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1、高中必修一全册基础知识巩固练习 单词拼写1.It was quite terrible. It took me some time to _ (镇定)down myself.2.Parents are always _(关心)about their children.3. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was _(破坏)entirely.4. He got a job in a foreign company after _(毕业) from university.5. It is very difficult to _(说服) m

2、y father to give up smoking.6. The role of the railways declined in the _(运输) systerm.7. I am _(有决心) to finish the work ahead of time.8. He felt very _(不安) for he had lost his diary. 9. You cant play _(在户外) before you finish your homework. 10. I am glad to hear that the problem has been _(解决). 11. H

3、e is _(遭受) from a bad headhache. 12. It took some weeks to _(恢复) from his illness. 13. The girl has _(包装) her clothes into a bag. 14. I _(不同意) with what you said. 15.I think it is wrong of you to _ (忽视)your parents advice.16.Visitors are_(要求) not totouch the exhibits.17.The officer _ (命令)the soldier

4、s to fire. 18.Go _(直接) ahead and you will see the post office. 19.He _(宁愿) to die rather than give in.20. I heard the news report, but Im still not sure if the information was _(可信赖的)or not.21. He thought I had known the fact. But _(事实上), I knew nothing about it.22. Though I havent met him for many

5、years, I could _(认出) him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.23. There usually is a _(山谷)between two mountains.24. Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your_(态度) to it.25. An accident happened. Luckily, nobody was _(受伤).26. The workers made great efforts to _(营救) the peop

6、le who were_(陷入困境) underground.27. Because of the global warming, there are more and more natural _(灾难) .28. The students in our school have _(组织) many clubs for themselves.29.We should pay more attention to the _(质量) as well as the quantity.30. The thief was caught and was _(判决) in prison for 3 yea

7、rs.31. In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really _(同等) to men.32. As a well-_(受教育的) person, its hard for us to imagine that she treat the boy with such cruelty. 33.The Titanic sank on its first_(航行).34.Wish you a pleasant _(旅行).35.He was _(震惊) on hearing the _(震惊)new

8、s.36. He is _(积极)in taking part in the game.37.When the tiger _(攻击)him, he was _(害怕)短语1.Im terribly sorry. I didnt do it _ _(故意).2. The old man _ _(经历) many wars and s_(遭受) a lot from them.3. (为了)catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning.4.The engine of the ship was out of order and the

9、 bad weather _(增加了) the helplessness of the crew at sea.5.The village is _ _(不再)what it looked like when they settled their homes there 20 years ago. 6. How are you_ _ _your study?( 你的学习进展的怎么样? )7.古代的人们记下了一系列的重要事件People in ancient times _ _ _ _ _ important events.8.The question finally_ _ (提出) for d

10、iscussion.9.The teacher_ _ _(提出)a good plan for the summer vocation. 10.The movie _ _ _(以 为基础) a real life incident.11.We must _ _ _ _every minute to study. (充分利用)12.I can still remember,_ _(即使) it was so long ago 13.I was wet _ _(因为) the rain. 14.He has been to many countries _ _(例如)Singapore,Canad

11、a and Australia. 15.He is free _ _(目前) ,and you can go to him for advice.16._ _ _ _(信不信由你), China has the largest number of English speakers. 17.I dont_ _(在乎 ) what happens to him.18.He_ _(坚持) my taking part in the game andI had to _ _(屈服) to him.19._ _(自从以来) he left Beijing, I havent seen him.20.I

12、think theyve finally _ _ _ _(下决心)to spend next summer studying in Europe, rather than going to the USA.21.He_ _ _(喜欢)travelling very much22.The exhibition was so interesting that quite _ _ _ (许多) people came to visit it.23._ _his appearance (从判断),he is leading a hard life now.24.Ill return the book

13、to you_ _(立刻,马上).25.The war was finally _ _ _.(结束)26.He _ _ a box of money under the tree. (挖出)27.He _ _ _reading the book, so that he didnt notice me when I came in.(埋头于)28.But the one million people of the city, who_ _ _(不当回事) these _(情况事件),were asleep _ _(像往常) that night.29.Lei feng _ _ _ (献身于)se

14、rving the people.30.I thought the lecture would be boring, but _ _ _ _ _(事实上), it is very interesting.31._ _ _(在我看来), he is a good teacher.32.I am determined to change my job. No one else can _ _ _(改变主意).33.When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident, she _ _ _(突然大哭).34. Afte

15、r the earthquake, the whole city was_ _(成为废墟).35.He is always _(乐意) to help anyone who is_ _(处于困境).36.Whatever difficulty you meet, I hope you will never _ _(灰心).37. People in Iraq are_ _(梦想) living a _(和平) life, that is they hope to live in peace.38. He has been _ _ _(失业)for a year and is looking f

16、or a job now39. As they cant find the lost child, Mr and Mrs Black had to_ _(求助 ) the police for help40. As the moon gave far_ _ (太多)light, I didnt dare open a window.句型1.这是我第一次面对面的和总统谈话It was _ _ _ that I _talked with the president _ _ _.2.在上学的路上,我碰巧看到他了。I _ _ _ _ on my way to school._ _ _ I met hi

17、m on my way to school.3. 曾有一段时期,中国使用外国的石油_ _ _ _ _ Chinese used foreign oil.4.No one likes to talk to him because _(他很难相处).5._to him the reason.(和他解释原因是没用的) .6.We insisted that she _.(戒烟)7._(一旦) she has_(下定决心), nothing can change it.8._ _ in 1998_ I worked in this factory. 我是在 1998 年在这家工厂工作。9.I _ _

18、_ _ her_ _ _I saw her.第一次见到她时我就爱上了她。10.我和他二十年没见面了,但一见面我就认出了他。We hadnt met for 20years but I recognized him _ _ I saw him.答案:单词 1.calm 2.concerned 3. destroyed 4.graduating 5. persuade 6. transport 7. determined 8.upset 9. outdoors 10. settled 11.suffering 12. recover 13.packed 14.disagreed 15.ignore

19、16.requested manded 18.straight19.preferred 20.reliable21.actually 22.recognize 23.valley 24.attitude 25.injured 26.rescuetrapped27.disasters 28.organized 29.quality 30.sentenced 31.equal 32.educated 34.journey35.shockedshocking 37.attackedfrightened短语 1.on purpose 2.went through

20、suffered 3. In order to 4.added to longer 6.getting along with 7.set down a series of 8.came up 9. came up with based on11.make full use of 12.even if/ though 13.because of 14.such as present16.Believe it or not about 18.insisted ongive in 19.Ever since 20.made up their mind

21、s fond of 22.a number of 23.Judging from/ by24.right away an end 26.dug out 27.was buried in / buried himself in 28.thought little of eventsas usual 29.devoted himself to / was devoted a matter of fact 31.In my opinion 32.change my mind 33.burst into tears/ burst out crying

22、 ruins 35.willing in trouble 36.lose heart37.dreaming about / of peaceful 38.out of work 39.turn to 40.too much句型 1.the first timehadface to face 2.happened to meet him/ It happened that3.There was a time when 4.he is difficult to get along with 5.It is no use explaining6.(should)give up smoking 7.Once makes up his mind8.It was that 9. fell in love with the first time 10.the moment/ the minute

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