.校园温馨铃声提示语及播发时间表序号类别提示语设计课间广播1起床同学们,早上好!新的一天开始了,请抓紧时间整理内务,洗脸刷牙。准备早操。The classmates, good morning! The beginning of a new day, please take the time to tidy the house, wash my face and brush my teeth. Prepare the morning exercises.随机音乐运动员进行曲2晨读同学们,晨读时间到了,“一日之计在于晨”,请捧起书本读书,去寻找你的快乐吧!The classmates, morning reading time is up, a day in the morning, please pick up a book to read, to find your happiness!3早餐早餐时间到了,请同学们有序就餐,上下楼梯注意安全!Its breakfast time, a