三年的幼儿园生活,给孩子们留下了美好的印象,师生之间、幼儿之间结下了深厚的情谊。在这毕业之际,不妨通过幼儿园毕业诗,让幼儿了解三年来的成长变化,感受自己已经长大,体验毕业离园时的惜别之情,萌发做小学生的愿望。1、毕业诗今天,是我最后一次站在这里,(Today,its the last time I stand here)和老师、小朋友在一起,我是多么欢喜。(how joyful am I with teachers and friends)再过几天,我就要进小学,(I will enter elementary school in an coules of days)做个一年级小学生,(to be a pupil in grade one)坐在明亮的教室里,读书写字,多么神气!(how perky to read and write in a bright classroom!)亲爱的老师,(dear teacher)我有许多话想说给您:(I have a lot of words to say:)三年前我第一次到这里,( when I first ca