.与天气有关的英语词汇及句型天气是英国人迷恋的话题,英式英语中有许多与天气有关的英语成语,一起来看看吧!it never rains but it pours 祸不单行 thrown caution to the wind 冒险 a storm in teacup 大惊小怪 twisting in the wind 孤立无援 rainy day 艰难的时刻/困境 ill wind that blows nobody any good 有祸也有福/有人愁有人喜every cloud has a silver lining(每一块乌云后面都有银色的一面) 困难中必有希望 bolt from the blue 突如其来的 under the weather 身体不舒服 weather the storm 渡过危机 as right as rain 万事顺利 跟天气有关的英语俚语1. Whats up with him today? He has a face like thunder!他今天怎么了?他看着怒气冲冲的。2.