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2、思考借鉴意义,55. What time of year is it there?A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter,实例一,Dear Mum and Dad, How are you? Things are extremely busy. It always is before Christmas. We have five nights out this week! ,55. What time of year is it there?A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter,实例一,Dear Mum and

3、 Dad, How are you? Things are extremely busy. It always is before Christmas. We have five nights out this week! , Hes talking about leaving his job at Easyshop supermarket just after Christmas. . but his classmate Jack has been trying to persuade him to go fruit picking for a few weeks over the summ

4、er holidays. Jack tells me that lots of young people go fruit picking in Australia from all over the world.,实例一,实例一,55. What time of year is it there?A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter,实例一反思与总结,本题为细节题,细节题为什么会错,回归原文时找错出处,想当然,思维定势造成认知盲区,58. Which of the following is true?All the suggestions tell

5、us to add positive relationship to our social circle.Its necessary to complain about something but not right to do so for long.Joining a group can bring better friendship than making individual friends.We often have many friends during good times but few during hard times.,实例二,58. Which of the follo

6、wing is true?所有建议都告诉我们要在社交圈里添加正面积极的人际关系。抱怨是有必要的,但抱怨太久就不对了。和与单个朋友交往,加入小组可以交到更好的朋友。春风得意时我们有很多好朋友,而落难之后,几乎没有任何朋友。,实例二,58. Which of the following is true?B. 抱怨是有必要的,但抱怨太久就不对了。D. 春风得意时我们有很多好朋友,而落难之后, 几乎没有任何朋友。,实例二,原文:“But if youre all just complaining and nothing is changing, its not healthy,” says Luft.

7、,实例二,Its necessary to complain about something but not right to do so for long. (抱怨是有必要的,但抱怨太久就不对了),58. Which of the following is true?All the suggestions tell us to add positive relationship to our social circle.(所有建议都告诉我们要在社交圈里添加正面积极的人际关系。),实例二,59. The writer mainly wants to tell people that depre

8、ssion serious but highly treatable diseasecould have its advantages in scientific researchmay improve ones chances of fighting off infectionis a true medical condition like high blood pressure,实例三,59. The writer mainly wants to tell people that depression _.是一个严重但是可以治愈的疾病在科学研究方面有其优势可能提升人们抗击感染的机

9、会是一个真实的医疗状况,就像高血压一样,实例三,原文:Depression may have an evolutionary (进化) benefit. It may improve ones chances of fighting off infection (感染).,实例三,may improve ones chances of fighting off infection(可能提升人们抗击感染的机会),总结:如何打破思维定势,别急着做判断,显而易见也有可能是错的。,慎用背景知识,一切依据原文,其他类常见错题分析,比如:针对主旨题,如何避免以偏概全?,如何巧用排除法?,还有针对猜词题、推

10、断题的分析。,(二)文本的价值何在,积累,提高阅读能力,如何提升阅读能力,标注核心句,长难句分析,强化训练,提升速度,长难句类型一:长而不难, “A lot more children come into the office either because their parents have noticed that they have headaches or red or watery eyes or discomfort, or because their nearsightedness appears to be increasing and theyre worried.”,长难句

11、类型一:长而不难, “A lot more children come into the office either because their parents have noticed that they have headaches or red or watery eyes or discomfort, or because their nearsightedness appears to be increasing and theyre worried.”,长难句类型一:长而不难,Because their parents have noticed that they have hea

12、daches or red or watery eyes or discomfort,Because their nearsightedness appears to be increasing and theyre worried,长难句类型二:短,但容易误会,Why Not Eat Breakfast?,为什么不吃早餐(不吃),为什么不吃早餐(反问,建议吃),长难句类型三:又长又难, The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think there are very few pl

13、aces in which we can have deep conversations.,长难句类型三:又长又难, The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think therere very few places in which we can have deep conversations.,长难句类型四:长,难,且晦涩, Should we go even further in relaxing the boundaries of time until we live in

14、 a world in which every minute is much like every other?,长难句类型四:长,难,且晦涩, Should we go even further in relaxing the boundaries of time until we live in a world in which every minute is much like every other?,长难句分析总结,1、划分结构,只留主句的主谓宾,2、先主句,再从句,层层破解,3、掌握必要语法知识,如定从,4、实战强化训练,二、多渠道接触英语,看电影,读小说,听演讲,读报纸,听歌,看辩论赛,看脱口秀,二、多渠道接触英语,不在乎多,不在乎精,而在于坚持!,No object is mysterious. The mystery is in your eyes.,- Elizabeth Bowen,谢谢大家!,

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