting School”Parents try to find the best schools for their kids instead of putting their kids to
14、the nearby ones.2011 MOE together with 27 provinces made roadmap and timetable for developing the compulsory education in a balanced way.,为化解“择校热”,浙江打出“组合拳”:开展“小班化”教育试点,小学每班不超过30人,初中不超过35人,提高教育质量;将城区品牌学校和农村薄弱学校组建教育集团,扩大优质资源覆盖面;加强农村教师队伍建设,建立县域内教师有序流动制度。优化资源配置、统一办学标准、指标定向分配各地解决择校问题的创新做法不胜枚举。 如今,不少地方义务
15、教育择校现象已经得到一定遏制,铜陵、厦门等地,都自豪地向社会宣布:已经成为基本没有择校的城市。,To resolve the ”School selection” problem, Zhejian province takes the following measures:Piloting ”small class” (Primary =30; junior secondary =35)improving education qualityMerging urban and rural education resourcesExpanding the coverage of high qual
16、ity education resourcesMobility of teachers within county scaleStandardise education operationIn some places (Tongling and Xiamen), the problems has been claimed being resolved.,3、完善学生资助体系Improving Student Financial Assistance,经过多年的构建和努力,至2011年已建立起从学前教育到研究生教育较为完整的家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系。现在,国家资助体系不仅对家庭经济困难儿童、
17、孤儿和残疾儿童予以资助,还建立了普通高中家庭经济困难学生资助制度,中等职业教育免学费范围从农村家庭经济困难学生和涉农专业学生,扩大到城市家庭经济困难学生。,A student financial assistance system has been established for students from poor families in all level of education (pre-education Masters education).The national financial assistance is forChildren from poor familiesOrph
18、an and disabled childrenHigher school students from poor familiesTuition exemption in secondary vocational education has expanded from students from poor rural families to those from poor urban families,三、教育改革面临攻坚难题目前教育改革还在“深水区”中,一些问题并没有找到根本解决办法。如,减轻中小学生课业负担问题一直受到全社会的广泛关注,要解决这一问题,就要改革对学生、教师和学校的评价制度,
19、形成政府、学校、社会、家庭系统推进的合力,切实做到减负。同时,对乱收费、乱办班、教辅材料散滥等问题,仍要进一步强化规范管理,C. Challenges in education reformsA number of issues have not been resolved: Heavy burdens of middle and primary school studentsTo change this it requires the reforms on assessment of students, teachers and schools.The government, school
20、and society need to cooperate and work together.Regulate the markets for extra-curricular training activities,另外,随着社会发展,一些新的问题也亟待用改革来促进解决,如新出现的“校车问题”就警醒人们要根据城镇化进程、新农村建设和流动状况,科学合理规划学校布局,慎重对待学校的撤并,充分考虑学生上下学方便、交通安全、寄宿学校条件等多种因素,注意防止学校撤并出现新的“上学难”问题。,In addition, some other problems emerged due to the dev
21、elopment of the society.The ”school bus” issue reminds us to think how to plan the distribution of schools in a reasonable way,在2012年已经过去5个月,教育部门围绕提高高等教育质量、推动中小学家长委员会建设、农村义务教育学生营养改善计划、国家扶贫定向招生等等先后出台有关办法与措施。近期,教育部门还将推进考试招生制度改革,切实解决进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育后在当地参加升学考试的问题;出台支持民办教育发展的政策措施,探索完善促进独立学院发展的有效方式;以制定大学章
22、程为抓手,推进高等学校完善治理结构,建立现代学校制度。,In the past five months of 2012, the MOE has successively launched measures and actions around the following issues:Improving the quality of higher education,Promoting the development of student parents committee of primary and secondary education schoolsImproving the nut
23、rition of students in rural schoolsSpecial enrolment quota for poor regionsMore are expected soon on:how to arrange entrance examination for the kids of immigrant rural workers after accomplishing their compulsory educationSupporting private education development (effective ways of running independe
24、nt colleges)The governance in higher education (university constitute, modern education system),四、当前教育改革的思考 2012年正逢邓小平南巡讲话20周年,又逢中共十八大召开在即,加上又是十一届全国人大会议最后一年,“改革”已成为近期最大的热点。 3月5日,温家宝总理在全国人大作政府工作报告时,“改革”一词出现68次,“深化改革”被多次提及。“改革”和“深化改革”成为代表委员们口中最热的词。,D. The reflections on the current reforms”reform” as
25、a hottest word among politicians.,对于教育领域的改革,我的看法是: 一是要凝聚改革共识,坚决推进改革; 二是要围绕改革重点,推进体制改革; 三是要注重系统设计,加强改革研究; 四是要注重上下结合,发挥各方作用; 五是要把握改革节奏,积极有序推动; 六是要营造改革氛围,形成改革合力。,My view on education reformsHaving consensus on reforms and firmly pushing the reform forwardProceeding reforms around key issuesTaking a sys
26、tematic approach and paying attention to the research on reforms.Combining both top-down and bottom-up approaches and utilising all social forces.Carrying out the reform step by stepDeveloping a strong atmosphere for reforms,教育改革要围绕重点,这种重点就是体制机制改革。体制改革是改革当中最难改的地方。体制改革的主要内容是改革教育管理部门与教育教学单位的关系。同时,加快教育
27、行政部门自身改革。从改革的重点来看,应强调自身的改革,即注重自身职能的转变,把该放的权放出去,不要管那么多,要进一步明确该做什么、不该做什么。如果行政部门始终把权抓在手上放不下去,下面的改革就很难推进。自身职能的转变,就是要把审批权能够放的尽量放下去,别管那么多,管得太多肯定管不好。这是改革的重点。,Proceeding reforms around key issues. The key is the mechanisms of education system. The system reform is the most difficult part.The system reform:
28、The reforms of the relations between educational authorities and educational institutionsThe reforms of the educational administrative departments themselves Reforms on administration: Role change, loose control.,要注重系统设计,系统设计就是通盘考虑与顶层设计,对改革的目标、任务、路径、方式、措施、进度有一个总体的考虑,而不是摸着石头过河。要特别注重加强对近30多年来改革经验与教训的总
29、结,注重从历史、现实、国际、政策等方面做系统的理论的研究。,Emphasising system design: an overall planning on objective, tasks, paths, measures, timetable etc. Not ”crossing river by feeling stones”.Learn lessons from history, current practices and international experiences.,我近年来围绕教育改革撰写了教育公平论教师教育论中部教育论教育公平是和谐社会的基石教育的信念与追求等著作,最近
30、也在撰写一本中国教育下一步,预计下半年出版。同时,也在撰写“中国教育改革三论研究丛书”,即中国教育改革历史论、中国教育改革现状论、中国教育改革未来论,希望能对教育改革的理论研究有所推动。,My books:Review of equity of educationReview of teachers educationEducation in central ChinaEducation equity as the foundation stone of harmonised societyChinese Education: the next step (in press)SeriesHis
31、torical review of Chinese higher education reformsReview of Chinese higher education reformChinese higher education reform and future,教育改革的目的是什么?我的理解是,就是为了促进教育公平、提高教育质量,培养有健全的人格、丰富的知识、康健的身体、有社会服务精神的人。教育体制改革的目的最后也要落到此处。,What is the purpose of the reform?My understanding: the reform is for promoting e
32、ducation equity, improving the education quality, developing human resources with healthy personality, rich knowledge, strong body and the spirit for serving the society. In so doing, we need eventually reform the education system.,要搞好教育改革还必须注重四个建设:一是教育决策机制建设二是教育投入长效保障机制建设三是师资队伍建设四是教育立法建设,Four impor
33、tant developmentdecision making mechanismsguarantee mechanisms on long-term education investment Teacher trainingEducation legislation,改革的目标、方向要与改革的承受力结合起来。改革不是坐“过山车”,不能忽高忽低,急起急落;也不是“坐电梯”,直上直下,忽上忽下。教育改革是坐“平板车”,徐徐缓行,平稳前进。教育改革不能急躁,不能一蹴而就。可以考虑小步快走,步子虽然不大,但是总在走。小改革,往前走,总能让人看到希望,这种改革是正向改革,有利于整个社会形成改革共识,不
34、会有很大的波动。,Balance the reform objective and the capacity of endurance on reformReform is not an ”elevator” nor a ”roller coaster”.Reform is a ”flatbed truck”. must go smoothlyCannot be rush and impetuous. Rather we should keep walking but with small steps.,我们今天一定要形成改革的良好氛围,形成改革的合力。现在在改革问题上既有保守主义,也有激进主
35、义,我个人提倡“务实的理想主义”。作为学者,应该有“民间的立场、建设的态度、专业的视野”。作为改革者,应该有“热情、勇气、执著、理性和智慧”。,Now, we must formulate a good reform atmosphere and develop reform synergy. There are both conservatism and radicalism. My position is “pragmatic idealism”.As a scholar, one should have a non-governmental perspective, a constructors attitude, and a professional view.As a reformer, one must have ”enthusiasm, courage, persistency, rationality and wisdom”.,谢谢大家!Thank you!,洪宇在线 My website http:/www.hongyu-
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