内容:Where are you ?执教:马魏娜目的:1.词in on under beside behind2.通过英语游戏提高幼儿对英语学习的兴趣。准备:1.圆桌,方桌(各一张)椅子(两把)2.Banana apple cake biscuit cake fish box3.bag book pencil-box pencil4.cat (头饰)过程:一.出示小猫头饰,引起兴趣。1 Good morning boys and girls.(Good morning.)2 Who am I ? (cat)3 Yes, I am a cat !And I am a hungry cat!4 I want to eat some fish .二寻找小鱼,激发幼儿的积极性。1 Where is it ?Is it on the table ? (No, it isnt.)What is it ?(It is an apple.)2. Is it under th