1、南京审计大学外国留学生入学申请表Application Form for International Students of Nanjing Audit University请用中文或英文填写此表格。请用电脑打印或用蓝色或黑色钢笔认真书写表格内容。请在所选项框内划表示。不按规定填写的表格将视作无效。Please complete the form in Chinese or English. If the form is not filled in on PC, please write legibly in black or blue ink. Please indicate with “”
2、 in the box chosen. Any forms that do not follow the notes will be invalid.1.申请人情况/Personal Information:护照用名/Passport Name: 姓/Family Name: _名/Given Name: _国籍/Nationality: _护照号码/Passport No.: _出生日期/Date of Birth: 日/Day 月/Month 年/Year_ 出生地点/Place of Birth: 国家 /Country:_ 城市/City: Gender: 男/Male 女/Femal
3、e Marital Status: 已婚/Married 未婚/Single 宗教/Religion: 当前联系地址/Present Address:_ 电话/Tel: E-mail: Country Code Area Code Phone Number永久通信地址/Permanent Address: 电话/Tel: E-mail: Country Code Area Code Phone Number2. 本人简历(从高中开始)/Curriculum Vitae (Starting from high school)单位 时间(年/月年/ 月) 主修专业/职业Previous and C
4、urrent Month/Years Attended Fields of Study/Education or Employer (from/to) Type of Job照片Photo48mm 33mm3. 汉语能力/Chinese Language Proficiency:很好/Excellent: 好/Good: 较好/Fair : 差/Poor: 不会/None:HSK 考试等级或其他类型汉语考试成绩/ Level of HSK test or other certificates which can show your Chinese level: 4. 来华学习计划/Propos
5、ed Study in China:a). 本科生 /Bachelors Degree Candidate: 硕士研究生/Masters Degree Candidate: 语言生/Language Program Candidate: b). 申请来华学习专业或研究专题/Subject or Field of Study in China: _c). 申请专业学习时间/Duration of the Major Study:自/From: 年/Year 月/Month 至/To: 年/Year 月/Month 5. 拟学习或研究的详细内容(可另附纸)/ Please describe the details of your study or research plan in NAU (an extra paper can be attached if this space is not enough):_ _ _6. 曾发表的主要学术论文、著作及作品/Academic papers, writing 预祝您申请成功!Wish your application successful!