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1、译林版七年级上册英语课文翻译Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 第30页 1 Which of the subjects do you like best, Eddie? 埃迪,你最喜欢哪一门学科?2 I like Maths. 我喜欢数学。3 You like Maths? 你喜欢数学? Yes. Im good at it ! 是的。我擅长它!4 Look! I have two cakes, and you have one. So I can eat three!看!我有两块蛋糕,你有一个。所以我可以吃三个!Millie tells her mother abo

2、ut Sunshine Middle School. She also learns about her penfriends school.米莉告诉她妈妈关于阳光中学的情况。她也了解她的笔友的学校。penfriend = pen pal 笔友Task: Tell your friends about your school. 任务:告诉你的朋友们关于你的学校的情况。A 部分翻译 P31 Do you know the name of each subject? Write the correct word under each picture.你知道每个学科的名字吗?在每张图片下面写出正确的

3、单词。Art美术Biology生物Chinese语文English英语Geography地理History历史Maths数学Music音乐PE体育B 部分翻译Millie wants her mother to come to Sunshine Middle School on the Open Day. Work in pairs and talk about the Open Day at your school.米莉想要她的妈妈在学校开放日来阳光中学。结对活动并谈论你们学校的开放日。Mum: Whats the date today, Millie? 妈妈:米莉,今天是几号?Millie

4、: lts 9 0ctober. Oh, tomorrow is our Open Day. Can you come, Mum?米莉:今天是十月九号。哦,明天是我们的开放日。你能来吗,妈妈?Mum: Yes, I can What time is it? 妈妈:是的,我能去。几点钟?Millie: The parents meeting begins at two oclock in the afternoon. After that, parents watch two of our lessons. 米莉:家长会在下午两点开始。那之后,家长观看我们上两节课。Mum: OK. Lets m

5、eet at the school gate at 1: 30. 妈妈:好的。让我们一点三十分在学校门口见吧。Reading A部分课文翻译 P32Welcome to our school! 欢迎来到我们的学校!Millie meets her mother at the school gate. She is ready to show her mother around. Read their conversation.米莉在学校门口见到了她的妈妈。她准备带她的妈妈四处参观。读她们的对话。Millie: Hi, Mum.米莉:嗨,妈妈。Mum: Hi, dear. Your school

6、 looks beautiful. The playground is so big.妈妈:嗨,亲爱的。你的学校看起来很漂亮。操场很大。Millie: Yes, it is. Let me show you around. Were now in front of the classroom building. There are 18 classrooms in it. My classroom is on the ground floor.米莉:是的,它很大。让我带你四处转转。我们现在在教学楼前面。里面有18个教室。我的教室在一楼。Mum: The classrooms are clean

7、 and bright. 妈妈:教室很干净、明亮。Millie: Yes, they are. This way, Mum. We also have an art room, a music room and two computer rooms. 米莉:是的,它们是的。走这边,妈妈。我们还有一个美术室、一个音乐室和两个计算机室。Mum: Thats wonderful. You have a library too, right? 妈妈:那很棒。你们也有一个图书馆,对吧?Millie: Yes. That new building is our library. 米莉:是的。那个新楼就是我

8、们的图书馆。Mum: It looks modern. Whats the building over there? 妈妈:它看起来很时尚。那边的建筑是什么?Millie: Its the school hall. We have meetings there. 米莉:那是学校大厅。我们在那里开会。Mum: I see. Whos that man in a white shirt? 妈妈:我明白了。那个穿白色衬衫的男士是谁?Millie: Hes Mr Wu, our English teacher. 米莉:他是吴老师,我们的英语老师。Mum: Oh, he looks young. 妈妈:

9、哦,他看起来很年轻。Millie: Yes, he does. Lets go to the hall, Mum. 米莉:是的,他是。我们去大厅吧,妈妈。Reading B1-B2部分课文翻译B1 部分翻译Here are some pictures of different places at Millies school. Help her write the correct words under the pictures. 这几有一些米莉学校不同地方的图片。帮她将正确的单词写在图片下面。classroom教室hall礼堂 library图书馆playground操场B2 部分翻译Her

10、e is some information about Sunshine Middle School. Tick() the correct answers.这里是关于阳光中学的一些信息。勾出正确的答案。Sunshine Middle School阳光中学Playground:操场small小的big大的Classroom building:数学搂:18 classrooms18间教室80 classrooms80间教室Classrooms:教室:clean and bright干净又明亮big and modern又大又现代Art room(s):美术室:one一two二Music room

11、(s):音乐室:one一two二Computer room(s):计算机室:one一two二Library:图书馆:new新的old旧的School hall:学校大厅:for meetings用于开会 for classes用于上课B3 部分翻译Read the information about Sunshine Middle School. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.读关于阳光中学的信息。如果句子正确写T,如果错误写F。1 Sunshine Middle School looks beautiful.阳光

12、中学看起来很漂亮。2 Millie and her mum are behind the classroom building.米莉和她的妈妈在教学楼的后面。3 Millies classroom is on the ground floor.米莉的教室在一楼。4 There is a new library at the school.在学校有一个新的图书馆。5 The students have meetings in the library.学生们在图书馆里开会。6 There is not a school hall at the school.学校里没有学校大厅。7 Mr Wu is

13、 in a white shirt on the Open Day. 吴老师在开放日穿一件白色的衬衫。8 Mr Wu is Millies Chinese teacher. 吴老师是米莉的语文老师。B4 部分翻译P34Millie wants to write about her school. Complete her diary entry with the information on page 32.米莉想要写写关于她的学校。用第32页的信息完成她的日记。10 0ctober十月十日Dear Diary, 心爱的日记,Today is our Open Day. Our parents

14、 come and visit our school on this day.今天是我们的开放日。我们的父母在这一天来参观我们的学校。Our school looks (l)beautiful The (2)playground is very big, and our classrooms are clean and (3) bright.我们的学校看起来很漂亮。操场很大,我们的教室干净又明亮。There are 18 classrooms in the classroom (4)building and my classroom is on the (5)ground floor. We

15、also have an (6) art room, a music room and two (7) computer rooms.在教学楼里有18间教室,我的教室在一楼。我们还有一间美术室、一间音乐室和两间计算机室。Our library is new and (8)modern There are lots of books. We often go there in the afternoon.我们的图书馆新而且现代。那里有很多图书。我们经常在下午去那里。We also have a school (9) hall, We have meetings there.我们还有一个学校礼堂。

16、我们在那里开会。Our school is really nice. We all love it. 我们的学校真的很好。我们都喜爱它。Unit3 Grammar A部分课文翻译 P35A 部分翻译 Personal pronouns(subject form) 人称代词(主格形式)We can use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people or things, so we do not need to repeat the nouns. We use the subject form when the noun is the subjec

17、t.我们可以用人称代词代替名词来表示人或物,因此我们不必要重复使用名词。当名词作主语时我们用主格形式。My name is Millie. I live in Beijing.我的名字是米莉。我住在北京。Are you in Class 1,Grade 7,Andy?安迪,你在七年级一班吗?Simon loves football. He is in the football team.西蒙喜爱足球。他在足球队里。Kitty is cute. She loves dancing.基蒂很可爱。她喜爱跳舞。This is our new library. It is big and modern.

18、这是我们的新图书馆。它很大很现代。I am Daniel and this is Amy. We are classmates. 我是丹尼尔,这是埃米。我们是同学。Do you know the teacher over there, Simon and Sandy?西蒙和桑迪,你们认识那边的那位老师吗?I have many new friends. They are all very nice.我有许多新朋友。他们都很友好。My friends我的朋友P35Millie and her mother are in the classroom now. Complete their conv

19、ersation with the correct personal pronouns.现在米莉和她的妈妈正在教室里。用正确的人称代词完成她们的对话。Millie: Mum, look at the pictures of my friends on the wall. 米莉:妈妈,看墙上我的朋友们的照片。Mum: OK. Let me see. Is this Daniel? 妈妈:好的。让我看一看。这是丹尼尔吗?Millie: Yes, it is. Daniel is clever. (1) He is good at Maths.米莉:是的,它是。丹尼尔很聪明。他擅长数学。Mum: l

20、s that Simon, Millie? 妈妈:那是西蒙吗,米莉?Millie: Yes, Mum Simon is tall. (2)He is in our school football team.米莉:是的,妈妈。西蒙很高。他在我们学校的足球队里。Mum: This is Kitty, I think. 妈妈:我想,这是基蒂。Millie: No. This is Amy. (3)She has short hair. Thats Kitty. (4)She has long hair.米莉:不。这是埃米。她梳短发。那是基蒂。她梳长发。Mum: Oh yes. (5JYou are

21、good friends, right? 妈妈:哦是。你们是好朋友,对吗?Millie: Yes, Mum (6) They are all very nice. (7)I love them.米莉:是的,妈妈。他们都很友好。我喜爱他们。Unit3 Grammar B部分课文翻译 On the phone在电话里Daniel is talking to his grandfather on the phone. Complete their conversation with the correct personal pronouns.丹尼尔正在电话里和他的祖父交谈。用正确的人称代词完成他们的

22、对话。Im at a new school, Grandpa. Let me tell you about (1)it.我在一所新学校,爷爷。让我给你介绍一下它吧。Mr Wu is our English teacher. We all like (2) him. 吴老师是我们的英语老师。我们都喜欢他。I have some new friends. I like to play with (3) them after class. 我有一些新的朋友。我喜欢放学后和他们玩。Im not good at English. Sometimes Millie helps (4) me.我不擅长英语。

23、有时米莉帮助我。Is Grandma at home now? I want to say hello to (5) her.奶奶现在在家吗?我想和她打声招呼。Pardon? Daniel,I cant hear (6) you well on the phone.你说什么?丹尼尔,我在电话里听不清你说话。Unit3 Integrated skills A部分课文翻译P37A1 部分翻译How do you get to school?你怎样到达学校?Millie and her friends are talking about how they get to school every da

24、y. Listen to their conversation and match each girl with the way she goes to school.米莉和她的朋友们在谈论他们每天怎样到校。听她们的对话并将每个女孩和她上学的方式连线。1 Millie米莉2 Amy埃米3 Sandy桑迪A3 部分翻译Listen to the conversation once again. Help Millie complete her notes below.再听一遍对话。帮助米莉完成她下面的笔记。It is a long way from my home to the school.

25、I (1) take a bus to school every day. It takes me about (2) half an hour. I often get up at (3) six thirty. My friend Amy lives near our school. She (4)walks to school every morning. It takes her about (5) ten minutes. She always gets to school (6) early. Sandy goes to school (7) by bike. It takes h

26、er about (8) twenty minutes to get to school.从我家到学校有很长一段路程。我每天坐公交车去学校。路程花费我大约半个小时。我经常在六点半起床。我的朋友埃米住在学校附近。她每天早晨步行去学校。路程花费她大约十分钟。她总是很早到学校。桑迪骑自行车去上学。到学校花费她大约二十分钟。Unit3 Integrated skills B部分课文翻译P38Amys cousin Shirley wants to know more about Amys school. Work in pairs and talk about your school. Use the

27、 conversation below as a model.埃米的表妹雪莉想要知道更多关于埃米学校的情况。结对活动并谈论你们的学校。用下面的对话作为范例。Shirley: Do you have a library, Amy? 雪莉:你们(学校)有图书馆吗,埃米?Amy: Yes, we have a big library. 埃米:是的,我们有一个大的图书馆。Shirley: Really? When is it open? 雪莉:真的吗?它什么时候开放?Amy: Its open from 8 a m t0 5:30 p.m , but the reading room is only

28、open in the afternoon.埃米:它从上午8点到下午5:30开放,但是阅览室只在下午开放。Shirley: Do you often read there? 雪莉:你经常在那儿阅读吗?Arny: Sure. There are all kinds of books in our library. 埃米:当然。在我们的图书馆里有各种各样的图书。Shirley: Do you borrow books from the library? 雪莉:你从图书馆里借书吗?Amy: Yes. Look at this one. Its interesting! 埃米:是的。看这本。它很有趣!

29、Unit3 Study skills 第39页部分课文翻译P39Read the following words. Pay attention to the sounds of the consonants.读下面的单词。注意辅音字母的发音。pen钢笔 happy快乐的 cap /p/man男人 animal动物 room房间 /m/bed床 about关于 club俱乐部 /b/night晚上 know知道 run跑 /n/tea茶 pretty 漂亮的 cat猫 /t/drink喝 English英语 sin唱歌g /rj/day天 under在下面 red红色 /d/late晚的 pla

30、y玩 pencil铅笔 /i/cup杯子 kite风筝 back后面 /k/read阅读 every每个 write写 /r/get得到 tiger老虎 egg鸡蛋 /g/year年 yes是的 you你(们) /j/home家 behind后面 who谁 /h/week周 well好地 which哪一个 /w/Unit3 Study skills A部分课文翻译 P39A 部分翻译Read the words below. Pay attention to the different souncls of the letters in bold.读下面的单词。注意黑体字母的不同发音。1 bi

31、g大的pig猪 2 call叫tall高的 3 aunt姑母and和 4 light灯 night晚上5 nice友好的rice大米 6 them他们then然后 7 class班级glass玻璃8 thin瘦的 sing唱歌 9 bring带来 begin开始 10 clean干净的green绿色的Unit3 Study skills B-C部分课文翻译 B 部分翻译Fill in different letters to make up two words for each group.为每组填入不同的字母组成两个单词。1.look看 book书2. watch观看 catch抓住 3.

32、foot脚 food食物4. talk交谈 walk走5. find发现 kind种类C 部分翻译 Practise saying the following sentences. Pay attention to the sounds of the letters in bold.练习说下面的句子。注意黑体字母的发音。1 We can sing the English song.我们能唱英语歌曲。2 Look left, then right, then left when you cross the road.当你过马路时,先看看左边,然后看看右边,再看看左边。3 Bring me a b

33、irthday cake on your way back.在你回来的路上给我带一个生日蛋糕。4 Lucy likes the number ninety-nine. 露西喜欢数字99。5 Peter puts his pencils and pens on the book.彼得把他的铅笔和钢笔放在书上。Unit3 Task A部分课文翻译 P40A 部分翻译Liu Yi, Millies penfriend, is at Hope Middle School. Read his letter below.刘义,米莉的笔友,在希望中学(上学)。读下面他的信。Dear Millie,亲爱的米莉

34、:Thanks for your letter. I study at Hope Middle School now.谢谢你的来信。我现在在希望中学学习。Our school is small. We only have a few classrooms. We do not have a library, but we have a reading room Sometimes we read books there. Our playground is in front of the classrooms. It is not very big. We often play there a

35、fter class.我们的学校很小。我们只有几间教室。我们没有图书馆,但我们有一个阅览室。有时候我们在那里读书。我们的操场在教室的前面。它不是很大。我们经常放学后在那里玩。Our teachers are all very kind. We like them very much.我们的老师都很友好。我们非常喜欢他们。I live far away from the school. I go to school on foot every day. lt takes me about an hour to get to school.我住得离学校很远。我每天步行去上学。我到学校需要花大约一个

36、小时的时间。All the best, 祝一切都好,Liu Yi刘义Useful expressions有用的表达I study at. 我在学习。There are . classrooms in. 在有教室。We have/do not have a playground/a library/a hall. 我们有没有操场图书馆礼堂It is not.but. 它不,但是。I live far away from/near the school. 我住得离学校很远近。I take a bus/walk to school. 我乘公共汽车步行去上学。I go to school by bik

37、e/by bus/on foot. 我骑自行车/乘公共汽车/步行去上学。It takes me. to get to school. 我到学校要花费B 部分翻译Think about your school and answer the following questions. Then write an article about your school.想想你的学校并回答下面的问题。然后写一篇关于你的学校的文章。. What school do you study at? 你在哪一所学校上学?. How many classrooms are there at your school? 在你的学校有多少间教室?. Do you have a music room, an art room, or a computer room?你们有音乐室、美术室或者计算机室吗?. Do you have a library or a reading room? 你们有图书馆或者阅览室吗?. Do you have a school hall? 你们有学校礼堂吗?. Is your playground big? 你们的操场大吗?. How do you get to school? 你怎么到达学校?

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