精品文档,欢迎下载John Hattan是位于德克萨斯州的Watauga里最大的软件公司 Code Zone的主要负责人。如果你对他的文章有什么看法,请写信给他。这是每个游戏编程FAQ里都有的问题。这个问题每星期都会在游戏开发论坛上被问上好几次。这是个很好的问题,但是,没人能给出简单的答案。在某些应用程序中,总有一些计算机语言优于其他语言。下面是几种用于编写游戏的主要编程语言的介绍及其优缺点。希望这篇文章能帮助你做出决定。This is a question that belongs in every game programming FAQ. It seems to be asked in a game development forum several times a week. Its a good question, though, and not one with an easy answer. There are computer languages that work better for some applications than others. Here