2010年46.scinentists jumped to the resure withsomedistimctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eatusup of birds failed to control them46.科学家们赶紧拿出某些明显站不住脚的证据前来救驾,大致说的是如果鸟儿不能控制害虫的话,害虫就会把我们吃掉。47.but we have at least drawn near the pointofadmitting that birds should continue as a matter ofintrinsicright,regardless of the presence or absence of economicadvantageto us47.但是我们至少已经几乎承认了这样一种观点:那就是鸟儿的生存是它们的固有权利,不管它对我们是否有经济利益。48.time was when biologists somewhat overwordedthe evidence