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1、 雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 济南滨河小学英语 2B 期中试题Class_ Name_ No_ Score_Part 1 Listening(听力部分)50%I. Listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内) 12%( )1. A. PD B. BD ( )2. A. RP B. PR ( )3. A. TL B. TJ ( )4. A. un B. m n ( )5. A. p q B. q p ( )6. A. a r B. i r( )7. A. horse B. bear ( )8. A. table B. desk( )9. A

2、. skip B. swing ( )10 A. cow B. chick( )11. A. rubber B. pencil ( )12. A. quilt B. beltII. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组) 8%1. PQO OPQ QPO 2. DBR RDB BRD( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. EFG FEG GFE 4. LSN NSL SLN ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. vua vau uav 6. lmi ilm lim( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )7. pqb bqp bpq 8.

3、oas soa osa( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )III. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片) 6%1. 2.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. 4.雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )IV. Listen and match(听录音连线) 5%1. Draw a sheep the door. 2. Dont climb the classroom.3. Close the window.4. Open the tree.5. Come to on the ground.V. Li

4、sten and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内 )5%( )1. A. This is my room. B. This is my bed.( )2. A. I hear a pig. B. I see a pig.( )3. A. Look at the umbrella. B. There is an umbrella. ( )4. A. Sam can skip. B. Sam can swing.( )5. A. Ive got a rubber. B. Ive got a pencil.VI. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代

5、号写在括号内) 6%( )1. A. I can sing. B. He can sing.( )2. A. I see a rabbit B. I hear a chick.( )3. A. It is a cow. B. Yes, it is a cow.( )4. A. A park. B. A lamp.( )5. A. I hear a hen. B. I like a hen.( )6. A. It is on the table. B. I t is on the floor.雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 VII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“

6、T”表示正确, “F”表示错误) 8( )1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes “moo, moo”.( )2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the box.( )3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two small ears.( )4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red.Part 2 Writing(阅读部分) 50%

7、I. Copy the following (正确抄写字母和单词)10%N R U G K q p b d jcome friend brown grass tigerII. Look and circle (圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母)6%1.Q( a q d ) 2. t ( I L T ) 3. N ( n f m ) 4. r ( R V S ) 5. U ( v u x) 6. g ( G D J ) III. Look and write (看图,将单词写完整 ) 10%1) 2) 3) 4)sw_ _ g t _ b _ _ _ _ m _ h _ _ se5) 6) 7) 8

8、)雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 _ _bre_ _a _ _ n h_ _ c _ _ mb9) 10)s w _ _ t _ l_ ph_ ntIV. Read and choose (圈出不同类的词) 6%1 fly walk floor swim2 animal tiger chick panda3 orange cake banana peach4 look see here hear 5 pencil rubber ruler sweet 6 bed sofa room tableV. Read and choose (选择填空,将字母代号填入括号内)6%( )1. I hav

9、e _ orange. ( A. a B. an )( )2. _ do you see? A monkey. ( A. What B. Where )( )3. There _ three boys in the room. ( A. is B. are )( )4. _ you walk on the grass in the park? ( A. Are B. Can )( )5. _ here. ( A. Go B. Come )( )6. The cat can _. ( A. fly B. jump )VI. Read and judge( 读句子,判断正误,用“T”表示正确, “

10、F”表示错误) 8%( )1你看到了天空中的一只鸟,说,I hear a bird.( )2. 当你看见有人在公园里爬树,就劝他说,Climb the tree in the park.( )3. 小猫在你的床下,你说, There is a cat under my bed.雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 ( )4. 起风了,妈妈看见窗还开着就对你说,Close the window, please.VII. Read and choose(根据短文,圈出正确的内容 )4%I am in the park. I can see many fish in the river. I hear

11、 the bees on the flowers. I can play on the swing. But I can not walk on the grass. Look, this is my umbrella. It is pink. I can sit under my umbrella. I am happy.1. ( ) I am in the _. A. park B. zoo2. ( ) I can see many_ in the river. A. ducks B. fish3. ( ) My umbrella is _ A. red B. pink4. ( ) I c

12、an play on the _. A. grass B. swing 二年级牛津英语期中练习听力内容Part 1 Listening(听力部分) I. Listen and choose (听 录 音 , 找 出 听 到 的 字 母 组 或 单 词 , 将 字 母 代 号 写 在 括 号 内) 1. PD 2. R P 3. TJ 4. B. m n 5. p q 6. a r 7. bear 8. B 9. skip 10 cow 11. pencil 12. belt(A A B B A A B B A A B B)II. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组) 1

13、. OPQ 2. DBR 3. GFE 4. LSN 5. vau 6. lim 7. bqp 8. oas III. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片) 1. What do you see? I see a pig. 2. Is this a panda? Yes, it is.3. I have got an umbrella. 4. She can skip the rope. 5. There is a sofa in the room 6. What do you hear? I hear a plane.IV. Listen and match(听录音连线

14、) Draw a sheep on the ground. Dont climb the tree.Close the window. Open the door. Come to the classroom.V. Listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内) 1. This is my room. 2. I see a pig. 3. Look at the umbrella. 4. Sam can swing.5. Ive got a rubber. ( A B A B A)VI. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内

15、)1.What can you do? 2. What do you see? 3. Look, is it a cow? 4. Whats in your room?. 5. What do you hear? 6. Where is the sofa? ( A A B B A B )VII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“T”表示正确, “F”表示错误) 1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes “moo, moo”.2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the ball.雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two big ears.4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red. ( T F F T )

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