Friends第一季第五集词组与常用句型1. Would you let it go? 别再争好吗?2. Its not that big a deal这又没什么大不了的3. as far as Im concerned据我所知4. blows my mind令我嫉妒5. get up the courage to do鼓起勇气做6. theres the horrible awkward moment在实在尴尬的时刻7. were gangin up on her. 我们是联手来对付她8. hunger strike绝食抗议9. Why so scrunchy? 怪怪的10. he burns me up那家伙真叫我生气11. Youre-not-up-to-this你年纪太轻12. Youll never make it on your own你永远不能自立13. being dumped by you obviously agrees with her被你甩掉对她大有好处14. You dont say看得出