题 答 要 不 内 线 封 密2013 2014学年第I学期期末考试消费者行为学试题B题号一-二二三四总分得分(供国际教育学院112101, 112102班使用)总分合计人(签名)评卷复核人(签名)得分评卷人一、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分)1. EXtended Problem SOIVing2. OPiniOn LeaderS3. Invo IVeme nt4. Differential ThreShold5. ConSUmer BehaViOr得分评卷人、简答题(每小题5分,共25 分)1. Define brand PerSonality and give two examples.2. Do marketers have the ability to con trol our desires or the power to Create n eeds?IS this SitUati on