The Street 我祖母將過去的夏天蒙特婁的猶太裔作家Mordecai Richler回憶幼時祖母久病在床的故事(由短篇小說The Summer My Grandmother was Supposed to Die改編)。人言久病床前無孝子作者的母親雖侍奉祖母無微不至但卻造成家人很大的困擾。本片透過一個小孩的眼光細膩地呈現老人與其他家人的關係以及兒童對死亡和大人世界的觀感。 Summary: The boy remembers that it is a hot summer when the grandmother is about to die. The coming death (it could be any day) preoccupies the kid. From the kitchen, they can smell it. On the street, they talk about it (about death throe and whether the hair grows after death, and what her gh