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1、浙江大学远程教育学院模拟试题卷英 语Part I 语音知识在下列每组单词中,有一个词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分读音不同. 请你找出这个词.1. A. invite B. delight C. drive D. family 标准答案:D2. A. advance B. natural C. last D. class标准答案:B3. A. country B. about C. doubt D. bound 标准答案:A4. A. resist B. universe C. cousin D. design标准答案:B5. A. president B. fresh C. frequent

2、 D. exhibition 标准答案:C6. A. language B. finger C. stronger D. organize 标准答案:A7. A. most B. cost C. fond D. lost标准答案:A8. A. exhibition B. horrible C. however D. harvest标准答案:A9. A. lecture B. direction C. medicine D. select标准答案:C10. A. message B. savings C. imagination D. stranger标准答案:A11. A. although

3、B. thorough C. thus D. breathe标准答案:B12. A. population B. function C. monument D. amuse 标准答案:B13. A. delighted B. tiny C. silver D. silent标准答案:C14. A. exact B. exist C. examination D. expert标准答案:D15. A. patient B. nation C. relation D. question 标准答案:D16. A. theater B. theory C. thought D. those 标准答案:

4、D17. A. question B. station C. intention D. examination 标准答案:A18. A. research B. earth C. dear D. search 标准答案:C19. A. suddenly B. puzzle C. computer D. plug 标准答案:C20. A. example B. explain C. excuse D. expense标准答案:A 词汇结构: 在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑。1. Wait till you are more _. Its better to be sure

5、than sorry. A. inspired B. satisfied C. calm D. certain标准答案:D2. The thing that _ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.A. cares B. matters C. considers D. minds标准答案:B3. She _ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A. looked up B. looked for C. picked

6、 out D. picked up标准答案:A4. Not until very late that afternoon _ the news that his daughter won the match.A. did the father get B. the father got C. the father did get D. got the father标准答案:A5. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a _.A. letter B. message C. notice D. sentence标准

7、答案:B6.There is no use _ the fact from the public.A. to hide B. hidden C.for hiding hiding 标准答案:D7.By the time Jim gets home, his father _ for Australia.A. leaves B. has left C. will leave D. will have left标准答案:D8.At the moment, the air-hostess appeared. She looked pale, but was quite _.A. well

8、B.calm C. still D. quiet标准答案:B9.When we got there we found the window of the hall open and something _.A. to steal B. to be stolen C. stolen D. stealing 标准答案:C10.Be sure to _ your work at the end of the exam.A. look over B. hang on C.set aside D. catch sight of标准答案:A11. Our family education has a gr

9、eat effect _ children.A. for B. with C. on D. about标准答案:C12. The husband gave his wife _ every month in order to please her.A. all half his income B. his half all income C. half his all income D. all his half income标准答案:C13. I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ the importance

10、of studies.A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize标准答案:D14. You can eat food free in my restaurant _ you like.A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. however标准答案:A15. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite _ as planned.A. make out B. turn out C. go on C. come

11、 up标准答案:B16. If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would _.A. act B. help C. serve D. last标准答案:B17. The classroom was almost empty _ a desk or two.A. besides B. except C. except for D. in addition to标准答案:C18. It was in that small room _ they worked hard and dreamed of better days to co

12、me.A. what B. in which C. which D. that 标准答案:D19. His laziness _ his failure in the examinations.A. resulted from B. resulted in C. brought in D. led into标准答案:B20. _ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress. A. It B. As C. That D. What标准答案:B21. The teacher,

13、with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _ visiting a museum at that time. A. was B. were C. had been D. would be标准答案:A22. My advisor encouraged _ a summer course to improve my writing skills. A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take标准答案:D23. Dont be afraid of asking for help _ it

14、is needed.A. although B. since C. when D. unless标准答案:C24. If anybody calls, tell them Im out, and ask them to _ their name and address.A. pass B. leave C. take D. write标准答案:B25. Theres coffee and tea: you can have _. Thanks.A. either B. each C. one D. it标准答案:A26. taking my driving test tomorrow. _!A

15、. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come on D. Congratulations标准答案:B27. The experiment _ the discovery of a cure for cancer.A. happened to B. resulted in C. led up D. set up 标准答案:B28. He _ in bed all day long because he had a bad headache.A. lied B. lay C. laid D. lying标准答案:B29. Hello, Id like to speak to Mr.

16、Parley. Sorry, but hes out. Could I take a _ for you?A. regard B. note C. message D. word标准答案:C30. If you want his address, you will have to _ the number in the book.A. look after B. look into C. look through D. look up 标准答案:D31. The teacher, as well as all his students, _ by the dancers performance

17、. A. impressed B. had impressed C. was impressed D. were impressed标准答案:C32. If you want to change for a double room youll have to pay _ $15.A. another B. other C. more D. Each标准答案:A33. Someone called me up in the middle the night, but they hung up _ I could answer the phone.A. as B. since C. until D

18、. before标准答案:D34. I couldnt help _ when I saw the naughty monkey.A. to laugh B. laughing C. laughed D. laugh标准答案:B35. He is the greatest poet _ in the world.A. live B. lively C. alive D. living标准答案:D36. Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired;

19、 bored D. tiring; boring标准答案:A37. He is the only one of the students who _ a winner of scholarship(奖学金) for three years.A. are B. have been C. is D. has been标准答案:D38. - What has Tom been doing recently ?- I dont know, _ care.A. nor I do B. nor do I C. neither am I D. neither I am标准答案:B39. I dont thi

20、nk Ill need any money but Ill bring some _.A. at last B. in case C. at most D. in time标准答案:B40. As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends.A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed标准答案:A41. The song _ me of my childhood.A. returns B. recalls C. reminds D. records标准答案:C42. Before he came to Ne

21、w York, he had never heard a single English word _.A. speak B. spoken C. to speak D. spoke标准答案:B43. The volleyball match was televised _ on CCTV. A. alive B. life C. lively D. live标准答案:D44. Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be _. A. shut down B. done away C. called off D. taken off标

22、准答案:C45. The pop stars promised to sing in the concert _ free.A. on B. in C. with D. for标准答案:D46. There are two computers in the office, but _ is working.A. either of them B. neither of them C. none of them D. nothing of them标准答案:B47. It was _ that there was nobody on the street.A. so cold day B. su

23、ch cold day C. such a cold day D. a day so cold标准答案:C48. The doctors advice was that the patient _ at once. A. be operated B. to be operated C. being operated D. operated标准答案:A49. She _ be ill because I saw her playing tennis just now. A. cant B. couldnt C. mustnt D. may not标准答案:A50. English is used

24、 by more people than is _ language except Chinese. A. any B. any other C. other D. all other 标准答案:B51. _ it was raining, many international tourists were having picnics in the woods.A. In spite of the fact that B. In spite of that C. In spite D. In spite of标准答案:A52. Watch your step, _ you might fall

25、 into the water.A. or B. and C. unless D. but标准答案:A53. Smoking is not _ in the laboratories in our school.A. admitted B. allowed C. spared D. passed标准答案:B54. The reason _ Im writing is to tell you about a party on Saturday.A. because B. for C. why D. as标准答案:C55. The heavy snow could not keep us _ go

26、ing out to work.A. up B. on C. upon D. from 标准答案:D56. The little girl showed the policeman the corner _ she was knocked off her bike. A. and B. which C. that D. where标准答案:D57. How _ will you be able to finish the painting? In a couple of hours. A. soon B. often C. long D. fast标准答案:A58. This is the s

27、econd time she _ improvement on that equipment.A. had made B. made C. is making D. has made标准答案:D59. I would like to rent a house, modern, comfortable, and _ in a quiet neighborhood.A. after all B. above all C. in all D. over all标准答案:B60. Id like to _ him to you for the job. He is a very clever and

28、industrious boy.A. propose B. refer C. suggest D. recommend标准答案:D61. Allen _ any good job since he came to New York City two years ago. A. hasnt found B. didnt find C. doesnt find D. hadnt found标准答案:A62. I would appreciate _ very much if you could tell me something about the job.A. this B. it C. tha

29、t D. you标准答案:B63. The boys spent the whole morning _ possible answers to the question. A. discuss B. and discussing C. discussing D. and discussed标准答案:C64. Hes _ to know the answer. A. likely B. probable C. maybe D. probably标准答案:A65. I didnt know what to do but then an idea suddenly _ to me.A. happe

30、ned B. entered C. occurred D. hit标准答案:C66. Such a device _ he was given proved almost worthless.A. as B. like C. that D. which标准答案:A67. There is _ sugar. You neednt go to buy any.A. plenty of B. a large number of C. a great many D. a lot标准答案:A68. Before the child went to bed, the father asked him to

31、 _ all the toys he had taken out. A. put off B. put up C. put away D. put out标准答案:C69. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _ known for his plays.A. the best B. better C. more D. the most标准答案:B70. It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born _. A.

32、 about B. with C. to D. of标准答案:B71. The dish _ terrible! I dont like it at all. A. tastes B. tasted C. will taste D. is tasted标准答案:A72. He congratulated them _ what they had achieved. A. at B. on C. for D. about标准答案:B73. You dont need _ for his permission every time you want to leave the room.A. to

33、ask B. ask C. asking D. being asked标准答案:A74. I meant _ him about it, but I didnt see him.A. telling B. to tell C. having told D. to be told标准答案:B75. The damaged car is obviously _ repair.A. beyond B. within C. without D. against标准答案:A76. European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most pop

34、ular sport in the world.A. making B. makes C. make D. to make标准答案:A77. Jack works so hard as he dreams _ owning his own house soon.A. to B. with C. of D. on标准答案:C78. He told her nothing, _ upset her. A. that B. for which C. about which D. which标准答案:D79. You never told us why you were late for the pa

35、rty, _?A. werent you B. didnt you C. had you D. did you标准答案:D80. These three English novels are for you. The rest _ for the other students in your class. A. were B. is C. are D. was标准答案:C 阅读理解: 在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑。(1)When students from other countries come to the United States, they are somet

36、imes shocked at the informality in American college and university classes. For example, American professors do not dress up and they generally call their students by their first names. Students can speak out in class, without raising their hands. Students can drink coffee, tea, juice, or soft drink

37、 during class. Foreign students can usually get used to these differences easily. However, tow examples of American informality are very difficult for some to understand. First, American students call their teachers by their first names. Instead of calling a teacher Mr. Smith or Professor Johnson, t

38、hey call them Tom or Barbara. In some countries, students are not allowed to do that. Second, American students sometimes criticize(批评) the ideas of their teacher. They might also give their teachers suggestions about changing something in the class. In many countries, students cannot openly critici

39、ze their teachers or classes. Thus, some foreign students feel shocked, embarrassed and uncomfortable in American classrooms. They have two choices. One, they can imitate(模仿) the behavior of the American students. But this will make them feel uncomfortable and disrespectful. Two, they can continue t

40、o follow their own customs. But in this case, the American teachers and students might think that the foreign students are too formal or too quiet. What is the solution to this problem? This is no easy answer. However, time will help to solve the problem, because foreign students will become used to

41、 the new behavior.1. How do foreign students normally feel when they first step into the American classrooms?A. Shocked. C. Relaxed.B. Afraid. D. Nervous.标准答案:A2. What is Professor Edward A. Johnson usually called by his student?A. Professor Johnson. C. Edward.B. Mr. Johnson. D. Professor Edward.标准答

42、案:C3. What would American students do in the class?A. Laughing at their teachers. C. Doing what they want to do.B. Openly criticizing their teachers. D. Listening to every word their teachers say. 标准答案:B4. How would a foreign student feel if he tries to imitate the behavior of the American students?

43、A. Disrespectful. C. Polite.B. Easy. D. Angry. 标准答案:A5. If a foreign student continues to follow his own customs, the American teachers and students might think that _.A. he is too proud C. he is too formal or too quietB. he does not want to communicate D. he is embarrassed标准答案:C6. How can this prob

44、lem be solved according to the passage?A. Foreign students should seek advice from their native classmates. B. Foreign students should continue to follow the customs of their home countries. C. American professors should show respect to foreign students and change their behavior.D. Time will help fo

45、reign students to get used to the behavior in American classes. 标准答案:D7. What does the word “informality” probably mean?A. 信息 C. 无礼B. 和谐 D. 非正式性标准答案:D(2)Have you ever been in a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your mind was a million miles away? You probably felt

46、sorry and made up your mind to pay attention and never have daydreaming again. Most of us, from earliest school days, have been told that daydreaming is a waste of time.“On the contrary,“ says L. Giambra, an expert in psychology(心理学), “daydreaming is quite necessary. Without it, the mind couldnt get done all the thinking it has to do during a normal day. You cant possibly do all your thinking with a conscious(有意识的) min

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