英文食谱:红烧排骨的做法 Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce 中英双语How to make home-style Chinese pork ribs tender without over-cooked? Today I would like to recommend this popular dish which is one of our family favorites. The recipe is super easy, the added sweet and sour taste would make your mouth water.家常排骨怎么红烧才好吃?不用长时间炖也能让它嫩?今天向大家推荐的是我家饭桌上的美味红烧排骨,家里大人小孩都喜欢。一点点糖醋味,入味也挺适合。做法超级简单,当我很想偷懒时也会考虑做它。Yield: 3-4 servings(3-4人份) / Start to finish : 20 minutes(用时20分钟左右)Ingredients:原料:. 1 + 3/4 cup(300g)pork