.试论青岛港口发展中存在的问题及对策 摘要:本文通过对近年来沿海港口吞吐量快速增长的原因分析,剖析了沿海港口在国民经济、对外开放中的地位和作用;强调了沿海港口布局规划在港口发展中的指导作用,同时分析了目前沿海港口发展面临的问题;历史阶段对沿海港口的新要求,提出了建议。Abstract:In this paper, through the analysis of the causes of coastal port throughput of rapid growth in recent years, analyses the status and function of coastal ports in the opening to the outside world, in the national economy; emphasizes the guiding role of the coastal port layout in the port development, and analyzed the coastal port developmen