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1、Comparative Industrial Relations and Global Movements比较工业关系和全球运动,Elaine Bernard, PhD Labor and Worklife Program & The Trade Union Program, Harvard Law School,伊莲伯纳德博士 简介,Elaine Bernard is Executive Director of the Labor and Worklife Program (LWP) at Harvard Law School and the Harvard Trade Union Prog

2、ram (HTUP). She has a BA from the University of Alberta, a MA from the University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. from Simon Fraser University. Bernard is a popular public speaker. A life long union member and activist, Bernard brings a refreshing balance of humor and passion for worker rights to he

3、r talks and teaching. She has conducted courses on a wide variety of topics for unions, community groups, universities and government departments. Her current research and teaching interests are in the areas of international comparative labor movements, union leadership and governance, and the role

4、of unions in promoting civil society, democracy and economic justice.伊莲伯纳德博士同时担任哈佛大学法学院劳动和工作生活项目(LWP)和哈佛工会计划(HTUP)的执行主管。她先后从阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)取得学士学位,英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)取得硕士学位,西蒙弗雷泽大学取得博士学位。伯纳德博士的公开演讲广受欢迎。作为一名致力终生的工会成员和社会活动家,她在工人权利的演讲和教学中兼具幽默和激情,带来一股新风。她主讲的课程主题涵盖了工会、社群

5、、大学和政府部门。她目前的研究与教学兴趣集中在国际劳动关系模式的比较、工会领导力与治理,以及工会在推进公民社会、民主和经济公正中的作用。,Why study comparative labor relations?为什么要学习比较劳动关系,Global economy and global capital dominate.国际经济形势与国际资本的主导作用Labor unions and workers face many challenges in todays economy.在当今经济生活中,工会与工人需要面对许多挑战Labor movements and unions need a g

6、lobal perspective.劳工运动和工会需要全球视野Labor exchanges and solidarity can improve conditions for workers everywhere劳工领域的跨地域交流能够惠及各地的劳动者,International (OECD) Trend Line国际(OECD)趋势,Widespread decline in union density in most countries (though not in Collective Bargaining coverage)在大多数国家中工会密度普遍下降 (尽管集体协商覆盖率并没有相

7、对下降)Most severe decline in union representation primarily in the private sector 大多数服务的下降主要集中在私营领域的工会代表Growing gap between union density in public sector vs. private sector在公共领域和私营领域之间的工会密度的差距越来越大,Globalization intensification of international economic & political integration (free trade race to the

8、bottom)全球化 加强国际经济和政治一体化(自由贸易战打到底线)Changes in organization of production and employment (contracting out, offshoring, lean production, JiT inventory systems)改变生产和就业的组织(外包、离岸外包,精益生产, 即时库存系统)Decline of job-based/workplace focus of employment减少工作/工作场所集中的就业Decline in large, concentrated workplaces 减少大规模集

9、中的工作场所Transformation of employment relationship (decline in full time, regular, permanent employment growth in part time, contingent, limited term, precarious employment)雇佣关系的转变(减少全职,常规,永久性就业,增长为兼职,临时,有限和不稳定的就业)Employer (including government) hostility/opposition to unions雇主(包括政府)敌意/反对工会,Reasons for

10、 Decline下降的原因,The Five Fingers of Globalization全球化的五个方面,Trade in goods/services货物/服务贸易Immigration/migration & movement of people移民/迁徙运动Capital flows/finance资本流动/金融Technology技术Governance政府及管理,Varieties of Economies & Industrial Relations Regimes多种经济体和劳资关系制度(adapted from Varieties of Capitalism, Hall

11、& Soskice (2001),Core Labor Standards核心劳工标准,Freedom of association & the Right to collectively bargain自由联合以及集体谈判的权力The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor消除一切形式的强迫和强制劳动The abolition of child labor废除童工The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment & occupation消除在就业和职业方面

12、的歧视,International Comparative Labor Movements国际比较劳工运动,Industrial Relations Parties Actors劳资关系Unions (worker organizations)工会(工人组织)Structure, history, philosophy, methods of representation & action结构、历史、理念、代表的方法及行动Employers (employer organizations)雇主(雇主组织)Industry or sectoral associations, ownership,

13、 corporate governance行业或部门组织、所有权和公司治理The State (and its agencies) 政府的角色legal environment, economic polices, political relations, dispute resolution, public sector法律环境、经济政策、政治关系、争议解决、公共部门,Industrial Relations Process劳资关系进程Collective bargaining集体协商谈判Worker involvement & participation (in the workplace

14、) 工人参与Influencing the state (political parties, lobbying) 影响政府 (政治团体、游说)Employer actions and management methods雇主行动及管理方法,International Comparative Labor Movements国际比较劳工运动,Current & Future Issues当前与未来的问题Decline of union density工会密度下降Work life balance工作与生活的平衡Life long learning终身学习Providing security in

15、 an increasingly insecure world of work在日益不安全的工作环境中提供安全保障,International Comparative Labor Movements国际比较劳工运动,Advancing the Field of Labor Relations: U.S.-China Exchange劳动关系发展 中美教育交流项目,Website网站: Workshops, lectures, discussions in China 开设在中国的研讨会、讲座、讨论 Academic program 学术项目 2015 Conference in China 2015年在中国举行论坛,www.alrexchange.org网站中文版亦可访问,Thank you!谢谢,Please contact:May Chen,

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