广州市生鲜冷链物流配送分析及对策 摘要: 本文在分析广州市冷链物流发展态势的基础上,剖析了现有生鲜冷链物流系统存在的主要问题,并从物流基础系统信息化、促进第三方物流企业发展、共建基于联盟的生鲜冷链共同配送体系等方面,提出了应对措施,可为我国冷链物流的发展提供借鉴。 Abstract: Based on the analysis of Guangzhous cold chain logistics development, the paper analyzes the major problems existing in fresh cold chain logistics system. From the logistics information system, the development of the third party logistics enterprises and the alliance of fresh cold chain distribution system, the paper puts forward the counter