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1、新概念英语第一册1到50课练习题一用恰当的词填空1.ThosegirlsarentChinese.TheycomefromGermany.Theyre_1_. 2.ThatismyEnglishmagazine.Giveitto_2_,please. 3.-Isthere_3_milkonthetable?-No,thereisnt. 4.Inourvillagealltheshopsarent_4_atlunchtime.Theyareclosed. 5.-Isthatbagheavy?-No,itisnt.Itisquite_5_. 6.Helenscomputeris_6_herclos

2、et.Itdoesntworknow. 7.-Whatareyou_7_?-Imwashingmyclothes. 8.Ivegotabadcold.IthinkImustgoandseea_8_. 9.Thesunrisesintheeastandsetsinthe_9_. 10.Myhusbanddoesntlikebananas.Idontlikebananas,_10_. 11.Mikeisasalesrep,He_12_bicyclesatabigstore. 12Inthephotographwecanseethelittleboyisstanding_14_her mothera

3、ndherfather. 13.Idontlikemilkinmycoffee.Ilike_15_coffee. 14.-Isthattinoftobacco_16_me,?-Yes,butsmokingisnotgoodfor ourhealth. 15Ilikesportsverymuch.Swimmingismy_17_sport.Iloveitbest. 16.Inwinterweoftenskate_18_theriver,becausetheicethereisverythick. 17.Look!Thebedroomisdirtynow.Lets_19_thefloor. 18.

4、MrSmithslivingroomisvery_20_.Itcanholdtwentypeoplethere. 二A 用冠词a, an, the 或 some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用 / 代替.1.Alice is _ air-hostess. Her father is _ engineer and her mother is _ housewife. They all play _ tennis very well.2.He has _ uncle and his uncle lives in _ United Kindom. 3.It is better to tell

5、_ truth than to tell _ lies.4.There is _university near my home. Every Saturday evening,_ _ students hold _ party. _ are dancing, _ are singing. They make a lot of noise.5Get me _ cigarettes, please. _ kind will do.6. We need _ ink, is there _ left?7Is there _ tea in the bag?8.Is there _ bottle of m

6、ilk on the table?9Is there _ electric cooker in the kitchen?10.Theres _ soap in the bathroom.11Hes eating _ bar of chocolate.12Is there _ tobacco in the tin?.aoran填空: MyfriendJohnis_21_engineerandhiswifeSusanis_22_teacher. Theyhavetwodaughters,AnnaandChristine.Theyarenotchildren.Annais_23air hostess

7、andChristineis_24hairdresser.Annahas_25Italiancar,but Christinehas_26Englishbicycle.Theydontlivewiththeirparents.Theyhave theirownapartments. B.介词填空 1.Hereisaphotograph_ourvillage.MywifeandIarewalking_the banks_theriver.Weare_theleft. 1.Can you see the words _ the blackboard? (in, on, by, with)2.She

8、 is taking the children out _ a walk. (in, on, for, by)3.You can choose the best one _ them. (in, on, among,)4.There are two bridges _ the river. ( in, on, with,over)5 There is a slogan(标语) _ the wall. (on, in, over, above)6. The teacher is standing _ the class. (on, before, in front of)with under o

9、ver at in on1 Mr. Jones and his family are walking _the bridge.2 Sally is looking _a big Ship.3 The ship is going _the bridge.4 The children are_ their mother and father.5 The sun is shining_ the sky.6 There are some small boats_ the river.1 The women are going _ the shop. (on/ into)2 Our house is _

10、 two villages. (between/ beside)3 The boats are going _ the bridge. (over/ under)4 The plane is flying _ the hills. (beside/ over)5 The children are jumping _ the wall. (along/ off)6 The cat is jumping _ the tree. (along/off) over under along between behind1. My brother is sitting _ his father and m

11、other.2. The students are walking _ the street.3. That boat is going _ the bridge.4. Those birds are flying _ the river.5. The kettle is _ those cups.三根据汉语补全句子。1. 我能看见那个盒子后面有一些锤子。I can see some hammers _ _ _.2.我能看见咖啡,但我没看见茶。I can see some coffee, but_ _ _ _ _. 3.那本书的前面有铅笔吗?_ _ _ _infront of that boo

12、k?4.手提包里有乳酪吗?_ _ _ _ in the handbag?5.冰箱里没有牛奶。_ _ _ _ in the refrigerator.6. 你哥哥能举起这张桌子吗? _ _ _ lift this table?7 她正在整理床铺。She is _ _ _ .8 你能给他们一些冰激凌吗?Can you _ _ _ _ _?9 我能在我的厨房里做饼干。 I can _ _ in my kitchen.10.你喜欢纯蜂蜜吗?_ _ _ pure honey?我不想要果酒。I dont want _ _ .11.桌子上有一听啤酒。There is _ _ _ _ on the table

13、.12 我喜欢果酱,但我不想要。 I like jam, _ _ _ _ _ .13.那个男孩正从树上跳下来。 That boy is _ _ the tree14 他喜欢苹果,但他不喜欢橘子。 He likes apples,but I _ _ _.15她喜欢土豆,但她不想要。She likes potatoes,but she_ _ _.16 我哥哥能举起这把椅子,但我不能。 My brother can lift this chair,but_ _.17.他正在做作业,但我没有。They_ _ _ _,but I am not.18我姐姐喜欢鸡肉,但我不喜欢。My sister likes chichen,_ _ _.1. 在肉店 2. 怎么样? 3. 一磅肉馅4. 一块牛排 5.说实话 6清咖啡 7 .加牛奶的咖啡 8为老板打信 9当然10隔壁 11在茶壶后 12 在那边13 快点 14 匆忙做某事 15 一块奶酪16 一个面包 17 一块肥皂 18 两块巧克力19 几杯牛奶 20 一磅糖 21 半磅咖啡22 四分之一磅茶叶 23一听烟丝 24 送给某人某物25 当心 26 处理 27 挺老师说28 洗盘子 29做书架 30 努力工作31从树枝上掉下来 32 游过河 33进入到来 34 从出去 35等待某人 36 穿上 ,脱下 4

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