1、独角兽岛项目建设总体设计概念方案全球征集公告Announcement on Worldwide Solicitation ofOverall Design Concept Plan for the Construction of Unicorn Island Project一、 应征资料提交要求:I.Requirements on submission of application materials:1. 申请人为国内机构的:需提供企业法人营业执照、资质证书、法人授权委托书及委托代理人身份证、公司简介、主设计师简介及设计团队成员介绍、近 5 年业绩证明材料(须提供中标(选)通知书或合同)、联
2、合体协议书(若为联合体应征时提供)。上述资料需加盖申请人(或联合体牵头人)鲜章;1. If the applicant is a domestic agency, it needs to submit the Business License of Corporate Legal Person, the qualification certificate, the authorization letter entrusted by the legal person and the ID card of the entrusted agent, the company profile, the
3、brief introduction to the main designer and the members of the design team, the performance proofs in the recent five years (the bid-winning (selection) notice or contract must be presented), and the consortium agreement (in case of application by a consortium). The aforesaid materials shall be affi
4、xed with the seal of the applicant (or initiator of the consortium).2、申请人为境外机构或港、澳、台机构的:需提供所在国或地区核发的合法营业及设计许可、授权委托书及委托代理人身份证明文件、机构简介、主设计师简介及设计团队成员介绍、近 5 年业绩证明材料、联合体协议书(若为联合体应征时提供)。上述资料需由其机构负责人签字或盖章,若非中文资料,还需提供相对应的中文翻译件。2. If the applicant is an overseas agency or an agency from Hong Kong, Macao or T
5、aiwan, it shall submit the legal business and design license issued by its original country or region, the authorization letter and the ID document of the entrusted agent, the agency profile, the brief introduction to the main designer and the members of the design team, the performance proofs in th
6、e recent five years, and the consortium agreement (in case of application by a consortium). The aforesaid materials shall be signed or sealed by the responsible person of the agency, and shall be provided with corresponding Chinese translations if they are not prepared in Chinese.二、报名表格式及有关要求详见下表II.
7、 Please refer to the following table for the details of the Registration Form format and relevant requirements.独角兽岛项目建设总体设计概念方案全球征集报名表Registration Form forWorldwide Solicitation of Overall Design Concept Plan for the Construction of Unicorn Island Project序号 No. 填写项目Items填写内容Contents1 注册名称Registered
8、name2 注册国家/地区Registration country/Region3 注册地址Registered address4法定代表人/负责人姓名Name of legal representative/Responsible person5商业登记/统一社会信用代码编号Business registration/Unified social credit code number6满足申请人资格要求的描述Description of the qualification requirements for the applicant7 本项目授权委托人Authorized person of
9、 this Project7.1 姓名Name7.2 固定电话Land-line number7.3 移动电话Mobile phone number7.4 电子邮箱Email address 7.5 通信地址及邮政编码Mailing address and postal code承诺:本申请人已阅读、理解并接受独角兽岛项目建设总体设计概念方案全球征集公告的所有要求,并保证上列所填事项及所附资料全部属实。Commitment: I have read, understood and accepted all the requirements listed in Announcement on W
10、orldwide Solicitation of Master Design Concept Plan for the Construction of Unicorn Island Project, and hereby warrant that all the completed items above and the attached materials are true.申请人:(盖章或签字)Applicant: (Seal or Signature)时 间:( 年 月 日, 北京时间)Date: ( , Beijing Time)注:Notes:1、报名表后应附经申请人盖章(或负责人签
11、字或盖章)的申请人的营业执照(或营业许可) 、资质证书(或设计许可) 、授权委托书及委托代理人身份证明(身份证或所在国合法身份证明材料) 、公司(或机构)简介、主设计师简介、设计团队成员介绍、业绩证明材料、联合体协议书(若为联合体应征时提供)等应征资料的扫描件。1. The Registration Form shall be attached with the scanned copies of the applicants application materials bearing the seal of the applicant (or signature or seal of res
12、ponsible person), and such application materials include the business license (or business permit), the qualification certificate (or design license), the authorization letter and the ID of the entrusted agent (ID card or legal identification materials of its original country), the company (or agenc
13、y) profile, the brief introduction to the main designer and the members of the design team, the performance proofs, and the consortium agreement (in case of application by a consortium).2、应征资料(含报名表及相关资料)准备完成后可采用邮寄方式递交至征集人(邮寄地址:中国.四川省成都市天府新区兴隆镇菁蓉中心 B 区 1-3 号楼 403 室,黎小姐) ,也可通过电子邮件发送至征集人指定邮箱(邮箱地址:) ,应征
14、资料应为经申请人盖章(或签字)的纸质文件或经申请人盖章(或签字)的纸质文件的 PDF 形式的电子文件。2. The application materials (including the Registration Form and relevant materials) can, upon completion, be either mailed to the solicitor (mailing address: Ms. Li, Room No.403 , Floor No. 1-3, Section B, Jingrong Center, Xinglong Town, Tianfu Ne
15、w Area, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China), or sent to the designated email address of the solicitor (email address: ). The application materials shall be the paper documents sealed (or signed) by the applicant or the electronic file thereof in PDF format.3、如为联合体应征的,报名表中序号 1-7 项的“填写内容 ”部分按照联合体牵头
16、人、联合体成员单位 1、联合体成员单位 2(如有时)的顺序依次填写相关信息。3. In case of application by a consortium, the “Contents” in No. 1-7 of the Registration Form shall be filled in with relevant information by the following sequence: initiator of the consortium, member agency 1 of the consortium and member agency 2 (if any) of t
17、he consortium.三、征集说明 III. Solicitation description 1、本次征集活动设置 8 个入围名额,征集人将从报名的设计机构中遴选出 8 家设计机构参与本次方案征集。1. This Solicitation has eight finalists, which will be selected by the solicitor from all applicants. 2、通过遴选的 8 家设计机构按照征集人发出的征集文件进行独角兽岛项目建设总体设计概念方案编制工作, 8 家入围设计机构在提交了符合征集文件要求的成果文件后,每家将获得 20 万元(美元)
18、的设计补偿费。本次方案征集设置优秀成果奖四名,征集人将获得优秀成果奖的设计方案报政府相关主管部门,经政府相关主管部门最终确定的设计方案为本次征集的中选方案。中选方案的设计机构将承担本项目总体设计概念方案深化服务及为期两年的总体设计咨询服务,征集人将与其签订咨询服务合同,总体设计概念方案深化服务及为期两年的总体设计咨询服务总服务费为 200 万元(美元) ,其他 3 家获得优秀成果奖但未中选的设计机构将分别获得 20 万元(美元)的奖励金。本条中所涉及征集人支出的补偿费、奖励金、服务费金额均为税前(含税)金额,并按美元或等值人民币进行支付。2. The selected eight finali
19、sts shall draft the Overall Design Concept Plan for the Construction of the Unicorn Island Project according to the Solicitation Document issued by the solicitor. After submitting its own work in accordance with the Solicitation Document, every applicant will gain a design compensation of USD 200,00
20、0. This Solicitation has four Outstanding Achievement Awards. The Solicitor will report the winners of Outstanding Achievement Awards to relevant government competent departments, and the ultimate design plan confirmed by such departments will be the selected plan of this Solicitation. The design ag
21、ency of such finally selected plan will undertake the deepened services of the Overall Design Concept Plan as well as the two-year-long overall design consultancy services on a contractual basis with the Solicitor. The expense of deepened services of the Overall Design Concept Plan and the two-year-
22、long overall design consultancy services is USD 2 million, while the other three agencies which are not finally selected despite winning the Outstanding Achievement Awards will gain an award of USD 200,000. The compensation, award and service expenses in this article refer to the amount before tax (tax included), and will be paid in US dollars or RMB equivalents.
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