最新【精品】范文 参考文献 专业论文供应链管理及其在我国的现状供应链管理及其在我国的现状 摘要:本文对供应链管理的相关问题进行了论述,首先分析了供应链管理的内涵,并对其优化方法进行了探讨,然后归纳了目前供应链管理存在的问题,最后针对上述问题提出了解决的对策。 关键词:供应链;供货商;客户;核心技术 Abstract: this paper discusses the related issues of supply chain management, firstly analyzes the connotation of supply chain management, and its optimization method are discussed in this paper, and then sums up the problems existing in the supply chain management, finally aimed at these problems puts forward the measures to s