销售技巧培训,主要内容提示,积极的思维 如何设定您的目标,Successful communication gets to: 成功的沟通能达到:,Win Win,Positive Thinking积极的思维方式,双 赢,The Win-Win Situation 双赢的情景,Dont criticise, judge or complain 不要批评, 评判或抱怨 Show honest appreciation 表现出你的诚意 Talk about their contribution 谈论别人的贡献 Use peoples names 使用别人的姓名 Smile when appropriate 适当的时候请微笑 Further reading: Dale Carnegie: How to make friends and influence people 请参阅: Dale Carnegie:如何交友及影响他人,Rules to keep positive 保持积极的要领,If you fear the worst? You get it 如果你总是