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1、國立臺灣師範大學五育獎學金要點106年5月5日奉校長核定一、 為鼓勵學生發揚誠正勤樸校訓精神,獎勵學生朝向德智體群美五育多元發展,以培育優秀人才,特訂定國立臺灣師範大學五育獎學金要點(以下簡稱本要點)。二、 獎勵對象:凡本校學士班在學學生。三、 獎勵項目:(一) 德育獎:有品格教育形塑、道德價值澄清與校園風氣建構之具體表現,熱心服務、關懷社會者。(二) 智育獎(書卷獎):學科知識的獲取,學術專業或技能表現,足為同儕楷模者。(三) 體育獎:有強健體魄、增進體能與促進身心健康、養成良好運動習慣之具體表現,足為同儕楷模者,或參加體育競賽表現優異者。(四) 群育獎:有落實團體合作、促進人我關係與發揮群

2、策群力之具體表現,具領導才能,發揮互助精神,友愛同儕者。(五) 美育獎:有提高美感認知與對藝術文化之了解,展現人文、藝術、音樂才華之具體表現,足為同儕楷模者或參加藝文、音樂競賽,表現優異者。獎勵名額與推薦方式:本獎學金每學期核發一次,遴選方式如下 :(一) 凡符合獎勵項目且有具體事蹟者,每班得推薦德、體、群、美育獎每項1名,如班級人數逾50名,各獎項得增加1名,每名學生得重複獲不同獎項。(二) 智育獎依前一學期學業成績每科皆達B,等第積分平均 GPA3.5以上且班級排名第一者( 非延長修業年限學生),如有2名以上列同排名第一,得增加受獎人數; 德、體、群、美育獎由各學系自訂遴選方式推薦之。(三

3、) 上學期於10月底前;下學期於3月底前,將推薦表及學生名冊送至學生事務處生活輔導組核發獎學金,每名獲獎學生發給獎狀乙紙及獎學金新臺幣2,500元整。四、 經費來源:本獎學金經費由學生公費及獎 勵金 項下支應。五、 得獎事實將登錄於本校學生學習數位歷程檔案中。六、 學生於在校期間獲得德智體群美五種獎項者,頒發誠正勤樸獎狀並於畢業典禮公開表揚。七、 本要點經學務處主管會報通過,陳請校長核定後實施,修正時亦同。Guidelines for National Taiwan Normal University Five Virtue Awards and ScholarshipApproved by

4、the President on May 5th, 20171. Guidelines for National Taiwan Normal University Five Virtue Awards and Schoalrship (hereinafter referred to as “the Guidelines”) are established to encourage students to live up to the university motto (Sincerity, Integrity, Diligence, Simplicity,) and ensure holist

5、ic development of ethics, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetic education.2. Undergraduate students of National Taiwan Normal University are eligible for the awards.3. Awards and Eligibility(1).Ethic ducation Award: Students with strong sense of morality who dedicated .hemselves to community

6、 service and welfare are eligible for the award.(2).Intellectual Education Award: Students with outstanding academic performance or achievements are eligible for the award.(3).Physical Education Award: Students with outstanding performance in sports games and competitions are eligible for the award.

7、(4).Social Education Award: Students whose leadership, the engagement in teamwork and influences on the community are recognized are eligible for the award. (5).Aesthetic Education Award: Students with outstanding performance in art and music.The Quota of Awards and Recipient SelectionThe awards are

8、 awarded every semester. The selection process is as follows:(1).Each class may nominate a student for each award except for intellectual education award. If the class consist of over 50 students, the class may nominate an additional student for the awards. Nominees may receive multiple awards. (2).

9、 Nominees for the intellectual education award must score B in every subject and have at least 3.5 GPA in the preceding semester, and ranked first in the class. If there are more than one nominees ranked first in the class, the nominees shall all be winners of the award. Recipients of ethic, physica

10、l, social, and aesthetic education awards shall be nominated in accordance with selection regulations formulated by each department. (3). Departments shall submit selection forms and nominee lists to the Office of Student Affairs by the end of October in the 1st semester and by the end of March in t

11、he 2nd semester. Each winner will receive a certificate and scholarship worth 2,500 NT dollars. 4. The scholarship money is covered by government scholarship funds and grants.5. The award records will be recorded on E-portfolio System.6. Student who receive five awards will be awarded university mot

12、to certificate and commended in the commencement ceremony.7. The guidelines and the amendment shall be approved by the Officer Meeting of the Office of Student Affairs, and take effect upon approval of the President. 國立臺灣師範大學 學年度第 學期五育獎學金(限大學部) 申請表姓名 學號聯絡電話住宅:手機:身分證字號(居留證字號)e-mail系 級 系 年級 班申請類別 德育獎體

13、育獎群育獎美育獎(請勾選-可複選)具體事蹟帳戶資料 郵局局號/銀行代碼(七碼) 郵局(銀行 )帳號學系審查結果申請人符合下列條件:(請打)德育獎-熱心服務、關懷社會者,從事志工等服務者。體育獎-參加體育競賽表現優異者。群育獎-社團表現優異,具領導才能,發揮互助精神,友愛同儕者。美育獎-展現人文、藝術、音樂才華,足為同儕楷模者或參加藝文、音樂競賽,表現優異者。審查意見:系承辦人簽章 專責導師簽章 學術與生涯導師簽章 系主任簽章注意事項:各學系請自行訂定推薦方式,於收件截止日期前將下列資料送學生事務處生活輔導組辦理獎學金核發手續。(1) 獲獎學生名冊(含電子檔)、學生個人申請表、學生本人郵局(銀行) 存摺影本(使用銀行帳戶者需扣手續費)。(2) 學系推薦遴選會議紀錄或其他文件國立臺灣師範大學 學年度第 學期五育獎學金學生名冊學系名稱:編號申請類別 (請填寫德體群美四育名稱)姓名(戶名) 年級 學號 身分證字號 行庫代碼立帳局號(七碼) 受款帳號存簿帳號(七碼) 實發金額總計金額備註:除繳交紙本外,敬請將學生名冊電子檔於期限內傳至本組承辦人,謝謝!學系承辦人核章 系主任核章

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