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本文(江苏省泰兴市第一高级中学2015届高三下学期期初检测英语试题 Word版含答案.doc)为本站会员(温***)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏省泰兴市第一高级中学2015届高三下学期期初检测英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

1、 高三英语期初检测2015.2.27一、单项选择:(共 35 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 35 分)1. By 2025, when the number of consumers worldwide has reached 4.2 billion, people with high income will be, for the first time, more than _ struggling to meet basic needs.A. one B. that C. those D. ones 2. The two girls, born four days _ in January

2、1986, have been friends since their junior days and both won the championship this year.A. off B. away C. apart D. ahead3. - Id like Johnson to take the job.- He is _. Better not add to his workload.A. out of shape B. out of order C. out of place D. out of question4. Many restaurant menus include th

3、e origins of a dish, _ it is prepared, what the main ingredients are, and which farms the ingredients come from. A. how B. when C. what D. which5. During the Doha round of global trade talks, joint efforts have been made by China and India to _ a fair and just world order.A. push on B. push for C. p

4、ush aside D. push through6. _ to the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Lingen Palace, many of _ decorations made from fragrant type of wood native to China.A. Added; its B. Added; whose C. Adding; its D. Adding; whose7. The purpose of a security _ is to protect the landlord against you damagi

5、ng the rental unit or skipping out on your rent.A. deposit B. pension C. currency D. privilege8. With the little _ money, the child told me in a _ voice that on the way home most of his money had been stolen.A. remaining; trembled B. remaining; trembling C. remained; trembled D. remained; trembled9.

6、 - What clothes should we wear to attend the ball?- Dress _ you like.A. how B. what C. however D. whatever10. What a wonder! Theyve finished _ half of the project in such a short time.A. no more than B. not more than C. no less than D. much less than11. The important thing is not just to_ more produ

7、cts but to improve the quality and reduce the cost.A. make out B. take out C. give out D. turn out12. Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailingbut we seem_ that art of communicating face-to-face.A. losing B. to be lost C. having lost D. to be losing13. When disturbed, your mind becomes diff

8、icult to see. _ you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.A. Unless B. If C. Until D. Since14. -So you gave her your iPhone 6?-_, she said shed return it to me when she could afford her own.A. Not exactly B. All right C. My pleasure D. No doubt15. We cannot play a waiting game _ we bet on fut

9、ure technological miracles.A. since B. as C. what D. where16. Hurry up! Here comes the last boarding call for our flight for Berlin.Oh, no! I _ my passport! Where _put it?A. lose; could I B. have lost; could I have C. lost; might I D. had lost; can I have17. A small action can make a big difference,

10、 and _ couldnt be truer when it comes to the efforts to cut down on carbon emissions in China.A. what B. which C. that D. as18. In the movie Automata the human face has been reduced to 21 million people, _Earth is a radioactive desert, mostly _the sun is burning too brightly.A. where; when B. while;

11、 as C. since; because D. when; where19. The goal of The Shawshank Kedemption is to show the viewer that with strength and patience, hope and the _of that hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.A. practice B. preservation C. revision D. reward20. I was told that there were some problems with

12、the demolition(拆迁)work. Hows it going now?-_.Everything is back on the rails.A. Thats OK. B. All right C. All sorted D. Dont mention it21. Im afraid if she found the fact that the antique shes got at great expense _a fake, she would be as mad as a wet hen.A. was B. is C. will be D. had been22. -Are

13、you satisfied with the accommodation during your stay in Xian?-The room was a little cold, but it _us a fine view of the old city.A. adored B. preserved C. provided D. afforded23. Around 1450 B.C., the volcano erupted violently and completely changed the geographic features of mountain; yet the vill

14、age at the foot of it should_.A. go through B. get through C. pass through D. come through24. The European market has long been favoring a good many African and Caribbean countries, _former colonies of Britain France.A. many of whom B. many of which C. many of them D. and many of them25. -Could you

15、please explain the assignment for Monday, Miss Smith?-Certainly. Read the next chapter and come to class _ to discuss what youve read.A. prepared B. preparing C. to prepare D. to be prepared26. -Did you stay at the party until the very end last night?-No, I left as early as was _with politeness.A. c

16、ontent B. patient C. permanent D. consistent27. Maury Brown of Forbes reports that Major League Baseballs annual _ for 2014 will top $9 billion.A. rates B. allowances C. revenues D. accounts28. Personal space is the region surrounding a person _ they regard as psychologically theirs.A. who B. when C

17、. which D. where29. China _ at a tremendous rate, an outstanding achievement never seen before, during the past two decades.A. developed B. has developed C. is developing D. had been developing30. “Does anybody know the definition of Nerd?” _ the host seated in the front.A. asked B. asking C. ask D.

18、 to ask31. The tragedy calls for gun control measures _ 26 people were killed in the school shooting in Newtown.A. where B. that C. which D. why32. - How do you find the new secretary?- Hes ambitious _, and a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications at worst.A. at random B. at risk C. at be

19、st D. at least33. As soon as his teacher begins lecturing, he begins to doze off, not intentionally but _.A. personally B. randomly C. habitually D. unconditionally34. Women at that time were _ the right to vote because they were not treated equally as men.A. denied B. neglected C. refused D. ignore

20、d35. - Shall we drive to the Xixi wetlands in Hangzhou for a trip during the vacation?- It sounds like a good idea, but _ before giving you my response.A. I would feel blue B. Id like to sleep on itC. I will be over the moon D. I will fly off the handle.二、完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)Everyone enjoys

21、 a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time! When I was a senior in high school, I 36 knew I wanted to pursue writing as a career.Writing had basically 37 me when I was only 7 years old, 38 since that time, Id been bombarded by guidance counselors and career planners w

22、ho all 39 me to have “a back-up plan” in case writing didnt work out.Id never even 40 a different career path, so I was very 41 and worried. After much thought, I decided 42 would be my “back-up plan,” and I signed up for a class through my high school.This 43 that every morning, I would serve as a

23、teachers helper for my favorite 6th grade teacher, Mr. Ralston. Morning after morning, I showed up in Mr. Ralstons classroom and 44 papers for him.Sometimes, I even 45 a lesson or two. It was fun, and the students seemed to like me, so I was surprised when it came time for my 46 . Mr. Ralston looked

24、 me right in the eyes and asked, “Do you really want to teach?”“Had I really been that 47 ?” I thought.“Dont misunderstand. Youll do fine in teaching,” he continued. “But, is your 48 really in it?”“Not really,” I 49 . “I want to write. I want to write news stories and fiction and poetry and so much

25、morebut Ive been told its tough to make it as a writer 50 I thought maybe I would teach and then use my summers 51 to pursue writing.”As I shared with Mr. Ralston my hopes, dreams and carefully plotted-out back-up plan, he smiled and said, “Why are you preparing to 52 with this back-up plan? If you

26、want to be a writer, go for it! Pursue writing!”Mr. Ralstons 53 to follow my dreams was the little nudge I needed to help me push past my 54 of not making it as a writer and simply “Go for it!”Thats what an encouraging word will do when spoken in love in 55 season. So, lets try and be like Mr. Ralst

27、on and speak that word of encouragement at just the right time and make a difference in someones life today.36. A. even B. also C. never D. already37. A. chosen B. reminded C. entertained D. accompanied38. A. or B. but C. for D. and39. A. urged B. forced C. taught D. persuaded40. A. created B. taken

28、 C. examined D. considered41. A. annoyed B. frightened C. confused D. embarrassed42. A. writing B. studying C. teaching D. compiling43. A. meant B. indicated C. suggested D. revealed44. A. read B. set C. graded D. composed45. A. took B. skipped C. presented D. reviewed46. A. application B. instructi

29、on C. evaluation D. qualification47. A. shallow B. ambitious C. superior D. transparent48. A. eye B. mind C. focus D. heart49. A. joked B. admitted C. apologized D. interrupted50. A. so B. if C. because D. unless51. A. up B. off C. along D. apart52. A. fail B. follow C. depart D. compete53. A. attem

30、pt B. tendency C. determination D. encouragement 54. A. dreams B. fears C. regrets D. mistakes55. A. due B. low C. peak D. new三、阅读理解:(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)AOnly Eris, goddess of discord, was not invited. She was annoyed at this, so she arrived with a golden apple carved with the word ? (kallisti,

31、 “for the fairest“), which she threw among the goddesses. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena all claimed to be the fairest, and thus the rightful owner of the apple.The goddesses chose to place the matter before Zeus, who, not wanting to favor one of the goddesses, put the choice into the hands of Paris, a

32、 Trojan prince. After bathing in the spring of Mount Ida where Troy was situated, the goddesses appeared before Paris for his decision. The goddesses undressed before him to be evaluated, either at his request or by their own choice.Still, Paris could not decide, as all three were ideally beautiful,

33、 so they turned to bribes(贿赂).Hera tried to bribe Paris with control over all Asia and Europe, while Athena offered wisdom, fame and glory in battle, but Aphrodite came forth and whispered to Paris that if he were to choose her as the fairest he would have the most beautiful mortal woman in the worl

34、d as a wife, and he accordingly chose her. This woman was Helen, who was, unfortunately for Paris, already married to King Menelaus of Sparta. The other two goddesses were annoyed by this andthrough Helens being taken away by Paris they brought about the Trojan War.Another interpretation is that the

35、 apple was being given to the man by the three goddesses, instead of to one of the goddesses. This is the interpretation mythologists and writers trying to find more about ancient Greek myths that date from before the classical period. The later interpretation is considered a different interpretatio

36、n of icons(偶像) in the distant past, to adapt to the changes in the evolution of the Greek Gods in myths.It is suspected that the icons relate to a religious ritual (宗教仪式) in which a “king“ was selected who would serve for a year (or a specified period) before being sacrificed and that the cycle woul

37、d be renewed upon his death. Robert Graves was a strong supporter of this theory and it is written about in many of his publications(books), such as The Greek Myths and The White Goddess. This also was suggested in the early versions of an extensive analysis of Greek mythology, The Golden Bough by J

38、ames George Frazer. In a later editions Frazer completely revised the book and left out his research and discussion of these rituals in the shortened edition that is known by that title today.These interpretations relate to a concept of a Great Goddess, a Mother Goddess, and the religious worship of

39、 such a goddess in very ancient Greek culture. It took a triad(三合一) form, one phase being Athena along with Hera and Aphrodite and others in her matrilineal(母系的) line (grandmother, mother, etc.) such as (Gaia, Rhea, Hera, Metis), and myths that arose through interpretations (or misinterpretations) o

40、f icons from earlier cultural periods. The apple would have been given to the “king“ the three goddesses selected.56. Why did Eris throw the golden apple among the goddess?A. She planned to set off the Trojan War.B. She intended to select a fairest goddess.C. Not invited to the wedding, she paid the

41、m back.D. She wanted to pose an awkward question to Zeus.57. How did the Trojan War break out according to the first interpretation?A. Helen betrayed Paris and married King Menelaus of Sparta.B. Hera and Athena was angry about Paris choice and brought the war.C. Paris was ambitious to control over a

42、ll Asia and Europe to win Helen.D. King Menelaus of Sparta made up an excuse to take control of Troy58. How many interpretations about the apple are mentioned in the passage?A. one B. two C. three D. fourBThere are people in Italy who cant stand soccer. Not all Canadians love hockey. A similar situa

43、tion exists in America, where there are those individuals you may be one of them who frown when somebody mentions baseball. Baseball to them means boring hours watching grown men in funny tight outfits standing around in a field staring away while very little of anything happens. They tell you its a

44、 game better suited to the 19th century, slow, quiet, and gentlemanly. These are the same people you may be one of them who love football because theres the sport that values “the hit”.By contrast, baseball seems abstract, cool, silent, still.On TV the game is divided into a dozen perspectives, repl

45、ays, close-ups. The geometry(几何学) of the game, however, is essential to understanding it. You will view the game from one point as a painter does his subject; you may, of course, project yourself into the game. It is in this projection that the game affords so much space and time for involvement. The TV wont do it for you.Take, for example, the third baseman. You sit behind the third base and you watch him watching home plate. His legs are apart, knees flexed(弯曲). His arms hang loose. He does a lot of this. The skeptic(怀疑论者) still cannot think of

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