,核辐射生物剂量估算 biological dose estimate of nuclear radiation,在放射防护工作中,准确、及时估算受照者的吸收剂量至关重要。 估算剂量的方法: 通过物理仪器现场模拟,推算受照剂量; 检测生物学指标,估算剂量。 估算剂量的目的: 准确、及时地估算受照者受照剂量,为临床诊断和治疗依据。,生物剂量测定,辐射生物剂量估算的目的The purpose of radio-biological dose estimate,辐射剂量是核辐射受照病人诊断和治疗的依据。The medical diagnose and treatment can be made correctly, according to the radiation dose of the nuclear radiation irradiated patients. 核辐射应急时对受照人群的病人进行分类。 The crowd of irradiated patients can be classified when the nuclear accident happened. 生物剂量