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1、 第一学期高二年级期末联考 英语试卷 第 I 卷(共三部分;满分 95 分) 第一部分:听力(共两节;每小题 1 分满分 20 分) 第一节:(共 5 小题) 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个问题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Give her some presents. B. Show her his presents. C. Give her regards to

2、his parents. 2.What is the woman going to do? A. Attend a birthday party. B. Buy a gift for the man. C. Choose shoes for herself. 3.What can you know about the woman? A. She lost her wallet. B. She didnt put her wallet in the desk. C. Her drawer was broken. 4.What happened to the boy yesterday? A. H

3、e didnt listen to his English teacher in class. B. He was told some news about his English teacher. C. He was given one more English class. 5.Who made the boy study? A. His father B. The girls father. C. The girls uncle. 第二节:(共 15 小题) 听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每

4、段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第 6 至第 8 题 6.Who is Tom? A. A manager. B. A lawyer. C. An engineer. 7.What did Tom himself want to be? A. A professor. B. A lawyer C. A doctor. 8.How long has Tom worked for the department? A. Three years. B. Four years. C. Five

5、years. 听下面一段材料,回答第 9 至第 11 题 9.How tall does the woman think the thief is? A. About 187 cm. B. About 168 cm. C. Around 178 cm. 10.Where does the woman live? A. At 173 Rose Street. B. At 15 King Street. C. At 16 Wyman Street. 11.Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation? A. The thi

6、ef looks older than he is. B. The womans wallet cost 108 pounds. C. The womans phone number is 62324347. 听下面一段材料,回答第 12 至第 14 题。 12.What happened to the woman? A. She had a flu. B. She ate something bad. C. She ate out on the weekend. 13.Who had the same problem as the woman? A. Jerry. B. The man sp

7、eaker. C. Mary. 14.What does the man mean by saying “cant just be a coincidence”? A. The two persons cant get the flu at the same time. B. There must be something wrong with that restaurant. C. The health authorities didnt investigate that restaurant. 听下面一段材料,回答第 15 至第 17 题 15.Where does the convers

8、ation most probably take place? A. In a second-hand bookshop. B. In a publishers office. C. In a library. 16.Why does the woman mention William Shakespeare? A. He gave gifts to millions of people. B. He was a very wealthy man in his time. C. She takes him as an example. 17.What does the woman intend

9、 to do later on? A. Sell some of her books. B. Talk to some politicians. C. Do some research. 听下面一段材料,回答第 18 至第 20 题 . 18.Why does the speaker give the lecture? A. To show how to predict the weather. B. To explain the advantages of cycling tours. C. To give some advice on cycling tours. 19.What shou

10、ld not the cyclists do during a cycling tour? A. Ride as far and fast as possible. B. Wear clothes of bright colors. C. Enjoy the riding itself. 20.What should cyclists do first when they stop riding in cold weather? A. Enjoy nature. B. Put on warm clothes. C. Drink plenty of hot water. 第二部分:英语知识运用(

11、共两节;满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 21. As _ unemployment is very high at the moment. Its very difficult for people to find _ work. A. the; / B. /; / C. an; the D. the; the 22. Marys grandfather _ roses all his life; whenever she sees flowers, shell always think of him. A. grows B. has be

12、en growing C. is growing D. would grow 23.It is reported that two schools, _ are being built in my hometown, will open next year. A.which both B.they both C.both of them D.both of which 24.Dont press the button, Tom. - What if I _? A.did B.would C.will D.shall 25.Why didnt you tell me there was no m

13、eeting today? I_all the way here through the heavy rain. A.neednt have driven B.cant have driven C.mustnt have driven D.shouldnt have driven. 26._, I couldnt remember these words. A.However hard did I try B.However hard I tried C.However I tried hard D.However I had tried hard 27.This kind of wool _

14、 soft and _well. felt; sells B.feels; sells felt; is sold D.feels; is sold 28.The door opened and in _. A.she came B.came she C.did he come D.did Mr Smith come 29.What do you think of my suggestion? -Sorry, whats that? I _ about something else. thinking B.thought C.had thought D.was t

15、hinking 30.However, at times this balance in nature is disturbed, _ a number of possibly unforeseen effects. A.lying in B.calling in C.taking in D.resulting in 31.Follow your teachers advice, _ you will make great progress. A.or B.but C.and 32.Because he was not _ of the new limit, he was stopp

16、ed and warned for speeding. A.aware B.sensitive C.interested D.suitable 33.Progress so far has been good. _, we are sure that the project will be completed on time. A.However B.Besides C.Therefore D.Otherwise 34.Mary is very clever as well as hard-working. -No _she came out first in her class. A.que

17、stion B.wonder C.doubt D.problem 35.The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to _. A.make it out B.make it off C.make it up D.make it over 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55 各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的一个最佳选项 . I was studying theater at Southern Methodist Un

18、iversity In Dallas and feeling anxious and uncertain about my future. Will I be able to support myself? I 36 . That summer, I decided to see if I could 37 it on my own. Two girlfriends and I piled into a car and 38 to Aspen, Colo. Where I found a job as a maid at a resort hotel. I dont remember what

19、 I 39 , but it was so little that I lived on spaghetti, brown rice and Kool-Aid. I was at the hotel by six oclock every morning to 40 with continental breakfast. When breakfast was finished, I cleaned the room 41 it was served and then the conference rooms and lobby restrooms. I had never been in a

20、mens room before, and I was always terrified at someone 42 in while I was on my knees scrubbing the floors and toilets I came from an upper-middle-class background, and my parents friends always treated me 43 . But now that I was a servant, I found that many of the guests of the same background were

21、 not so nice. That was a 44 . People were 45 to serve themselves at the continental breakfast; it was my 46 to walk around the room and refill coffee and juice. But some people wanted me to do 47 for them. I remembered one man who kept 48 me to get his food and demanding things we did not 49 . He wa

22、s also very critical. Even though I wanted to say, “Go and get it yourself.” I knew it was my job to be 50 and do in a nice way whatever I was told. So Id take a deep 51 and somehow get what he wanted. Still, I have never forgotten how it felt to be spoken to so 52 . Today, whenever I am in a cab or

23、 a restaurant, I always try to be as thoughtful as possible. Serviceindustry jobs are not easy, and theyre even 53 when people treat you like dirt. My first job also helped me gain confidence. After that summer I realized that what I had been afraid of in acting was 54 . I now knew that it would be

24、worse if I failed at it without really trying. I decided to give it all my 55 . If I failed, at least I would always know that I had done my best. 36.A.knew B.guessed C.wondered D.understood 37.A.make B.give D.take 38.A.set B.left C.headed D.arrived 39.A.did B.found C.learned D.earned

25、ok D.come 41.A.what B.that C.when D.where 42.A.walking B.looking C.going D.standing 43.A.badly B.well C.friendly D.hard 44.A.danger B.problem C.shock D.pleasure 45.A.thought B.supposed C.hoped D.believed 46.A.turn B. honor C. chance D. job 47.A.anything B. everything C. nothing D. some

26、thing 48.A.ordering B. wanting C. begging D. persuading 49.A.give B. get C. serve D. like 50.A.busy B. ready C. fast D. quiet 51.A.walk B. note C. breath D. rest 52.A.rudely B. nicely C. nervously D. angrily 53.A.nicer B. dirtier C. ruder D. worse 54.A.failure B. success C. loss D. fortune

27、 B. patience C. thought D. energy 第三部分:阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C、 D 和 E )中选出一个最佳选项。 A One afternoon last fall in Edmonton, best friends Katelynn and Erikka were watching their favourite television show and snacking on candies. Suddenly, Erikka began choking. Having jus

28、t completed the CPR courses in her physical education class, Katelynn sprung(跳起来 ) into action, performing the Heimlich Manoeuvre. It didnt work at first, Katelynn says, so she tried a different position and all of a sudden a green Jube shot straight out of Erikkas mouth and landed on the floor in f

29、ront of them. “Since this happened, I just give her (Katelynn) lots and lots of hugs and thank her constantly for saving my life and I tell her I would save her life, too, if she were to ever need me! I tell everyone that taking a first aid course is very important because it teaches us how to save

30、lives. It really does work!” Erikka says. Katelynn adds, “It makes me feel much more confident and smarter knowing I can save a life. I know that I can actually put my training to use in an emergency, whether its to save the life of a family member, a friend or someone out in the community.” Filled

31、with enthusiasm, Erikka says, “There are so many areas in my life where I can use my first aid training. For example, Im an athlete and I play lots of different sports. Things can happen on the field or at an athletic event, where my training could make a big difference and all of us baby-sit, which

32、 means you never know when you will be called upon in the case of an emergency. I am really glad Ive had this training because I can use it again and again!” 56.What happened to Erikka when she was snacking with Katelynn one afternoon last fall? A. She suddenly became very ill. B. She suddenly lost

33、her consciousness. C. Something got stuck in her throat. D. Her throat is ill. 57.The Heimlich Manoeuvre is probably a way of _. A. doing physical exercise B. giving first aid C. entertainment D. playing games 58.What Erikka says in the last paragraph shows that _. A. there are possible dangers in m

34、any areas of life B. students should get trained in every way C. we should help others who are in danger D. people should get trained to save other peoples life 59.From the passage, we can know that Erikka is a(n) _. A. student B. nurse C. athlete D. doctor 60.What would be the best title for the pa

35、ssage? A. The Importance of First Aid B. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed. C.A Help Hand. D. Be Careful while Snacking. B As the Russians most successful gymnast, she is tall and elegant - Svetlana Khorkina is more than a champion, she is a star. Khorkina was born on January 19, 1979, in Belgorod

36、. She was introduced to gymnastics by her mother when she was only 4 years old. When was asked how to start her gymnastics career, she smiled: “As a child, I was very picky(挑剔) with my food. My mother hoped that if she put me into gymnastics, I would start eating breakfast , after having spent a lot

37、 of energy in the gym.“ Her coach wanted her to train in rhythmic gymnastics because of her body type, but Khorkina insisted on learning artistic gymnastics. Boris Pilkin was the only coach throughout her entire career. Then her height, normally considered a negative in gymnastics, became a positive

38、. For the past 10 years, Khorkina also did much for the Russian gymnastic team. Many times she had to take part in competitions with wounds, and she managed to win! Please remember the period when Khorkina bravely entered the world of show business, and had even more courage to enter the world of th

39、eater. She was successful there! She was supposed to quit gymnastics after becoming a famous person, but she did not! “You should perform for us!“ said her coach and fans as they understood that there were no such strong gymnasts as Khorkina in the Russian team. In 2004, Khorkina, 25 years old, anno

40、unced that she would retire after the Athens Olympics. She wanted to end her gymnastics career with a gold medal, so she went to Athens. But the result disappointed her, she gained only a silver on individual all-around and a bronze on team. “Actually, I feel Im capable of competing still, but I bel

41、ieve its time for me to finish. As any other woman does, Id like to have a family. Id like to have kids. Id like to be loved.“ Khorkina said. She is an artist in a sport that doesnt reward artistry anymore, old in a sport that worships youth. So its time for her to leave. On August, 19, 2004, she pl

42、ayed the artist one final time. Even Olympic boss Jacques Rogge stopped by. Asked to name his favorite gymnast, he replied, “Khorkina. Shes a real woman.“ 61.Why did her mother have Khorkina attempt gymnastics very young? A.To make a world famous gymnast. B.To continue her career. C.To make her eat

43、more food. D.To serve her motherland. 62.Which of the following is true about Khorkinas body type? A.It was perfect for gymnastics. B.It was a disadvantage but she turned it into an advantage. C.It was usually thought unsuitable for gymnastics. D.It was difficult to achieve greatly with such a body

44、type. 63.Khorkina tried all of the following careers except _. A.sports business C.the world of theater D.teaching gymnastics 64.Which of the following can describe Khorkinas feelings at the Athens Olympics? A.Disappointed B.Sorrowful C.Successful D.Surprised 65.The author mentioned Jacques R

45、ogge in order to _. Khorkinas importance B.prove Khorkinas great pity C.stress Khorkinas greatness D.comfort Khorkinas failure C A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists raise pets, build model ships, weave baskets, watch birds, hunt animals, climb moun

46、tains, raise flowers, fish, ski, skate and swim. Hobbyists also paint pictures, attend concerts and plays, and perform on musical instruments. They collect everything from books to butterflies and from shells to stamps. People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendship, knowledge, and relaxation. Sometimes they even give financial(财政 )profits(利润 ).Hobbies help people relax after periods of hard work, and provide a balance between work and play. Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons who have retired. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well

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