精品文档关于乐观带来希望的初中英语作文-WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改-篇一:乐观带来希望 Optimism Brings HopeIn this fast-paced modern society, life can be sometimes very stressful. One may get overwhelmed by whats going on.There maybe a feeling of helplessness and the worlds spinning out of control. Its easy to lose hope. However, hope is something can be created with an optimistic state of mind.在这个快节奏的现代社会中, 生活有时很有压力。 有的人可能会对正发生的事感到不堪重负。 可能会有无助和世界失控的感觉,很容易失去希望。然而,拥有乐观的心境希望是可以创造的东西。Opt