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1、正方教务管理系统选课操作步骤Operation steps on How to Register Selective Courses of Zhengfang Management System使用 Google Chrome 浏览器登录正方教务系统进行选课,地址:http:/172.1 6.19.170/(校内)或 http:/ 初始密码:888888点击登录后系统提示修改密码(图 1),更改密码后进入用户首页。Log in Zhengfang Management System with Google Chrome Browser via http:/ (on-

2、campus) or http:/ (off-campus). The account number is consistent with your Student ID; The original password is 888888.After logging in, you are required to change the password(FIG. 1); Then enter the User Home.图 1 修改初始密码界面FIG. 1 Page for changing the original password选课主要用到选课菜单下的“学生课表查询”和“选课”两个菜单(图

3、2)。Original passwordNew passwordConfirm the new passwordMenus of “Curriculum query for students” and “Autonomous curricula-variable ” under the “Curricula-variable” menu are for course selection(FIG. 2).图 2 选课菜单界面FIG. 2 Curricula-variable Menu点击“学生课表查询”,选学期、点查询后可以查询个人课表(图 3)。Click “Curriculum query

4、for students”Menu; Choose the semester; Click “Search” Button for individual curriculum.(FIG. 3)图 3 学生课表查询界面Curriculum query for studentsAutonomous curricula-variable Individual CurriculumFIG. 3 Curriculum query for students选课菜单界面点击“选课”,进入选课界面(图 4)。Click “Autonomous curricula-variable” menu for cour

5、se selection page. (FIG. 4 )选课界面主要包含三块信息:1、已选课程信息;2、条件筛选区;3、符合条件的课程列表区。Course selection page contains three parts: 1. Information of courses having been selected; 2. Filter conditions; 3. List of available courses based on your filter conditions. 图 4 选课界面FIG. 4 Autonomous curricula-variable Page点击“查

6、询”后,下拉,可见符合条件的课程列表区(图 5)。Click “Search”, drop down for the available courses based on the filter conditions. (FIG. 5)Click here to see the courses you have selected.Filter conditions for coursesAvailable courses based on your filter conditions.图 5 符合条件的课程列表区FIG. 5 Available courses Page选课步骤:Steps of

7、 course-selecting:第一步:先点击已选课程信息部分查看已选课程的信息和空余时间(图6);Step 1: Click the yellow box to see the information of the courses you have selected and your unoccupied time.(FIG. 6)第二步:根据实际需要选择或者输入筛选条件,然后点击“查询按钮”Step 2: According to your need, choose or type the filter conditions; then click “Search” button. 第

8、三步:在课程列表区选择(图 7)或者退掉(图 8)相应的课程。Step 3: Select (FIG. 7) or cancel (FIG. 8) the courses in the list of available courses.图 6 已选课程信息FIG. 6 Courses you have selectedInformation of courses selected andunoccupied time. 图 7 选课FIG. 7 Select the course图 8 退课FIG. 8 Cancel the course完成通识选修课(最多 2 门)的选课,然后在已选课程信

9、息或者学生课表查询区再次确认课程是否选择成功,就可以退出账号并关掉 Google chrome 浏览器,以免他人更改您的选课。Finish the course-selecting of General Knowledge Selective Courses(up to 2); and then in click the box for the courses having been selected or “Curriculum query for students” Menu to confirm the courses are selected successfully. Log out and turn off Google Chrome browser, so as to avoid others to change your Selection.Select the courseCancel the course

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