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1、 本资料来源于七彩教育网 http:/ 09年高二年级英语下册 第一次月考 试卷 英语科试卷(高二) 答题时间: 120 分钟 满分: 150 分 第一卷 (共 105 分) 第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分 30 分 ) 第一节: (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面材料,回答 1-5 题 1. What does the woman mean? A. The man cant smoke at all. B. The man can smoke. C. Neither of them can smoke here. 2. Where does the woman w

2、ant to go? A. Science Museum. B. Art Museum. C. Bus Station. 3. When and where will the meeting be held? A. Room 302,3 pm, today. B. Room 303, 2 pm, tomorrow. C. Room 302, 2 pm, tomorrow. 4. What can we learn from the conversation? A. John will play. B. John will be punished. C. John will read his b

3、ook. 5. What does the woman think of the acting? A. Excellent. B. Just so-so. C. Very bad. 第二节: (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22 5 分) 听第六段材料,回答 6 8 题 6. What is the mans occupation? A. A doctor. B. A researcher. C. A news reporter. 7. Which of the following room did the man book before he came? A. A warm ro

4、om with a shower. B. A single room with a shower. C. Room 523. 8. When is the man checking in? A. Saturday. B. Thursday. C. Tuesday. 听第七段材料,回答 9 11 题 9. Why does the woman mention the Sahara desert? A. She watched a TV program about it last night. B. She thinks it is boring to hitch-hike across the

5、Sahara desert. C. She knows that the man likes foreign things. 10. What kind of film does the woman like? A. Love stories. B. Travel stories. C. Horror stories. 11. What can we learn about the male speaker? A. He does not like eating lunch with the woman. B. He likes unusual food C. He gets sick of

6、chips. 听第八段材料,回答 12 14 题 12. Who are these two people? A. A boss and her employee. B. A headmaster and a teacher. C. A manager and her secretary. 13. What is the problem? A. The man is late for work. B. The woman doesnt trust the man. C. Eight thirty train was cancelled. 14. What can be inferred fro

7、m the dialogues A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Husband and wife. 听第九段材料,回答 15 17 题 15. What are the man and the woman? A. Teachers. B. Students. C. Workers. 16. Does the man agree to see film together? A. No, he doesnt. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he doesnt. 17. What will the woman probably do? A. Give t

8、he tickets to Professor Shrimp. B. Sell the tickets to Professor Shrimp. C. Go to the show with Professor Shrimp. 听第十段材料,回答 18 20 题 18. Which is the reason that so many students ate the food from that soybean milk shop even on Saturday? A. Students liked the food from that shop. B. It was so conveni

9、ent for them to get food from that shop. C. Many students were taking courses on Saturday. 19. Why did the father of a girl student say that his daughter was lucky? A. She was sent to hospital in time. B. She ate only little of the food she bought from that shop. C. She vomited out most of the food

10、she ate. 20. What is NOT known so far about the accident? A. The cause of this food poisoning accident. B. The number of people hit in the accident. C. The time of this accident. 第 二 部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. The warden

11、 caught hold_ Oliver Twist and hit him on _ head with the spoon. A. on to; the B. of; the C. on to;/ D. of; his 22. To those _ in Cantopop, the period from 1983 to 1993 is often said_ the Wong Ka Kui era. A. involving; being B. to involve; to be C. involved; to be D. involve; being 23. Some people a

12、rgue that both the government and the milk producers are _ for the death of the babies. A. blamed B. blaming C. to be blamed D. to blame 24. How can she play the piano so well? Well, she all her free time to practice. A. costs B. devotes C. wastes D. takes 25. The accident might not have happened, h

13、ad we been more careful. But we _ at that time. A. dont B. didnt C. hadnt D. werent 26. According to the regulations of the company, you mustnt ask for leave_ you have a doctors diagnosed note. A. unless B. now that C. even though D. on condition that 27. _ Uncle Tom came, he would bring us some gif

14、ts. A. For the first time B. Every time that C. Every time D. The first time that 28. Obama, the new president of the USA, is trying to help the Americans suffering from Wall Street crisis make the _ needed to re-balance their lives. A. accumulation B. adjustment C. decision D. improvement 29. What

15、did the teacher want to know, Bob? _ I could finish doing the homework. A. When was it B. It was when that C. It was when D. When it was that 30. He helped me with my mathematics, and _, I helped him with his English. A. in turn B. in return for C. in return D. in turn for 31. Hardly _ to speak when

16、 there was a shout from the back of the hall. A. does she begin B. she has begun C. had she begun D. she had begun 32. Snow white, though written more than a century ago, still _ children all around the world. A. adjusts to B. attends to C. approaches to D. appeals to 33. The article that a PLA sold

17、ier in Chongqing guarding a military base was shot dead published in todays newspaper _ the problems of social safety _ of the public. A. bring; into the attention B. took; to the attention C. brought; under the attention D. brought; to the attention 34. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be

18、doing today if I _ in love, at the age of ten, with the Carnegie Library in my hometown. A. wouldnt have fallen B. had not fallen C. should fall D. were to fall 35. I think youd better type this letter again before Mr. Smith sees it. Oh, dear! _ A.Who cares? B.No problem. C.I dont mind at all. D. Is

19、 it as bad as that? 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 3655 各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 My wife and I had just finished the 150 mile trip home from our daughters college, it was the first time in our lives that she had been _36_ for any length of time. We wondered _3

20、7 _ other people had survived it. Later in bed, I thought of the time I started college. My father had _38_ me, too. We rode in the farm truck. I, the fourth in a line of brothers, was the first of the children in my _39 to go to college. After we were out of sight of the farm, I began to feel _40_

21、. The truck was slow, which comforted me a bit. I didnt want to get to the city too soon. I remembered how my father and I ate the sandwiches my mother had _41_ . My daughters _42_ was different, of course. We stopped at an expensive restaurant and ordered fried chicken. _43_ we went to the dormitor

22、y, and my wife talked with the housemother. When she came back, she was _ 44_ her eyes. My father didnt let me stay at the dormitory. A room in a private home was _45_ and better if a student wanted to work his way _ 46_ college. Before leaving, my father brought out the old book Belief that he had

23、_47_ so often. He said, This can help you, if you will let it. Did _48_ help? I got through college without being a 49 to my family. I have had a good 50 _ capacity (能力 ) ever since. When I finished school, my father told me to _51_ it. Let your first child take that book along, he said. Now, too la

24、te. I could have given it to my daughter when she got out of the car. But I didnt. _52 _ were different. My father could give me only an old book _53_ I had been able to give my daughter what she needed. Or had I? I dont really _54_ now that I gave her half as much as my father gave me. So the next

25、morning I _ _55 _ the book and sent it to her with a note, This can help you, if you will let it. 36. A. gone B. lonely C. upset D. lost 37. A. whether B. when C. how D. where 38. A. taken B. driven C. sent D. shown 39. A. area B. school C. class D. family 40. A. confused B. scared C. disappointed D

26、. excited 41. A. prepared B. bought C. brought D. given 42. A. food B. day C. habit D. way 43. A. After B. Meantime C. So D. Then 44. A. rubbing B. doing C. wiping D. covering 45. A. wider B. cleaner C. cosier D. cheaper 46. A. in B. along C. over D. through 47. A. read B. carried C. thought D. talk

27、ed 48. A. he B. it C. this D. I 49. A. cost B. expense C. burden D. pressure 50. A. making B. understanding C. earning D. learning 51. A. keep B. take C. remember D. own 52. A. Girls B. Things C. Students D. Parents 53. A. though B. since C. while D. and 54. A. believe B. wish C. know D. puzzle 55.

28、A. gave away B. put away C. wrapped up D. picked up 第 三 部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A PJ Hoffmaster State Park Location: 6585 Lake Harbor Road Cost: $ 6 per car Picnic potential: Pack a lunch, and take advantage of the cover

29、ed picnic areas. Whats so special? There is plenty to do and see at this state park. Nature lovers will delight in the network of hiking trails, an informative nature center and overnight camping. There are three miles of beach and a dune (沙丘 ) climbing stairway with an observation deck. Saugatuck S

30、tate Park Location: off 138 th Avenue Cost: free Picnic potential: Use the provided picnic area, or take a short drive into nearby downtown Saugatuck for a bite (简单的一餐 ); try the popular Coral Gables. For ice cream, head to Kilwins Chocolate Shop. Whats so special? This beach is a nature enthusiasts

31、 dream, with 13 miles of sandy trails and lots of natural habitat. Hike through the woods and over the dunes to reach two and a half miles of undeveloped shoreline. A great place for those who seek a quiet day at the beach. Muskegon State Park Location: 3560 Memorial Drive Admission: $ 6/ $ 8 for a

32、day pass Picnic potential: There are two popular picnic spots, both of which have great views. Pack a lunch, and enjoy the sights. Whats so special? Two miles of sand and surf, plus a playground, shore fishing and a wildlife viewing area. If the kids get bored with the sun and swimming, pack them up

33、 and head into town for a look at the USS Silversides, a World War II submarine, near Pere Marquette Beach, another great spot. North and South beaches Location: Lakeshore Drive and Water Street Cost: Free Picnic potential: Lots of open space with views of the lake. Whats so special? There is plenty

34、 of family fun by way of volleyball courts, playground and picnic areas and fishing. 56. If you hope to be far from noises, you can go to . A. PJ Hoffmaster State Park B. Saugatuck State Park C. Muskegon State Park D. North and South beaches 57. Where can tourists have a look at the wartime submarin

35、e? A. In Muskegon State Park B. In the town near Muskegon State Park. C. Nearby downtown Saugatuck. D. At Pere Marquette Beach. 58. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Nature enthusiasts will choose to go to PJ Hoffmaster State Park. B. Saugatuck State Park is stil

36、l undeveloped. C. North and South beaches are famous for volleyball matches. D. Muskegon State Park is fit to surf the Internet. B Its one of the most frequently asked questions in an interview: Tell me about yourself. Your response to this request will set the tone for the rest of the interview. Fo

37、cus List five strengths you have that are connected with this job. Hong applied for computer programmer. When she answered this question to the interviewer Finance Manager, she said, Ive been successful in my career by making well thought out decisions based on careful analysis of all factors. I app

38、roach problems with logic and sounding reasoning. I would enjoy working with you in developing the appropriate systems and procedures to make our two departments function efficiently together. Scripting. Prepare a script that includes the information you want to communicate. Begin by talking about p

39、ast experiences and proven success: I have been in the customer service industry for the past five years. My most recent experience has been handling incoming calls in the high tech industry. One reason I particularly enjoy this business, and the challenges that go along with it, is the opportunity

40、to connect with people. In my last job, I formed some significant customer relationships resulting in a 30 percent increase in sales in a matter of months. Next, mention your strengths and abilities: My real strength is my attention to detail. I pride myself on my reputation for following through an

41、d meeting deadlines. If I commit to do something, I make sure it gets done on time. Conclude with a statement about your current situation: What Im looking for now is a company that values customer relations, where I can join a strong team and have a positive impact (影响 ) on customer relation and sa

42、les. Practice Practice with your script until you feel confident about what you want to emphasize in your statement. Your script should help you stay on track, but you shouldnt memorize it. Even if you are not asked this type of question to begin the interview, this preparation will help you focus o

43、n what you have to offer. Youll also find that you can use the information in this exercise to assist you in answering other questions. The more you can talk about your product you, the better chance you will have at selling it. 59. By answering the question, Hong made the fact clear that . A. she s

44、hould get higher pay for her experience B. she can help the company increase in sales C. she has already done well in her job D. she is good at making decisions 60. According to the passage , the scripting an interviewee prepares includes _parts. A. two B. three C. four D. five 61. In the last parag

45、raph, the author wants to tell us to . A. be well prepared for the interview B. be good at selling your product C. recite your script fluently D. have confidence in your abilities 62. This passage mainly gives advice on how to . A. practise your script for the interview B. build confidence in your i

46、nterview C. make your interview successful D. present your strong points to the interviewer C Feb 28, 2008 Dear Colleagues, It is no secret that we are in the midst of one of the worst economic times in recent state history. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed $14 billion in cuts, which means cuts to parks, prisons, and yes, education. For our school district that figure translates to $12 million. We must have planned cuts in place before June 30. We have been meeting with representatives of all the unions and management staff and a community-based budget com

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