.题目:交朋友Making Friends在人生的旅途中我们会相识很多人,但只有很少的人成为我们的朋友。家庭状况,文化程度,性格差异都是我们选择朋友的条件。但最主要的是朋友能阅读我们的心声,享受我们的快乐,分担我们的忧愁,鼓励我们做更好的人。有些人喜欢交性格不同的朋友,有些喜欢交与自己性格相似的朋友。比较交这两类朋友的好处。你喜欢交哪一类朋友,为什么?蓝天外语质量承诺:包学会,学不会全额免费重学!【范文】It is universally known that friendship is one of the eternal themes in the literature of all languages. This is because human beings were born to need the warmth and laughter of friends. However it is impossible for us to make friends with everybody. We have to choose true friends. So