.H08A碳素焊条钢钢水质量控制闫绍维,刘景元,刘作金(河北唐银钢铁有限公司,技术部)摘要: H08A碳素焊条钢在生产过程中钢水脱氧程度、成分控制对铸坯质量起到了重要作用,在理论分析和生产实践的基础上总结了合理的钢水质量控制要点。关键词:钢水质量 焊条钢 H08A 脱氧Quality Control of Molten Steel for H08A Carbon Weld Electrode SteelYan Shaowei, Liu Jingyuan, Liu Zuojin(Technical Department, Hebei Tangyin Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd)Abstract: Deoxidate degree and composition control of continuous casting billet make an important effect for H08A carbon weld electrode steel, this paper generalized the key fact