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1、外研版(一年级起点)第八册Module 10 Unit 1 Ill send you a postcard.广鹿乡中心小学 王超Step1. Warmer1. Greeting 2、sing a song Step2. Presentation1. 交流话题引入 2 条语态主线 will 和 be going to:大量的动原短语呈现在 PPT, 教师先做示例:play fotbalmake anewspaperplay the rhudraw picturesspeak Englishgo back to EnglandWhat are you going to do this umer h

2、oliday?I am going tohat wil you do this umer holiday ?I wilT:The Summer holiday is coming . what are you going to do this Summer?S1: Im going to read booksS2: Im going to watch TVSs: play basketball, go to the zoo.T: Im going to go to Beijing with my granddad. _grandmothergrandad_ grandparentssgrand

3、pa_grandfathergrandmum_ _grandmaAnd Well climb the Great Wall, Well visit the 天安门 square.,鸟巢,水立方。And I ll send you a postcard from 北京, OK? (在此处顺着北京的语境顺教 3 个生词和板书题目,并领读学说题目的同时拓用同义句:Ill send a postcard to you.)词汇教学细节:Granddad -grandp a-grandfather grandparentsGrandmum -grandma-grandmother postcard:出示真

4、实图片,复合词: post+card foot+ballsend: end-send-sent 教师说 Today were going to learn a new lesson. Module 10 Unit 1Ill send you a postcard.Step3. Practice创设语篇情景导入文本:Dear children, Do you want to know our good friends-Amy, Daming, Lingling,What are they going to do ? /What will they do this summer? 1. Now O

5、pen your books, first lets listen , point and find “will ,going to” circle them, please! (第一遍听) 教师利用课件引导学生一起归纳梳整:一般将来时的用法will/be going to +动原2. Watch the cartoon, listen again , think and match (第二遍听) -What are they going to do ? /What will they do ?(3 个头饰) (文本中的 5 个动原短语)Amy speak Englishgo back to

6、London Daming send a postcard from Chinavisit granddads farmLingling send a postcard from England (板书顺带出来)(给学生每人发一张任务型练习题纸单, 边看边听边做连线)read and match.Amy speak Englishgo back to EnglandDaming send a postcard from Chinavisit grandads farmLingling send a postcard from England之后同桌交换核对答案结合此题穿插渗透书 Part 3

7、的部分,拓宽学生的语言运用思维 -Hell/Shell.-Hes /Shes going to.3. listen and repeat (第三遍听点读笔)4. Practise reading in groups. (小组分角色读课文)5.Check reading and act out the dialogue. (小组评价机制)Step4. Production1. Test paper 设练选择题 (检测语篇文本的掌握情况)choose1) Im going to go back B.from D.at2) Im going to_English

8、everyday.A.speakingB.spokeC.speakD.speakking3) Damingwill visit _farm. A.granddad B.granddadsC.granddads D.grandads4) We will send you a postcard B.from D.at5) What are you going to_thissummer? B.doingC.todo D.doesACCBA2. 同义句转换练习:eg. Im going to go to Beijing.= I will go to B

9、eijing.(5 句口头练说 ,同桌对练)Im going toI wil go back to Englandsenda postcardreadbokssinga songvisit grandads farm3.Groop practice.Give every team one map and let the students point to the place .Use “What are you going to do this summer? Where will you go this summer?” (A B C D)4. 给出我自己暑假计划的活动范文。给孩子创设一个情

10、景,一个范文。 Im going to go to Beijing. Im going to go there by train. Ill visit the Great Wall. What will you do? 然后给定句式,学生自己练习说,练习写作,写在明信片上,伴着音乐,把写完的明信片给你的朋友,并且说 Ill send you a postcard.成果展示。Il send you a postcard.Im going to go to Beijing.暑 假Im going to go there by train.Ill visit the Great Wal.Im goi

11、ng to go to . .Im going to go there by. Il visit . .5.情感教育。Step5. Summary and homework1、What have we learned today? (一般将来时的 2 种用法)2、作业布置:常规作业与自主作业Homework:1.。send,postcard,grandad,。.。2.。What will you do?。Where will you go?。Il send you a postcard.板书设计: M10 U1 Ill send you a postcard.Ill send a postcard to you.(头饰) Will Daming send a postcard from China is going to Amy go back to LondonLingling send a postcard from England 单词卡片单词卡片单词卡片

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