超过 一千 某事物 地图,postcard,More than,thousand,kilometre,million,something,map,Review,right,Module 2 Theres Chinese dancing,1.Where is it? 2.What can you see in this picture,This is a picture of the Great Wall. There is a long wall . There are many trees. There are many people,Chinatown,Theres a Chinatown in New York,Chinatown的中文翻译是唐人街,有时也称为中国城。它是中国人的聚居地和商业区。 唐朝在中国历史上是一个强盛的朝代。因此在海外华侨华人往往称自己是“唐人”,他们聚集的地方便称为唐人街。 唐人街是中华民族在海外的落脚地,也是中国文化在海外的保留地和生长点。住在唐人街,就像住在中国大陆、台湾和香港等其他华人小城一样,There are lots of Chinese sh